[this issue of the beautiful girl of light talks・黑版].

The seventh time, “Two people are beautiful girls of light”, talk about the 9th-16th.

9th words:

The creatures of the Light Garden are not adapted to the global environment. Now the current phase will consume energy rapidly (how to listen to the country of light), and the Maypolu is not suitable for the 100-year-old Mi Pulu. The script Yuhara is flexible. Use these settings to arrange for Meppelu to get sick. Yansha believes that this is his daily operation in the disease to lie to eat, the result is found to be true, but the toy phone of Meppu avatar was also confiscated by the teaching director. Behind it is the toy phone of the protagonist who won the battle. In the night, he turned the film into a horror film

The geeks with the horror film atmosphere are also back in the next few years. The previous “Little Witch DoReMi” series also has it, but it is only in the summer when it is more suitable. This time, during the spring break at the end of March, when the 9th words were rushed out, Xiwei Dajie recruited him as a private goods, and asked for a strange talk about the comedy style

10th words:

Sui Naixiang had a birthday, so my parents returned home from a rare country and returned to this place every year. As a result, I still got a call to work, so the family of three went to the gem shop together, but the robbers blocked the store door. Sui Naixiang mouth gun burst, and the other side of the sand began to rescue operations. In addition, the total assets of 18 yen were used. In the end, she succeeded in sending her own hand-made genius to Sui Naxiang, which seemed to be more reliable than the magic products made by DoReMi

Sui Naixiang’s parents first debuted, and the delivery day was April 4th, which was the official announcement of Sui Naixiang’s birthday. The birthday setting of the protagonist’s 2 people is set when the release is started. The first is that the set date must be met. In 2004, it was Sunday, which was deliberately intended to deliver the birthday back on the same day. Then I chose the days of April 4 and October 10, the same number of days and months. April 4th and October 10th are the same week (nonsense), and it is really coincidental on Sunday that the luck of 2004 is good. To expand one more sentence, even at this stage, even if the later parties did not explicitly speak, they had already blamed for the brain-filling rumors that the “first-generation Q-Wa was originally scheduled for half a year”

This time is also the first time Q of the famous Narita Ryomei script. Before the OP was reached, the line “Narita Airport” came out first. The script outline before the script was created is enough for a movie, although this will not be the type of theme that little girls love to watch. The plot is more biased than the 19th words of “Little Witch DoReMi” was kidnapped back to the replica, but the script is not Narita, it is “Beautiful girl of fresh light!” The series of the composition constitutes the first script of the former Kawasaki in “Little Witch DoReMi”

The new appearance of the painting supervisor is called Takahashi Renji, which has not been mentioned in the past because it has not been supervised by the DoReMi series. However, he participated in the original lineup, and then upgraded from “Najia of tomorrow” to painting supervision, and then continued to participate in the film, and later joined Q-Wa.The

10th painting assignment should have taken place at the end of February and early March. During this period, on Friday, March 5, 2004, there was a party event for the film. In a karaoke hall in Shinjuku, the host is Inamami Akira, and the cast members are basically present, except for some social painters who need to take the pen to work. If the matter of this day is to be recorded once in the history books, the most impressive scene is really the moment when Nozawa Masako entered the door. I saw all the seiyuu who were present, and immediately stood up from the state of sitting in the chair, and said hello in a social manner

Sui Naixiang is a person of Saiyan origin. After more than ten years, she was changed to a super Saiyan by Kana herself. She was a joke, but her grandmother had been appointed as Nozawa Masako by the West End, if her mother’s seiyuu was Yuko, the consequences are unimaginable. But the result is Ito Miki, this time is the man-made number 18. The preferred angle of the mother of Laksa is the woman who is the voice of Kiki, who is stronger than the man with the strongest in the universe, because the mother of Laksa has the feeling of a wife. On the powerful gas field, it is obvious that the Ito Miki, who plays the man-made number 18, is no less than Zhuang Zhenmei. However, the mother of Sui Naixiang also needs to have a friendly and considerate atmosphere. The gentle voice and acting skills that can be compared with Ito Miki are only Kakarot’s daughter-in-law. When I got up, I chose Zhuangzhengmei, and I liked it. I really want to have a perfect motherhood with both sides, so the mother of Sui Naxiang makes Ito Miki

11th words:

