Recently, the founder of the US group, Wang Xing, accepted the interview of Bloomberg Businessweek for the first time after listing. He said that he said that Ma Yun is a person with integrity and problems

Alibaba’s public relations’ committee chairman Wang Shuai immediately responded on Weibo: “The malicious slander can’t hurt Ali, and it can’t ease the dilemma of competition.”

Wang Xing’s “integrity” refers to the separation of Alipay in 2010. At that time, Alipay had already achieved the number one position in the market, but the central bank stipulated that the enterprise that paid the license must be 100% domestically controlled. Therefore, Ma Yun unilaterally decided to break the agreement control relationship between Alipay and Alibaba Group without the approval of the board of directors, making it become Ma Yun and Xie Shihuang’s personal holding company, and finally, Alibaba Group, Yahoo and Softbank signed a compensation agreement for the Alipay equity transfer event

Wang Xing mentioned this at this time, it is inevitable that people once again associate with the grievances of the two companies of the US Mission and Ali. From 2011, Ali invested in the US Mission, helped him win the Thousand Groups battle, went to the US Mission to accept Tencent Investment, abandoned Ali and invested in Tencent. Today, from takeaways, movie tickets, to retail and shared bicycles, the ecological overlap between the two companies is increasing. From the outside world, the US Mission and Ali have a battle

暧昧 Period.

In 2011, the competition for group buying websites has entered a stage of white-hot

At this time, although the US group still ranks in the top three in the market, the number of companies is only half of that of the handle and the Wowo Group. In the second half of the year, the capital winter came, and the IPO sprints of, Wowo Group and were smashed. In July 2011, Ali invested 50 million US dollars in the US group, from Ali’s financing and resource support, providing ammunition for the US group to win the war. In 2014, Ali once again followed the financing of the US Mission

Not only that, at the time, Alibaba’s vice president, Ali No. 67 employee Gan Jiawei also joined the US group to serve as COO. It is said that before the US B round of financing, Ali had sent Pai Jiawei to the US group to do the best, then Wang Xing and Gan Jiawei met several times, and finally persuaded Gan Jiawei to join the US group. Some people say that the joining of Gan Jiawei was instructed by Ali

Before joining the US Mission, Gan Jiawei was the head coach of the “Ali Iron Army” who managed the 7,000-person team. He has extensive experience in the organization and operation of the online team. Gan Jiawei joined Ali’s mission and values to join the US group. Relying on the set-up style of Ali Tiejun, Gan Jiawei called himself “the down-coming strike” and quickly helped the US group to establish an advantage in the online war. After that, the status of the US team in the group buying website has been difficult to surpass

For the then Ali, he hoped to fill the gap in his local life service through the US Mission, and the US Mission also used Ali’s funds and resources to quickly establish an advantage in the war. At the time, Gan Jiawei built a “Mei Tuan Tiejun” for the US group, which was almost invincible to the opponent online

The market pattern at the time was that Ali was behind the US group and Tencent was behind the reviews. According to the normal logic, the competition between the US group and the reviews is actually the competition between Ali and Tencent. Ali’s investment habit is that, in addition to supporting the invested company, it will also interfere with the business. Former Alibaba Group Vice President and Ali Capital Managing Director Zhang Hongping once said to Tiger Sniff: “Ali hopes that the US team only uses Alipay, but how is Wang Xing? Faced with Ali’s request, even the most unwilling to say NO Wang Xing will also refuse to think without thinking.”

In 2012, the industry even reported that Ali was about to acquire the US group, but it was quickly denied by the US group

Wang Xing has been independent entrepreneurship and has a strong personality. He is very dissatisfied with Ali’s “intervention” in business, which has laid the foundation for the two breakups in the future

Going to break.

