Originally written by Hojo, he was reorganized as a TV anime in 1987, and until 1999, he continued to have a long-running long-form work “City Hunter” with a special animated film. On February 8 this year, his latest work “Theatrical Edition” was released. City Hunter <Shinjuku Private Eyes>. “Febri” magazine interviewed the executive producer of the series, Suwahiko, and asked about the work behind the animation and the secret of the new movie

In 1983, the “Cat Eye Three Sisters” of the North Division was put on the TV screen and was well received. Then the animation plan of “City Hunter” was brought up. The total supervision of the second phase of “Cat Eye Three Sisters”こだま兼嗣 (儿玉兼嗣) continues to be the general supervisor of “City Hunter”. “City Hunter” is the third animation that Suwa took over as an animation producer. Suwa is working with the child jade supervision from this time

At that time, Suwa, who was still in his 20s, hoped to be able to produce a human drama, an adult that can also be touched. Originally, Suwa had a lot of comics. There were more than 3,000 books in his hometown. After working in the TV industry, he hoped that more viewers in front of the TV would understand the charm of these comics. For this reason, he invested in this. A lot of energy. Every week, I went to the editorial department of “Weekly Juvenile JUMP”. Although I went around a lot of detours, I finally won the “City Hunter” case. “YAWARA! “The Detective Conan”, “Inuyasha” and “Black Jack”, these interviews, have also invested almost the same energy

Speaking of the charm of “City Hunter”, it is naturally the protagonist Yu. At that time, Suwa called Auntie “Auntie of Shinjuku” (from the protagonist of the movie “The Story of Yujiro”, Cheji Jiro). Auntie’s side never lacks beauty, and there are always beautiful women who bring entrustment. The aunt who is inferior in nature does not refuse the commission of the beauty, in order to the beauty of the knife on the mountain. And these women will re-enter the new path after the incident is resolved

Auntie is just frivolous and never makes a good job. In the past, the scorpion criminal was also involved in the incident and spent a night with the aunt, but the aunt did nothing, just silently staying by her, this is his gentleness. Suwa said that this is the gentlemanism of the teacher, and the ideal of every man. Although there is a time of contempt, the key moments never fall off the chain

In addition, it is the relationship between him and Yucun Xiang, which is one of the charms of this work. In this theatrical version, Axiang wearing a wedding dress is also one of the highlights

Speaking of “City Hunter”, you have to mention the classic song “Get Wild” sung by TM NETWORK. Suwa said that “City Hunter” can be said to be a starting point for today’s animated songs. Whether it is the lyrics of “Get Wild” or the prelude of the songs, it has a close relationship with this article, and it is precisely because of the hope that this song can The order of this article is linked to the rhythm of the city, so the order is placed. Just like the “Tuesday Suspense Theater” of Japanese TV stations at the time, when the prisoner confessed on the cliff, he would always put on Iwasaki’s “Mr.たちのララバイ” same. Suwa hopes that “City Hunter” can also have a signature theme song and has a close relationship with the animation. At that time, the TV animation had a play style: the title song – advertisement – A Part – advertisement – B Part – advertisement – ending song, in order to break it, Suwa has made a lot of effort, for example, when this article is coming to the end The ending song, then the TV station is helpless, this certain style will naturally be broken

Suwa said that thanks to the success of the theme song “CAT’S EYE” performed by Xing Li for “Cat Eye Three Sisters”, the music industry began to look forward to the animated theme songs, including Osawa Yukie, Okamura. Jing Xing and PSY·S were the most advanced people at the time. Suwa also liked pop music and felt lucky for their joining

The atmosphere today is very different from that of 30 years ago. In the new version of the theater, which is based on modernity, Axiang has added the elements of “Tucao”, but still retains the picture of the aunt’s department. Suwa said that this was done to preserve a picture that would make the female audience laugh in the theater without feeling disgusted. Among the participants in the new work, in addition to the role-designed Takahashi Kumiko, there are also many female production staff, so they actively exchange ideas with them when painting. The behavior of the characters in the play has also changed with the background of the times, but in the process of change, attention will also be paid to retaining the personality of the original character

In addition to Suwahiko, there are two younger producers to help. Suwa said that it is time for generations to change, which means the beginning of a new era. For this reason, at this festival, it is up to the first generation to open up. This is why the main team of this time is still the original group, and Yu Yuming is also the reason of Shen Guming

Suwa said that the focus of this work is that Axiang said, “The real strong is the one who uses power on others.” The power “changes everything” advocated by Yuki Shinji, Axiang It gives the rebuttal of “something that can’t be changed”. This is the answer given by Axiang, who has been around the aunt. Although Ayi has always been rejected by the client, he always insists on heroes to save the United States. Even if these women do not take his love as a matter of fact, he will not be discouraged and take new steps. This is the feathers in the eyes of Axiang

The times are changing, Shinjuku is changing, but some things will not change after so many years. That was the last of the peaceful peace in the Showa era – “The City Hunter.”

  • “Febri”Vol.53

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