Author: Codingcat.

For the past year, ow’s plot has been very slow, perhaps Blizzard’s focus is not here (however, the game mode is also slow to update). The light novel released today is a new ow storytelling story. Method. Interestingly, this light novel has a lot of clues buried before, and share with you.


  • Archaeological organization.
  • Black claws.
  • 老年往事.
  • Story Mainline.

Archaeological organization.

This conversation took place on the map of the cemetery, next to the Temple of Anubis. Anna mentioned that she would hand over these Egyptian artifacts to Dr. Faisal, apparently she believed that the doctor could protect the culture. Providing help. Dr. Faisal did not appear out of thin air. He was a scholar who had previously worked as an archaeologist in the ancient city of Petra! It involved the archaeological organization where Dr. Faisal is located and some small clues on the map of Petra, and said to everyone. Said.

We first look at the logo of this mysterious archaeological organization:

The elements of this LOGO can be clearly seen as a “W” superimposed on an archaeological hand shovel.

Hand shovel symbolizes the main work of the organization: archaeological excavation. “W” is obviously the first letter of the organization name. But we can’t find more clues about this organization now, only to confirm that this is a beginning of W Archaeological organization.

This organization logo is everywhere in the map of Petra, and even a part of the daily necessities and computer screens are printed. It is speculated that this is not a soy sauce organization, and we can look forward to more developments about the organization in the future.

In the ancient city of Petra, we can see several mails.

This email was written by Dr. Faisal mentioned by Anna. The main content is that according to the previous image research, there is an ancient road leading to the hidden treasure room, but it has not been found yet. At the same time, Dr. Faisal thanked the recipient for the continued funding of the archaeological organization, which was the funding of the ongoing Petra Archaeological/Irios archaeological project, and Dr. Nachareon could not wait to start the archaeological project in Ayutthaya..

You can see the name “Hamid” in the computer on the side.

We can see from the “H.FAISAL” that Dr. Faisal’s name is H, and it can be assumed that Dr. Faisal’s full name should be “Hamid Faisal”.

Another email is a conversation between Dr. Faisal and members of the archaeological team:

The general idea is as follows:

– Ianitis: The exploration of the upper level of the temple is basically completed, ready to begin the exploration of the lower chamber. Our biggest discoveries are the statues of Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. We hope they It is the first few statues of many statues.

– Faisal: Earlier image exploration revealed a hidden chamber. Alhamdan believes this may be a major discovery. In addition we have discovered a narrow path to continue exploring.

We also saw a backpack next to it.

This backpack belongs to the archaeological team member Bryce.

Let’s sort it out. The first is the project. The letter clearly mentions that W Archaeology has archaeological projects in Irios/Petra/Ayutthaya.

We see that Irios does have archaeological activities:

And the archaeological projects of Petra and Ayutthaya are known to everyone. The key point is that the archaeological exploration drones in these two places are the same:

Also, this type of exploration drone is the same type of archaeological drone in Oasis City:

Is this a description, in fact, W organization is a subordinate organization of Oasis City?

At the same time, we know that Moira is the Minister of Genetics at Oasis City, and the archaeological drone and archaeological slabs of the Oasis City in the picture above are in the genetics laboratory of Moira!

Moira, a research genetics, why do you study archaeological content in the laboratory?

Will Moira be the sponsor of Dr. Faisal to write a letter of thanks, and Black Claw has always wanted to discover something from the monument?

If you are ready to go to the cockpit of the spaceship in Irios, you will hear Athena’s prompt “Black claws are here recently,” and Irios does have an archaeological excavation project organized by W. It is hard not to let people Some associations.

Then there are characters, W Archaeology has the following characters:

– Ianitis: Archaeological team player, this is a Greek name.

– Bliss: Archaeological team player, this is a French name.

– Dr. Nachareon: It seems to be the leader of the archaeological project of Ayutthaya. This name will not be read, but it should be a Thai name.

– Dr. Faisal: It seems to be the leader of the Petra archaeological project, which is an Arab name.

