On February 1, 1991, id Software was founded in Shreveport, Louisiana, USA

id Software has a history of LOGO.

In the early 1990s, John Carmack, who also worked at Softdisk, developed the Adaptive tile refresh technology, which is a graphics processing technology for horizontal scrolling, so he and his colleague Tom Hall started on the PC. On the platform, the “Super Mario Bros. 3” on the Nintendo SFC platform was re-created. John Romero and Adrian Carmack, who also worked for Softdisk, also joined the development time, but it was a pity that After the completion of the Super Mario Bros. 3 on the PC platform, Nintendo rejected the request to ship Super Mario Bros. 3 to the PC platform

“Super Mario Bros. 3” game screen.

At this time, the four people in Softdisk’s game department also suffered a disappointment. Softdisk intercepted and sent a lot of letters to them, which also made the gap between John Romero and Softdisk expand. Finally, the four people developed privately. The game “Commander Keen”, a platform scrolling game with horizontal scroll scrolling, is also the first horizontal scroll scrolling game on the PC platform. Once it was launched, it was both successful in evaluation and sales, and the four people also Resigned and jointly established id Software

“Commander Keane”.

The four geniuses work together to create a different work. When the “Commander Keane” series was sold, John Carmack successfully captured the 3D graphics display technology, and John Romero proposed The “German Headquarters 3D” game concept has been convinced by everyone. After the game was launched, it not only achieved great commercial success, but also pioneered the modern FPS game

“German Headquarters 3D” game screen.

The story behind is very cliché, continuing the success of “German Headquarters 3D”, “DOOM” and “Thor Hammer” have become the homework of id Software, but everyone knows this for a long time. In the production of “DOOM”, John Carmack and Tom Hall had a dispute, and finally Tom Hall left id Software. In the production of “Thor Hammer”, John Carmack and John Romero had a strong disagreement in the company’s development direction, John Romero was eventually forced to leave id Software, and he and Tom after leaving Hall has established Ion Storm, and the two works of “Big Knife” and “Breakout” are their results

John Romero’s The Broadsword.

And Adrian Carmack also revealed to the media in 2005 that he left to pursue art, but in September of that year, he filed a lawsuit in court, claiming that he was actually fired, requesting Reject the contract to sell the shares

John Carmack is the last person to leave id Software. The programmer who has been pursuing technology has always adhered to his own open source software philosophy and eventually joined the Oculus Rift, making it farther and farther on the road of pursuing technology..

Game history today. Is designed to bring you a bit of a story about every flash in this vast history. Maybe it’s not so dazzling, it’s not so worth remembering, but I still hope to pick it up in this raging river. Let you recall that many years ago, there was once someone who looked at you with the same starry sky

I am the messenger of the Galaxy, we will see you tomorrow

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