With the launch of Miyazaki’s new work “Wolf: Shadow of the Second”, players around the world have gradually become familiar with the Chinese word “dead”

Some players said that it is not enough to see the word “dead”, and asked to change it to “dish”, even “鶸” (sound and weak), “brother” and so on

Did not let everyone wait, just yesterday, a mod that can replace the death screen appeared, players can choose whether it is “dead” or “dish”

This event even attracted the attention of Japanese game media DenFamiNicoGamer. Japanese media even deliberately explained to Japanese players another meaning of the words “dish” and “novice” in China, which is a wave of cultural output


During the game, players are inevitably experiencing character failures and even deaths. The classic game failure screen is the “GAME OVER” of the black screen white words in Super Mario. When the player fails inadvertently, the word will pop up and return to the starting point of the level. This is also the processing of most of the game in the ancient times for the game failure screen

Even with the development of time, there are still many games to adopt this design. For example, after the protagonist in “Metal Gear” is killed, the player will also see the words “GAME OVER”

But even the simple “GAME OVER”, “the world’s first” Nintendo can also play flowers. The Legend of Zelda: The Interest of the Wilderness”, which was released by Nintendo in 2017, was highly praised by the industry as soon as it was launched, and its media share reached the third highest in history. In addition to good gameplay and storytelling, the details of “The Wilderness” are full of players. If you play carefully enough, you will find that the difference in the way the main character Link died will also affect the color of the word “GAME OVER”, for example, the blue “GAME OVER” when drowned, and the burned life value becomes It became red

More than just “death.”

However, even in the FC period, there are manufacturers who do not stick to the traditional “GAME OVER”, but have a unique design for the plot or game background

FC is the fourth part of the famous “Adventure Island”. HUDSON company has ingeniously added a story that was rescued by the heroine and awakened from home after the protagonist’s life is exhausted, which not only gives the player new ideas, but also explains Why did the character not die after failure?

This kind of failure or death picture with plot or game settings is abounded in the long history of games. Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia series and Irrational Games’ BioShock: Unlimited are good examples

In “Prince of Persia”, the player will start the “Time Blade” when he dies, and achieve the effect of “Return”. Although the player is already “dead”, but does not have to go back to the archive point, the entire play experience is smooth. The degree is improved

And in “BioShock: Unlimited”, the players who are killed must first watch a passage and let Elizabeth rescue you from the operating room. But in some cases, the player is really “dead”, which leads to the game has a world view of “parallel world”, and allows the player to manipulate himself in the parallel world, which plays a role in complementing the plot

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