• Book name. : “The Box of Void and Zero Mia” (emptyろの箱と零のマリア).
  • Author :御影 瑛路.
  • Illustrator. :415 (2 rolls up and renamed Yuxiong).
  • Japan Publishing. :アスキー・メディアワークス电撃图书馆, 7 卷完完.
  • Continental Electronic Edition. : Tencent Anime.

There is a word extra fire in 2018 – Koi, from lying to win the way to forwarding to get rich, rain and dew seems to be insufficient to resist the life of people, only to become the son of the election can regain happiness

A mysterious “ Wishing Box” is on the way, rumors that having a box can be achieved without any hassle, and ignoring the sneer of the black hand behind the scenes, the imaginative readers rush to the light novel “The Box of the Void” Zero Ma Liya

Nobody knows how the box appears out of thin air, except for the author Yu Yinglu. The “empty box” series is a long-lasting work. The Japanese version was released in January 2009, and in June 2015, it was finally completed in seven volumes. Fortunately, there was no pit. The content of the novels in the seven volumes has changed a lot, and the style of suspenseful darkness is like one, and it becomes the masterpiece of Yu Ying teacher

The stage is located in the 1st and 6th classes of the male star Xingye Yihui in the high school. Today is March 2, Yihui is going to the school as usual, chatting with friends in the 3rd and 5th, the new classmates have no color to turn, just Like every campus story that can be seen everywhere. But the strange feeling is like the windy summer wind, the unusual counting paragraphs scattered around the pages of the book, reminding Yihui, this is not the first March 2 he experienced; also reminds the reader, 1 Class 6 is a closed space that is outside the real world

转学生音无彩矢 carries a lot of information, trying to guide Yihui out of the “box” control, at least to find out the “owner” of the box, and at this time, Yihui is not sure whether he is the protagonist of the story.The first volume is a full range of style positioning. The first person perspective of Hoshino Kazuo is full of self-argument. Why did we repeat the cluelessness on March 2, we all know that the mystery cannot be separated from the empty box, but unfortunately This mountain.”

A little extraction, you will find that the plot follows the problem → method → solve the linear logic, the owner makes a wish to the box, causing the time after March 3 to be rejected, the box is pulled off from the owner Or, if you destroy it with your owner, you can break the loop. The cause is clear, and there is still a gap in the middle

With the deepening of the puzzle, the classmates of the 1st and 6th classes gradually went out of control, the process repeated many times, the scenes frequently switched, and the strong will also rivaled the endless reincarnation, which made the ending a little crazy.The dust has not yet settled, and the second volume of the “empty box” series began to change the content, the possibility of exploring characters and boxes from different angles

Two to seven volumes of many students have won a lot of plays as the main supporting role. For example, Dalingyi, who was active in the latter half, turned the three or four volumes into a survival game by himself. Although the game “Keeping the King’s Country” is a meaningless escape, the players involved in it have to be jealous and kill each other according to the rules until they are repeatedly played

The six-seven-volume story is actively promoted by the campus to conquer the world. The box can be strengthened again with the setting of “achieving any desire”, focusing on the empty box and the unsolved suspense of zero. In the Greek mythology, Pandora opened the magic box, and all the evils in the world flew out. Only the “hope” was left at the bottom of the box. Several characters in the “empty box” series used the box to make different wishes. All good promises can be turned into pure white, sweet despair

The author’s subjective will play a big role, whether it is Yihui’s childhood sweetheart, the wild girl’s heart sound, the secret girl Mao Muxia, or the optimistic friend Yujing Yangming, who suffered from the “destruction” of Yu Ying’s teacher. The heroine’s soundless color is the whole set of fire points, and her foreshadowing is directly at the core of the novel

First of all, the name, the title of the book “Maria” and the “soundless color” of this article mean the same person. For the reason of not spoiling the above, the name used at the beginning of the game is used, and the heroine is not replaced halfway.The stagnation of March 2 is the story of Yihui, who is the box owner who pulls in the 1st and 6th class of outsiders, so she is a “transfer student”, and in the story of Maria, she chooses to use the box to get happiness

Mali’s wish is the hidden line of the novel, and Yihui is the driving force behind this line. Despite the shift in the mid-term plot, the role of Marcia was slightly scribbled, ending with a confrontation between the glory and the “O”, and the title “Zero Ma Liya.” The relationship between the two of the boxes is very important. When the will of Yihui goes beyond the limits of the box’s wishes, it is possible to turn the impossible into a possible relationship and realize their love

The “happiness” sought by the characters has different specific directions, but its connotation falls into the “emptiness” without exception. The seemingly omnipotent box is only a catalyst for desire, and the fantasies will eventually Going to destruction in his own spiritual dilemma. Countless people are struggling to find happiness that they can’t get in their lifetime. They will easily start with a box. The happiness discussed in the “Empty Box” series is “incomplete happiness.”

Between suspense + fantasy style, the novel throws a lot of settings in the seven volumes, and then relies on reasoning and reversal to portray the ups and downs of the plot. Most of the plots can be said to be self-explanatory. There are almost no cases where the reasoning does not go down and take the fantasy to make up the number. However, the frequent confession and analysis raise the reading threshold. The reader needs to follow the protagonist’s thinking and think about it..

Yu Ying’s work has a clear personal style and is mostly dark. In 2015, he and his friends created the “Empty Box” series in the name of “レプリカレター(Replica Letter)”. OP and ED, readers who don’t understand this book can listen to the song first, and can get to the atmosphere where both novels are suppressed and crazy

If you really have an “empty box” that can fulfill any wish, would you use it? After many years of wishing for a continuation of landslides, my wish has long been changed from a “speaking head” in the young age to a “small bitter mold” in reality. It seems that 2019 is not only inseparable from the koi, but also needs to read “The Void” Box and Zero Ma Liya, find a balance

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