


The historical fantasy anime “Guanhai Strategy” jointly produced by Zhongce Culture, Penguin Film and TV and the same name Xuan Studio, ushered in the first season on September 23. Since the launch, the unique world view, delicate and realistic style has won the favor and love of many animation audiences. Exclusively landed in Tencent video since mid-July.




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The historical fantasy anime “Guanhai Strategy” jointly produced by Zhongce Culture, Penguin Film and TV and the same name Xuan Studio, ushered in the first season on September 23. Since the launch, the unique world view, delicate and realistic style has won the favor and love of many animation audiences. .


Since the exclusive access to Tencent video in mid-July, “Guanhai Strategy” has gained a certain degree of attention and reputation, and has harvested a loyal animation audience. This not only reflects the recognition of the drama by the audience and the market, but also witnesses the growth of Guanhai Strategy. .

The traditional cultural elements of “Shan Hai Jing + Warring States Policy”, in the fusion of mythological classics and historical records, let “Viewing Sea Strategy” show a different kind of Chinese cultural charm. At the same time, it was also selected as the “Chinese Classic Folk Tales Network Animation” by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. It can be said that “Viewing Sea Strategy” is at the forefront of promoting the traditional culture team. .

In the domestic animation market where Xian Xia and the US are mostly, “Viewing Sea Strategy” has tried a simple, magical and heavy style exploration, and has achieved good feedback. It can be seen that under the homogenization of the bombing in recent years, the audience has different acceptances for different styles. The quaint and realistic character design style, art design and clothing style make people feel the traditional thick. .

Fine scenes and character design drawings.

The perfect presentation of the details depends on the control of the technology. “Initial + Ingenuity”, with Ming Xuan Studio in this season’s intensive production, accumulated a lot of experience, and a set of pre-screen script planning, concept design, mid-to-late animation, lighting synthesis and output into a film The whole process production team. Use the unique hair dynamics technology and optical motion capture technology to achieve the ultimate in character details. .

As the first anime series produced by the team alone, “Viewing Sea Strategy” still has a lot of room for improvement. From the lack of resources to the original anime, to the emerging series of IP, “Guanhai Ting” has experienced all kinds of hardships, but also gained production experience, will show more strength in the subsequent development. .

“Guan Hai Ce”’s huge worldview gives it a unique IP value. For the main characters of animation, the end of the first season represents the opening of the new journey. In the second quarter after that, there will be new stories and new characters to launch new adventures to expand the broader “viewing the sea”. In addition, “Viewing Sea Strategy” radio drama, film and television licensing synchronization linkage development, the same name H5 page tour is also in the simultaneous production test, the audience will experience a richer view of the IP format and content charm! .

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