“laidbackers” was released in October last year, and it was the original animation of the “Heisei Final” theater produced by the five groups of the team, including the supervised Hashimoto Yuki, the script on the Jiangzhou Cheng and other strengths. This Animage published an interview with Hashimoto’s supervision, and introduced the original animation of this theater to everyone

The story tells about the beauty of Miyuki Hiroshi, who is moving to Kyoto in order to inherit the grandmother’s shop, and found that there are three people plus one dog in the shop that should have been empty. It is actually a brave from the “reverse” of the world of swords and magic to the modern Kyoto! Because of the loss of power due to the influence of reincarnation, Jiumei couldn’t bear to drive them out of the house without helplessness and common sense, so they began to cohabit with this strange group of partners. The brave liberated from the sense of mission of the world, and began to get used to this peaceful world, one by one to live a free life. But one day, the same reversal of the devil who was born in this world appeared in front of them, and announced to the group “Do you want to collect the fragments of the devil with me?”

This work was born because Shang Jiangzhou, who is responsible for the script, wanted to try to make original works, so in the initial stage, Shangjiang Prefecture has already decided the overall direction of the characters and stories, and then through other STAFF This is based on the finishing changes. Hashimoto’s supervisor recalled that many of the animations were completed in a single article when he was a child, such as “Little Trouble”, and there are many works that can be fun wherever you start. This kind of idea, even if you don’t understand the setting or don’t know the story so far, but also makes the audience happy, is the core of this work

Just like the “no adventure, no fight, long live Nite” advertised in PV, the original consideration of the direction of the work is that no need to fight, simply describe the daily story of reversing the brave. However, Hashimoto’s supervisor felt that since it was a theatrical version of the animation, it was a bit unreasonable to make this type of theme into a daily film. In the end, it was decided to use the battle to express the handsome fighting heroes of the original brave. However, after such a decision, Hashimoto’s supervision encountered new problems. The nature that opposes the brave is the devil, but this key demon has lost all its power and turned into a cute primary school girl after reversing the birth. So what exactly do the original brave fighters have to fight? And this question will also determine the direction of the whole story

Hashimoto’s supervision said that although Lan as a demon can’t see the final BOSS breath from the present appearance, in this article, I will show you some of her powerful posture during the Devil’s period, so now She is just a beautiful girl who needs everyone to guard, but in contrast, because of the reversal of the generation of primary school students, Lan can learn a variety of things in elementary school and generate new values, and this new value is also a collection of blue. The real reason for the “Devil King”. On the other hand, the former Princess Knight’s Alnelia, as the leader of the brave, led the PLA to force the devil into the imprisonment. She lost her sense of responsibility to the demon king and made her look like a marshmallow during her reincarnation. Dog. But even if the reincarnation becomes a dog, Alnelia still has a strong sense of responsibility. While other brave people are adapting to and enjoying the Japanese living environment in their respective positions, she still maintains her initial heart and shoulders the mission of repelling the demon king. This also makes her the core part of the whole story

Finally, Hashimoto’s supervision said that “LAIDBACKERS” is a work that everyone in the production team is very happy to make, so confident that the audience will feel interesting after reading, the story will probably be like the first quarter animation in the sixth If the words ushered in the end of the initial climax, I hope everyone can support!

  • “Animage” February issue

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