The story of the younger brother of Lisha, who is going to the aquarium with two big sisters, was just bursting with the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent. This week, the sorrow of the sister’s consciousness awakened. At the same time, it was the second time for the enemy cadres to return, so the performance was once again the cadre’s exit to the professional household Kawada Takeshi, contributing to the initial action of the film. Black Q baby playing combo, white Q baby playing wrestling, but also borrowed a classic Q-ray that classic leap out of the mirror, but this time is the black Q baby single version

The first time I participated in the original painting of Iijima Hideyoshi, this time for the first time as the supervision of Qwa’s paintings, but this time it is different from the first one, which is different from the convention, and it is also a painting supervision without a personal painting. Return. Iijima and Kawada are also peopled who have been brought from “Golden Meat II”. Later, like Takahashi, they also participated in Q-Wa. Finally, by the way, the father of Laksa debuted this time for the first time, even later than the parents of Sui Naixiang who returned to China one year later

12th words:

The new high-intelligence evil female cadre dispatched back, had the ability to camouflage Sui Naixiang, and stole the transformation tool. The result was the savior of the protagonist’s aura, but the grandmother of Sui Naixiang. In the case of the lost body, the enemy monsters also jumped out of the bag and surrounded a group in their own house. This performance can cause the little girl’s childhood shadow

It has become the personal back of Nozawa Grandma. When Grandma plays the sense of existence, it is often the private goods of West End. Don’t forget this. This time, Grandma completely exposed the fighting nation, regardless of brain power or physical skills. Look carefully at the grandmother, in fact, this time Q baby did not fight at all. Today’s big friend called Xiaoyan and Xiaoxiang common name as the first generation Q-Wa. At that time, the person who chased the film was chasing and shouting that the grandmother was the first generation of the baby. Finally, Grandma learned Q, and asked everyone to laugh at the pigs

The focus of this time is on the picture above. This is a snapshot of my grandmother’s childhood, because it is a long-term past, so deliberately used black and white pictures to express. But even if it is visually made into a black-and-white picture, the actual scene uses more than 40 specific colors. Xiwei personally lifted the pen work with low efficiency. Slowly, we have said it before, but this scene is a prototype. In the future, it will evolve the 28th words of West End for the first time in person

13th words:

Mist disguised as a student transfer to the Peronee Academy, and also joined the club in the football department to brush up the value. The Department of Science where Sui Naixiang is located participated in the scientific research conference. Yuriko is confident that he will definitely win the best award this year. He also named the research result “Sui Naixiang No. 1”. However, Sui Naxiang was announced as “Lily.” number 1”. Future “Yes! The beautiful girl of Light 5, the director of the series Xiaomin Minming, and the series constitutes a beautiful work of Narita, the early partner of the history

The main line is said to be a new mobilization of the enemy cadres for 2 consecutive weeks, but in fact it is equivalent to the personal return of Sui Naixiang’s only relative, Yuriko. The first words of Yuriko have been on the scene, and we have mentioned this role in the serialization of the predecessor. At the beginning of the plot, in the world of the film, only the people who are elders, parents, teachers and seniors can be called to Sui. Everyone else only calls her Syracuse, and there is only one person who says that the lily is usually called Sui Xiang. Expressing things in my mind all day long, thinking about ungrounded things, people who are alone in the world do not eat human fireworks such as Sui Naxiang, there is at least one lily in life

14th words:

Counterfeit Q baby turmoil, but not from the enemy fake superhero drama code, is the protagonist halo Xia Zi and Kyoko, who became a big friend to engage in cosplay. Xia Zi and Kyoko entered the “I know Q baby than Q baby” mode, but the vicissitudes of the line is a reflection of reality: “The recent popular 噗哩Q ah.” At this time, the distance between “Two people are beautiful girls” has also passed. For one quarter, on the day of the first broadcast, the real name Yoko sneaked into the vicinity of the toy store. After the release of the month, at the party that was just mentioned on March 5th, the producer of the Asahi Broadcasting Television (ABC), the producer of Nishizawa, had already announced to everyone that the toy was sold out. After half a month, I will send a message and say that the CD of the theme song is well-tuned. In addition, the audience rating of the children’s layer was 15.9%, and the highest in the first quarter was 24.3%

