Recently, an animated film called “White Snake: Origin” was also screened in the major theaters. This work has received a lot of attention before it was released. First of all, it is an animated film co-produced by China and the United States. It is the first co-production animated film of Warner Bros. in China. When it comes to the co-production of China and the United States, I think of the Journey to the West in the second half of the year… Secondly, this film is based on the famous Chinese mythical novel “White Snake”. Adapted from the biography, so there are many people concerned

After the release of “White Snake: Origin”, the work was also recognized by many audiences with its excellent production. The box office broke through 50 million in four days. Its score on the Douban Online is as high as 8.1 points, which is much higher than the 5.8 points of the “Detective Conan” theatrical version of “The Zero Performer” of last year. Next, let’s take a look at the audience on the watercress who praised the work for some high praise

First of all, let’s take a look at the evaluation of a five-star audience. “Is Boss really not a tyrant? Why is the snake mother so like A Yixuan? So this is a fifteen ban, right? The bed scene is too late! The ink-inspired wind is so beautiful. If the ink-and-wash is dead, will it be even more amazing? But the film style is also invincible! The background is too fine! It seems to be a real shot. The end of the Qingcheng Mountain is under the memory!”

This one is also a five-star rating. “The beautiful style, the black-and-white ink-blood image, the romantic story, the white snake and Xu Xian’s beautiful love can be almost perfectly interpreted; the film how people and demon coexist The core, starting with the proposition of good and evil, is used to interpret the marriage between the immortal and the white snake. At the same time, the “description” of the five elements and ancient music in the film depicts the proposition of “previous life and present life”. The best of all.”

Next is a four-star evaluation. “The first domestic surprise in 2019 is beyond expectations. Although there are still common problems with the expression of a little stiff character, it is better than “Wind Mantra”, and The picture is exquisite, the composition is exquisite, the Chinese style is finally no longer the accumulation of materials, but the classical charm, it is rare, sincere works, there are also levels.”

Then let’s take a look at an audience rating for Samsung. The audience said that “White Snake: Origin” has added a modern adaptation to the classic myths and legends, and truly achieved the two styles of style. The picture is exquisite, but it is partial to the adult, and some of the plots are not suitable for children. However, the plot still has some abruptness, and the image of the characters is not enough

Finally, let’s take a look at a rating for one star. “It’s already dead. The love of this worm is so disgusting. Who sees who? You said that your style is so delicate and flawless. Can you spend a few dollars with a qualified screenwriter?” It seems that this audience is still not satisfied with this work

Although there are bad reviews on the top, but there is still a lot of praise, or you can not get a high score of 8.1. However, most of the audience’s evaluations reflect a problem, that is, this work has a lot of plots and naked pictures are not suitable for children, although the works are good, but it is not recommended for minors to watch

Have you seen this work at the cinema? What do you think of this work? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. If you like this article, don’t forget to like, collect, share and support me. Your support is my motivation

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