John UM
Dc’s big super has many versions. In addition to the ordinary one, Superman can be said to be the most powerful role in DC amplification. Until the infinite Earth crisis, the ability of DC characters gradually became “normal.” Baiyin Chao, Jin Chao, and thinking are the strongest Superman!

Silver Superman.

The comic silver period is also the peak of silver super. No matter which version of Superman’s ability source is the sun, but the premise is the yellow sun, the red sun of the comet will only make Superman weaker. The recovery rate of exposure to the sun will double

Speed, silver super flight speed can break multiple time barriers, and can change the past through time and space like Flash. The DC also added a limit to the speed of the later Super Speed, which was slightly lower than the Flash and continued until now
Strength is a super-excellent attribute, and a silver sneeze blows the entire solar system to the edge of the Milky Way. Use a chain to drag a Jupiter-sized, multi-million-dollar planet from the dying Milky Way to another

From the ability to blow out the frost of the sun in one breath to create a tornado that moves the entire planet, his ability is unquestionable, showing how the DC set him up at the time…
However, Silver Super is not the strongest version.
Golden Superman.
In November 1998, the 38th issue of the short story “DC Million” was released, which introduced the 853th century DC universe, including the Alpha Justice League and Jin Chao. The reason why the 853th century was chosen was because of the speed of DC distribution at that time. Calculated, 1 million copies of comics will be waiting until the 853th century
DC Million Superman started out as the supreme super, the origin, life experience and the Clark Kent we know are no different. After passing the clothes to the second generation Superman, they left the earth and began to travel through various time and space. Gained different abilities
Returning to the Earth’s Supreme Super and the second generation Superman, a vow, as long as he defends justice for the truth, he gives him the power he has acquired, and then enters the sun to build a lonely fortress, which lasted for 15,000 years

When the anti-virus Sun Solaris invaded the Earth again, when the whole world was swapping Superman, the Supreme Super, who had come out of the sun, had become a golden superman, and he absorbed the 15,000 years of sunlight. Jin Chao was born, the poisonous sun was pinched…
The current Superman released the sun flare for the first time in the new 52. The huge power allowed him to rest for several days, and Jin Chao’s super solar flare could release the equivalent of 100 million megatons of nuclear power. It is his ability to create life, change reality, and appear anywhere at any time
But he is not the strongest form of Dachao!
Thinking Superman.

Thinking for the first time in the big event “Final Crisis” debut, in order to fight against the dark monitor Mandrak, summoned five superhumans of the Earth: the main world super, super fighter, overlord, surprise captain and Adam captain. The super-hegemon was betrayed by the squad, in order to defend the DC universe, the main world superman and the anti-material super-hegemony, the monitors created a huge armor

This also gave birth to the strongest version of Superman – Thinking Superman! Superman’s willpower is much higher than antimatter superpower, so the actual control of the body is the Clark Kent of the main world
DC Universe is just a small area of super-empty space. Anything happening in the multiverse is even a dark night, an infinite earth crisis and a final crisis. It is just a small “it itching” that can’t be small. The big BOSS anti-monitor is the character created by Super Void to explore the universe
Although Jin Chao and Bai Chao are very strong, they can’t jump out of the scope of DC’s multi-universe. Super-thinking is a super-defense, and its status is far above the DC universe. So the ability to think superman is also the strongest of the three versions:
1. Have the ability to protect the super void and remove the multiverse.
2. Anything that shapes the multiverse by thinking.
3. Any method can be used to correct any errors.
4. As a character that can break the fourth wall, thinking can hear the reader’s breathing, even the reader picks up the comic book, and he has tried to touch the reader through the comic.
5. You can hear Louise Ryan’s heartbeat outside the universe

Superman thinking is the representative of order, until he is satisfied with super empty, he can override everything, but he will only appear when he is needed