From May 2014 to January 2015, the US Mission completed a number of rounds of huge financing in half a year. It is rumored that Wang Xing is not satisfied with Ali’s intervention and hopes to balance Ali’s influence

In October of that year, the US Mission and the public comment merged, and the contradiction between the US Mission and Ali became difficult to reconcile. According to Caijing, after the merger of the US delegation in October 2015, Wang Xing went to visit Ma Yun. He told him that there was a successful example of Didi, which was the first two. A total of days, behind the handshake, have become the shareholders of Didi, so he told Ali that the US Mission very many hopes to get the support of Tencent and Ali at the same time. But Ali said: “You are completely wrong. We think that the quick combination of Didi is a failure example for Ali. We will not let this error happen again.”

After the merger of the US group and the review, Gan Jiawei changed from COO to the president of the restaurant catering business group. In July 2016, when the US group commented again to adjust the organizational structure, Gan Jiawei was transferred to the “Internet + University” principal.From the outside world, this kind of non-powerful position means that the Ali Jiawei of the Ali Department is being “marginalized”, and the news of his departure has been frequently reported since then

The merger of the US group and the public comment has stimulated Ali, because Tencent’s investors have Tencent. After the merger, Tencent’s shareholding in the US company’s new company’s shares exceeds 10%, while Ali only holds after the merger. There are about 7% of the shares. After that, Ali began to withdraw from the US group, while the US group accepted the $1 billion financing from Tencent in the new round and firmly stood in the Tencent camp. According to informed sources, when the US delegation called the board of directors to formally meet, Alibaba was only notified 12 hours in advance

According to Wang Huiwen, senior vice president of US Mission Review, Alibaba refused to invest more money in the US group. Perhaps this young company does not agree to fully integrate its application with Alibaba. Wang Xing is worried if this happens. In the case, he will lose control of the company

Since then, Ali has increased its support for word-of-mouth. In April 2016, he led a $1.25 billion financing for the hungry. After the financing, the value of hungry was $4.55 billion. Ali formed a full-scale confrontation with the US group in the field of takeaway and local life

Positive competition.

At 10:33 on October 12, 2018, Alibaba announced on Weibo that “the company has officially established a local life service company. If you are hungry, you will win the battle and join the team to form a leading domestic life service platform.”

At almost the same time, the stock of the US group comment (3690) began to dive. At around 11:00, the stock price fell 6.05% to HK$58.25, the lowest point of the day

And before the Ali acquisition of hungry, the US group also “selling prices.” It is said that Ali was hungry at the time of asking for $7 billion. If he was hungry, he would come to the US group. The US group offered a price of 9 billion US dollars. When he was hungry, he took the offer of the US group and went to Ali. Finally, Ali bought Hungry for $9.5 billion. What?

In addition to takeaway, the business of Meituan and Ali is now more and more overlapping. Wang Huiwen, Senior Vice President of the US Mission, said frankly that the US Mission and Ali have formed a comprehensive and positive competition in various businesses. “We have done business, Ali has done. Is there a hungry takeaway, there is a reputation in the store; we do hotel travel, it has flying pigs, there are Taobao tickets; we have small elephants, it has box horses; we have B2B Ali also has B2B, and now it is completely coincident. This is the fact that we do not shy away,” Wang Huiwen told the Southern Metropolis Daily

Not long ago, Wang Xing told the media that Ali is using low-price strategy to try to drag the US group. The US group has no choice but to continuously increase its investment and continue to offer discount coupons to face the hungry competition. According to Steven Zhu, an analyst at Hongya Times, Bloomberg Businessweek said that such high subsidies sometimes even make people’s lunch expenses less than one dollar, which means that the US group is unlikely to profit from this market in the short term

The US group is still accelerating business expansion, and even spent $3.7 billion to acquire the shared bicycle company Mobai; while Moby’s biggest competitor, Haro, is the largest shareholder of the company, both of which are recognized as the last in the shared bicycle industry. Competitor

On one side is China’s most successful Internet company, Alibaba has established the largest online retail ecosystem in China; on the other hand, it is the fastest growing and largest local life platform in China. On September 20, 2018, the US delegation commented on the landing port. The exchange, the market value once exceeded 400 billion Hong Kong dollars, the fourth largest Internet company after Ali, Tencent, Baidu

Today, Ma Yun has retired, and Wang Xingzhen, 40, is in full swing. The US Mission and Ali will surely explode a more intense war

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