– Alhamdan: It may be a member of the archaeological team, or it may be an organizational decision-making level, or it may be a sponsor of Dr. Faisal. This is also an Arab name.

If you sort it out, you will find:

1. Similar to Xiaomei’s Antarctic expedition team, members of the archaeological team are very “international”;

2. W organized the project of Irios in Greece, Petra in the Middle East, Ayutthaya in Thailand, and the characters appearing here are Greeks, Middle Easterns, Thais, I don’t know if it is a coincidence;.

3. Dr. Faisal mentioned “Alhamdan thinks it will be a big discovery”. It is not clear whether this Al Hamdan is an ordinary scientific research team member, or a decision maker of the W organization, or Dr. Sal’s sponsor? After all, the upper-level decision makers/funders “think of a big discovery” will start the project, and the decision of these decision makers will be an important goal of the project.

4. As mentioned above, the archaeological drones organized by W are the same as those in Oasis City, and there are two Arabs in the archaeological team, which seems to prove the relationship between W organization and Oasis City.

We know that Oasis City is dominated by the Department of Physics / Department of Chemistry / Department of Biology / Department of Geology / Department of Genetics. The most important part of archaeological excavation here is the Department of Geology, then Dr. Faisal or Alhamdan Wouldn’t it be the minister of the geological department? Regret is not:

Dr. Alsa Rani is the leader of the Department of Geology of Oasis City. However, the official introduction of Oasis City has a strange place:

Oasis City was established by eight of the world’s top scientists, but only four of them were listed in the introduction. Are the four vacancies reserved for the new NPC/new heroes? These four scientists are all Arabs. Will Dr. Faisal or Alhamdan, who are also Arabs, be one of them?

But from another perspective, the introduction is about eight of the world’s top scientists, but the Arabs already account for four of them… The remaining four should also be scientists from other regions.

Finally, let’s take a look at the results of the excavation: the statues of Hera, Athena and Aphrodite (Venus) were discovered from Petra.

Don’t be surprised why Petra in the Middle East will unearth statues from Greece. Petra’s history is long and complex, there are many civilizations, and it is normal to have Greek statues.

But why did you dig out these three goddesses? If Blizzard simply chooses a few famous Greek gods, Zeus/Apollo/Poseidon should be better known than Hera. The three goddesses appeared at the same time, only reminding me of the famous Greek myth: the legend of the golden apple.

Legend has it that the Greek gods held a high-end banquet and invited all the high-ranking priests, but the goddess Eris was not in it. The resentful Eris was uninvited, leaving a note at the banquet.” Dedicated to the golden apple of the most beautiful goddess, I left. So the queen Hera, the goddess Athena, the goddess Aphrodite (that is Venus), think that the golden apple should give it to herself. The main god Zeus does Arbitration, let them go to the world to find the beautiful man Paris, who decides who is the most beautiful to send propositions. So the three goddesses found Paris, respectively made a promise: After the day Hera Xu with power, the goddess of wisdom Athena Xu wisdom, love God Floddy promised a beautiful girlfriend.

So Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. It’s too real

This decision finally led to the famous Trojan War.

The goddess of the goddess, a golden apple, triggers a war, which sounds like the black claws that will be everywhere.

But if you look back at Irios – the ruins, you will find that there are just three statues of the goddess!

This should be Athena, the sign is a shield, because Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena Shield is also a very famous artifact.

This should be the queen of Hera, pay attention to the crown on the head.

This should be Aphrodite, the god of love, which she took in the hands of the golden apple that Parris decided to give her.

Petra digs out the statue of the three goddesses, Irios is just the statue of the three goddesses, the black claws are also active in Irios, and the legend of the three goddesses and the golden apple is too much like the style of the black claws, no Know what is the connection between this.

As a supplement, Black Lily also has a statue of Eros with a golden apple in Girard Fort, France:

At the same time, remember the composition of the W archaeological team? Arabs, Greeks, Thais, these have corresponding archaeological projects, but there is also a … French.