“one Piece” is the most popular anime work today, and the image of the characters inside must be very clear to everyone. In the works, the costumes of the characters generally come back and forth in a few sets, unless they are in a particular country, or a theatrical version, these characters will wear different styles of clothing. Recently, on the Internet, there is a big god who painted the nine characters in One Piece and put on modern clothes. Let’s take a look

1. Luffy.

In the works, Luffy’s clothing is often one or two sets, usually wearing a small red vest, a lower five-point jeans, two years later, he has a yellow belt on his waist, and 10,000 The same year’s straw hat. And Luffy, who wears modern clothes, looks very youthful and handsome, and is very young

2. Sauron.

In the beginning of “One Piece”, Sauron’s dress was a white T-shirt with deep green trousers and ankle-length black boots. After two years of war on the top, Sauron’s costume became a green robe. Plus his green hair, it looks green and very energetic. He looks so cool when he puts on modern clothes

3. Female Emperor.

Female Emperor Poya Hankuk’s dress in “One Piece” is more sexy and bold, and she likes to wear cheongsam, giving a glamorous and noble feeling. And wearing a modern outfit, she lost a glamorous, more lively, and still looks very beautiful

4. Sanji.

Sanji’s dresses in the works are usually tied with a tie, a black jacket, a shirt inside or a three-piece suit with different suits, which is in line with his gentleman’s setting. The modern clothing version of Sanji did not wear his iconic suit, and the clothes looked younger and more fashionable

5. Luo.

Luo’s dressing in “One Piece” can be said to be more tidal, with a spotted cap, wearing long sleeves, pants are light blue spotted pants, sometimes wearing a large windbreaker. And this modern clothing version of Luo looks too handsome, with the big knife in his hand, it looks very cool

6. Ace.

In “One Piece”, Ace’s clothing is relatively simple, wearing a cowboy hat on the head, the upper body is usually bare-chested, and the lower body is wearing a pair of shorts. The hat of Ais in modern clothes is still the same hat, but the whole person looks more handsome, but I don’t know if this dress can be fireproof?

7. Redhead.

“One Piece” in the dress of the Shanks is generally wearing a white shirt, only half of the buttons, sometimes wearing a black long cloak, wearing white seven-pants printed with patterns, wearing flip-flops at the foot With a knife on his waist, it looks very unscrupulous. And the Shanks wearing modern clothes seem to have a few sloppy temperament, a little more mature and stable

8. More Fleminger.

In the works, you should be very clear about the dressing of the flamenco, always wearing sunglasses, wearing pink feather coats and cropped trousers, getting used to wearing pointed shoes, looks very fashionable. And Dolfranming, who wore modern clothes, didn’t look so wild. Of course, there is still a handsome

9.Eagle Eye Mick.

鹰眼米霍克 is generally wearing a black top hat with white fluff on the head, a burgundy pattern shirt on the upper body, sometimes a black trench coat, and a white trousers on the lower body. Black booties with a cross knife on the chest and a black knife behind them. The modern eagle eye is black all over the body, with a black hat and a black knife behind it, it looks super-dominant

After reading the modern dresses of these nine characters, which one do you think is the most handsome? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. If you like this article, don’t forget to like, collect, share and support me. Your support is my motivation

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