As the saying goes: Tailors who don’t want to be cooks are not good drivers. Among the many supervisors in Japan, there are many people who have implemented this sentence into their careers. The cartoonist Hayao Miyazaki and his good apprentice editor Takino Hideaki are representative figures. However, to talk about the leader, I have to mention Watanabe Ichiro

As an old player who plays the most in the animation supervision, the most popular among the musicians, Watanabe Ichiro’s work reveals a fresh and bright sense of freedom all the time. From his up-and-coming “The Macross PLUS” to the famous “Star Cowboy”, every time he will respond to the fans’ expectations and expectations. In the 2004 Chaos Warrior, his talent was once again fully demonstrated

Actually Watanabe Shinichiro is a Japanese director who is very “not Japanese”. In his works, you can hardly find any delay, triviality and stubbornness of Japanese culture. Smooth paintings and lines, sharp movements, clean edits and fast-paced narratives. Like a good sniper, he is always able to shoot at the target bulls, let the audience see the story he wants to show in front of him. From this perspective, Watanabe Shinichiro is actually more similar to Hollywood movies. American anime director under the industrial system

However, in “Chaos Samurai”, Watanabe Ichiro abandoned the sci-fi theme that he once loved, and placed the background of the story in Japan during the Edo period. Some people say that this is Watanabe trying to find his identity, a Japanese The consciousness of animation supervision, but when you open the first episode, you will find that this idea is a big mistake

The main storyline of the work is simple and clear: the girl wind has met the warrior who has a straightforward character and has no illusion and sullen warrior in a certain encounter. The three people accompany each other to help the wind find their father. Samurai of “Sunflower Breath”. Sure enough, it is also the story of a road film. If you don’t change the medicine, Watanabe still uses his best cooking techniques to make such a big meal

In the whole “Chaos Samurai”, there is always a kind of chic, concise composition, and the colorful and contemplative at the same time, I thought that there is no ups and downs of the plot but always reversed at the key points. The characters are distinctive, and even the supporting roles are so charming. Graffiti, hip hop, Western painting… All kinds of elements that seem to be completely different from the Edo period are subtly integrated into the works. Even the outstanding figures who have existed in history have been spoofed. Let the animation work itself add a more unique brilliance

And what’s in it is Watanabe’s self-confidence. He believes in his talents, so you can see that the core under the Japanese style is truly modern. With autonomous spirit, living according to their own minds, the collision of different values brings a more vivid color. Especially worth mentioning is that the cooperation with the jazz genius Nujabes has raised the soundtrack of Chaos Warrior to a new level. For Watanabe’s works, the value of music itself is comparable to that of works, although it will not They are the winners, but they are also independent of each other

In the finale of the story, the three people parted ways, never turned back and said goodbye, would not be reluctant, will see you again, maybe no longer, but the years that have been experienced together have been engraved in life. There is no need to drag and drop, and the followers do not chase. This is the most extreme expression of “romantic”. It is also the supervised Watanabe Ichiro. It has been hidden in his works, waiting for the audience to discover things, but in the Chaos Warrior. In this, this kind of romance is like a flood, and it has not been calm for a long time

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