The new big move of order light is definitely not as exaggerated as it seems, but it can become a tactical weapon

The author of this article Chen Ba Ch8eN, please do not reprint without authorization!

The re-doing of the order of the light Xinmeta has gradually taken shape, after the completion of the attack of the general attack and the whistle-shooting gun ( change review. ), the transmission panel, the photon barrier and the shield transmitter The changes were also announced

Transfer panel (from big move to E). The

  • Transmission panel can now be freely cast out within 25 meters and will have an entrance in front of the Semeta

  • The transfer panel has an upper limit of the time of existence, and the blood volume is 300 points. Exceeding the existence time or destroying the entrance/exit will cause the transfer panel to disappear.The

  • Transmission panels now delivers more types of volumes, such as D.VA nuclear bombs, mad mouse tires, and more

Photon Barrier (from E to big move).

  • The new photon barrier is no longer moving, but a static barrier with 5000 blood, or a one-way mirror enchantment! Because this shield is infinite, it can traverse the entire map!

“The pride of the sky, the wall of the iron building, the dragon line, the griffin, the tiger scream, the wolf rushing, cut off the world before the collapse, the eighty-one of the road, the broken!” (This skill is inexplicable It’s going on).

The skills in the classic comic “BLEACH”, the predecessor of the photon barrier.

Shield Generator

  • This skill will be removed.

Glass slag review.

In the last article, we put forward a point of view – after the redo, the three sisters still have not found the position of “defensive hero”. In other words, what kind of defensive situation can make the player feel “well, it is time to come up with three sisters.” Will this underlying logic become clearer because of the emergence of the new version of the big move (new photon barrier)?

First of all, it must be emphasized that although the new version of the photon barrier traverses the map, the actual defensive ability is less than the visual effect. 5000 blood is distributed to the infinite shield, in fact, it is easy to be penetrated by the offensive fire. In other words, the use of this infinite barrier is completely different from that of Reinhart and Orissa, and cannot be used as a regular defensive means. The bigger role of this big move is to divide the battlefield

For example, in the wave of all-powerful action of the enemy, the front row of the advanced field, the long gun type output position contributes firepower at the rear, then this infinite photon barrier can be placed in front of the enemy at this time. Between the rows, split their offensive formations, and then set the fire to eat the front row of the other side

However, such usage can also be used on the offensive end, but the attack will test the consciousness and overall situation of the three sister players

Then there is the new version of the transfer panel. This panel can be used on the defensive end. The effect on the defensive end may be limited. On the other hand, it will have some effect on attacking and defending the map. For example, through the portal, you can bypass the enemy within 25 meters. Focus on defense levels, such as the temple, the moon base and other notorious “doors.” Or through a certain terrain that cannot be passed normally, to achieve the “backward” tactical purpose

To some extent, the redo of order light is more complete than half-hidden, almost completely changing the gameplay idea. The advantage is that it is possible to be promoted into a tactical weapon of attack and defense

Then go back and say “defensive type”, in the hero pool of the watch pioneer, “defensive type” and “reload type” are separated, that is, the defensive type is not a tank in the conventional sense (T), what is the meaning of defensive type?

My answer is to compress the space, compress the enemy’s offensive space, stop the opponent’s offensive rhythm (sniper’s meaning on the defensive end, let the opponent instantly lose staff), if by this standard, the new version of the three sister’s hero positioning seems to A little closer to the “defensive type”

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