7-11, Rosen, the family’s three major Japanese convenience stores have announced the cessation of the sale of adult magazines. On January 21, 7-11 and Rosen announced the decision, the whole family claimed that “there was no way to stop selling.” However, after only one night, on January 22, the whole family changed their mouth and said that they would also stop selling. Adult magazine. The “high efficiency” of the stagnation of the dynasty has caused confusion among shopkeepers everywhere

Although the reason given by these convenience stores is “to create an environment where women can enjoy shopping safely” “to meet the overseas tourists at the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics”, many commentators have pointed out that convenience stores The reason why the abandonment of adult magazines that were once indispensable is that adult magazines are becoming more and more popular

You can buy the yellow book at any time, which was originally a big selling point for convenience stores. However, with the Internet full of pornographic content that does not require money, pornographic books in convenience stores no longer have the charm of the past, but will only attract criticism; the manpower and resources required for the return of unsalable books are also inevitable costs. It is not surprising that convenience stores have changed their attitudes towards adult magazines in the face of changing times

The sales of the bamboo study, Takemura, said that this so-called porn magazine is really very difficult to sell, so that even the bamboo study is gone. This made him feel the change of the world. “Goodbye to pornographic books, I have always thanked you for the convenience store.”


In 1995, the photo album “きクぜ2! The scale was too large, and the then president, Gao Qiaoyiping, was arrested by the police and sentenced to one year in prison and three years in prison for “selling obscene images”

The books that have been published from the yellow to the boss’s sentenced bamboo study are no longer launching such books, which is very convincing

However, it is clearly a commercial decision that “can’t sell, so it’s not sold”, but the convenience store prefers to pull the banner of “female” and “foreigner”. This has made many critics angry, thinking that the convenience store violated the freedom of expression and trampled on women’s right to read adult books

Plus, originally, convenience stores will not sell the books that the publishers have labeled as “adults”, but according to their own judgment, the magazines for the whole age group (in the eyes of the publisher) are classified as “adults”. Magazine”. The publishing industry and the “freedom fighters of expression” were originally dissatisfied with this classification of convenience stores. This time, they strongly opposed the convenience store’s expansion of the definition of “adult magazine”, and worried about the sexual description in non-adult comics. Limit

The two factions were arguing, but some people saw hope from this decision of the convenience store

Userぴよぴーよsays: Since the convenience store no longer sells If you have a pornographic book, is it equivalent to saying that you can expect the key parts of Happy Day to be changed from the fully whitened version of the convenience store magazine standard to the non-convenience store magazine standard?


Although I have never read Happy Day magazine, readers may have noticed that unlike some other pornographic magazines that I have never seen before, I can’t give examples. Some magazines like Happy Day. On the cover, there is no “adult to” sign

“Adult to” sign.

These non-marking magazines are the magazines (in the eyes of the publishers for the entire age group), commonly known as the “convenience store magazine.” In order to be able to sell at convenience stores, these magazines are more restrictive than ordinary pornographic magazines

Adult comics’ researcher Rarely explained that the more well-known convenience store correction standards, in addition to the complete white (or complete mosaic) of the organs, there are many. For example, the characters on the cover can’t just wear underwear (but the swimwear can) or the sailor suit (I don’t know why the long-sleeved uniform is fine), the content (because you want to get rid of the suspicion of child pornography, you can’t draw poor milk) and There is also a limit to the proportion of pornography. It is a very vague standard

This standard is a fuzzy standard that the publishing house has built (replenished) according to the internal requirements of various chain convenience stores and various regulations, and there is no clear text. And as convenience stores no longer sell pornographic magazines, this autonomy has lost its meaning and history may change. Rarely hope that everyone can pay attention to this aspect

By the way, Comic Market’s revised standard for comrades is 18 bans, which is the standard for adult comic magazines sold in bookstores, so it has nothing to do with this news. The doujin writers still have to continue to abide by the consistent requirements, referring to the comics sold in the bookstore


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