In the trailer of “Reunification IV” in 2018, Iron Man, who was lonely and wandering in the vast universe, was very embarrassed. Then, in the trailer of Little Spider, everyone started a new life if nothing happened. Netizens began to speculate whether it was After the end of the war, the use of infinite gems erased the existence of Iron Man, and this conjecture was a mourning for thousands of people

Then, in the Marvel universe, the captain who can be said to be able to tore off the tyrant’s strongest combat power also entered the public’s field of vision. The cool trailer made many fans of the Marvels begin to rejoice and look forward to the women of 2019. Section

However, Marvel did not stop thinking. On January 23, foreign media announced that Marvel had regularly filmed the “Black Widow” independent film in Croatia and Miami on February 28, 2019. It is expected to be released in 2020

The “Black Widow” independent film is still starred by Scarlett Johansson. The background of the story is set in the United States 15 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, probably around 2006, and the story of Iron Man began in 2008..

Although the official has not released information about the plot of the movie, it can be speculated that the story will tell how the black widow turned from a savage agent to a member of the Avengers League and even decrypted it. The growth experience of a demon agent

The role of the black widow first appeared in the Marvel movie universe in Iron Man II, and was arranged by the director of Furui to monitor his actions next to Iron Man Tony Stark. Many people are voicing, not just a normal agent. Why do they become a team with the beauty team born by the “Super Soldiers Plan” and even the Protoss Thor

In fact, in the official setting of the comics, Natasha is only 8 years younger than the US team. She was trained as a secret agent in the Soviet Union from an early age, and her body was genetically modified in the secret facility “Red House”, which greatly delayed Its aging speed, and enhance its immune system and anti-strike ability, so in essence, the black widow and the US team belong to the same type of superhero

In the current many Marvel Superhero movies, the Black Widow has excellent performance. In “Captain America II”, the United States teamed up with the US team to expose a conspiracy to threaten global security, and confronted the winter soldiers. In the “Avengers”, it recalled the eagle eye controlled by Rocky. Superheroes work together to save the planet

But as the first generation of Avengers continues to increase, superheroes with all sorts of powerful abilities continue to emerge, making it seem that some of the black widows are marginalized in this group, and more of them are remembered in subsequent works. It is only possible to have Scarlett Johansson’s proud figure and the emotional line with the Hulk

Before Marvel was squandered by a netizen who lacked a female hero, the launch of this independent film is also a positive response to this question, and will undoubtedly make the role of the black widow more in the Marvel universe. The emphasis is on having more performance stages

In addition to the mystery of this charming agent, the protagonist Scarlett Johansson is another highlight of the film. NBA superstar Durant also published a shocking remark that “I am willing to drink her bath water.”

Although the amount of information released by the filmmakers is quite small, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the netizens for the “Black Widow” independent film. I believe that there will be related stills and trailers released soon, let us look forward to Marvel The appearance of a goddess! Text / Poison River Baby Dolphin

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