After entering the second quarter, this is the original painting of Aoyama, who was the first in the history of Q. The seiyuu of Xia Zi and Kyoko are Xiao Qingshui Ami (Najia) and Mingjia Jiazhi (Liz teacher). It was just the first time since the last time. The scene was given by the door to see the transformed Q-wa, and buried this for the back. Foreshadowing. However, the shape design of the character itself has already come out at the very beginning, because the class that originally sketched the main character of two people, Dao Shanghuang was painted as a pure passerby. When this time, the two famous names of Xia Zi and Kyoko were born, so the shape design problem was chosen in the inside, and the two that looked suitable were selected, which became the Xia Zi and Kyoko who are now seen by the audience

The performance of this time, Yoshizawa Yoshio is a temporary visitor, and is already ready to go home to support the elderly. In the 1970s, he was leveled in a film like “Devil Z”. He was a performer who participated in “Golden Meat Man” in the 1980s, and a veteran of the “Sailor Moon” and “Slam Dunk” in the 1990s. Fuji TV was at 9:00 on Sunday morning. In 1993, after being sent to the Toei Animation from Toei Tokyo Photographic Institute, Yoshizawa played for 10 years in this site. Of course, it includes the “Football” and the “Gig Taro” of the West End Supervisor, and the 4th full-time work of the “Digital Baby” series. This is the time to come back to QW before retiring. This is his only experience in the whole series, and he is the last in his career

15th words:

Mei Mojia and Syracuse’s family went out for a trip, and they went to the same place in the same place. They stayed at the same hotel. It was just a lot of (Ali) Coconut milk. The result is unfortunately not to give Xiao Yan and Xiao Xiang another fate, but it is premeditated. The protagonist 2 people brushed the card of the toy phone, but also brushed out the food of the local hotel. If the money is not omnipotent, Bandai is omnipotent. The last two superheroes also went up the mountain and played a folklore. According to the instructions of West End, this time it was a challenge to a superhero against a huge enemy

In terms of the plot, the day of the delivery day is the Mother’s Day of the US Emperor. Of course, the island country has formed a tradition of following the father country. However, the unfolding of this statement has become a resurgence of a large wave of presence for the father of Laksa, just like the compensation for the treatment that was delayed in the 11th. To really say the mother, I should pay attention to a small point. This is the first time that Sui Naixiang’s grandmother and the mother of Laksa met. Wukong and Kiki only met for the first time, then… and then their plays began to play a variety of social clubs

This is the new debut performance of Ueda Hiroshi, and the painting supervisor Dong Meifan. This is the official input of the front line from the second quarter. On the production site of “Ala Lei”, Shangtian Fangyu was leveled with the same batch of Xiwei, and then went through the 11-year full-time work of the “Dragon Ball”, “Dragon Ball Z” and “Dragon Ball GT” series. In fact, the main battlefield has always been in this territory, until the “new Ala Lei” to “One Piece”, until now the current Western calendar 9102

A little attention has been paid to the people who have made the front line of the old Dragon Ball series, and there is no one who does not know the name of Ueda. It is someone who is absolutely trustworthy by the West End Supervisor. So this time I took up this Xiwei’s somewhat ambitious action play, and by the way contributed the above picture, the classic empty hand in the history of Q Wa. Dongmeifan is a woman. In the “Naga of Tomorrow”, she has just been upgraded to work as a painting supervisor. Later, she joined Q-Wa. At the production site was named a title, called the goddess of Q Waban (not Kawamura Minami)

16 words:

The goddess Hua Xuejie of the school was on the stage, because it was produced at the same time, so the title of the goddess of Dongmeifan in front was called by the way (however, this time it was Kawamura Minjiang as the painting supervisor). The scriptwriters debuted in the shadow of the mountain, and also the shift staff who started the second quarter. The film’s script lineup consists of five people, divided into three Shanweitian film studios from the “Fishing Fan Diary”, two from the previous group “Little Witch DoReMi” and “Tomorrow’s Najia” continued. The latter had the first 10 words to participate in Narita Ryomei, and the other was the shadow mountain Yumi who had been following Guan Hongmei for 10 years. Yuhua’s seiyuu Yuya Ya, the “Kinda One Junior’s Event Book” supervised by Nishio, is also the role of this type of idol goddess. West End smashed this loyalty predecessor who debuted this time. Don’t make it into a spectator

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