
Looking back on 2017, the second era of the era, the country’s strong rise. As one of the representatives of Guoman, the text-based animation is based on the content advantage, and the “IP+Anime” adaptation model is deeply tested. The works of “Full-time Master”, “Broken Sky”, “Full-time Master” and “Selected Heaven” are realized. The word-of-mouth has a bumper harvest and has produced countless best-selling fan-derived neighborhoods. Whether it is content, word of mouth or creative marketing, the results of reading and writing anime represent a new journey after years of accumulation and the rise of the country

金龙奖双料, “Full-time Master” of the annual animation road.

As the reading group’s 2017 animation adaptation masterpiece, “Full-time master” started broadcasting 24 hours of the whole network to play a hit of 100 million, bilibili’s follow-up users exceeded 3.7 million, Tencent video’s number of bullets exceeded 10,000 in 20 minutes. The watercress score is stable at a high level of 8.2 points

With high-quality content, grasping people’s settings and exquisite style, “Full-time Master” has not only achieved unsuccessful achievements in China, but also competed in overseas markets and won tens of thousands of overseas novels and animation hobby. Favorite

In addition to popularity, the reading text animation has also received endorsements of professional awards. In the 14th China Animation Golden Dragon Awards, the Reading Group won six nominations for its two animations, “Full-time Master” and “Break the Sky”. In the end, “Full-time Master” won the “Best Animation Adaptation Award” and “Best Marketing Animation Award” two awards, and won the “Anime Oscar”. In addition, at the press conference of the 2017 China Video List produced by the New Weekly, “Full-time Master” won the annual animation award and was elected as a new symbol of the country

More understand young people, reading the text animation into a new cross-border new darling.

In order to make content and popularity into actual IP value and realize continuous realization, as a partner of McDonald’s, Qunar, Fox, Pulse and other first-line brands, the reading group strives to deeply combine the story characters and brand selling points of “Full-time Master”. To create a cross-border linkage of innovation that better understands young people

With the cooperation with McDonald’s as the representative, following the “breaking the sky”, “Full-time Master” is the re-engagement of reading and McDonald’s. “Full-time master” theme Mai Leka was snapped up; McDonald’s full-time theme restaurant spontaneously formed a welcoming craze among fans; the animation protagonist became the spokesperson of McDonald’s, the first example of the founding of the country. Coincidentally, the “Full-time Master” Joy City lines under the 15 minutes of the first day of the opening of the flash shop, the queue of up to 200 people. In order to celebrate the role of Huang Shaotian’s birthday, fans should help their birthdays to rise, and more than 150 fans lined up outside

Derivative exploration, the multi-value of the secondary element industry ecology.

In addition to “Full-time Master”, the overall animation adaptation of the Reading Group in 2017 also achieved good results. As the first shot of the reading group network, the “Selected Heaven” two quarters totaled 300 million hits, creating a full VIP viewing history; “Break the Sky” animation broadcast on the first day of the 24 hours of the entire network hits billions, In one fell swoop, it broke the domestic 3D animation premiere record, and the number of hits exceeded 1 billion. In the first quarter of the “Full-time Master” animation, the audience reached a record of 170 million, and entered the overseas market. On the YouTube website, it was repeatedly selected for the animation TOP list, and the number of video broadcasts exceeded 300,000

Behind the high ratings, Guo Man also strives to continually prove the infinite value derived from the second element. In the freshly released 2017 Tencent Video Annual Index Report, the Reading Group not only occupies the top three of the top 10 national selections, but also has become the main character of the year and won many users to receive support, occupying 5 in the VIP pull new TOP10 seat. These achievements prove the strength of the reading text animation in the field to pull new paying users and retain paying users

The above results reflect the wide recognition of the value of the reading group’s animation products and subsequent derivative adaptations. In the future, the reading group will further break through the secondary wall based on this. I believe that with the second broadcast of “Selecting the Heaven” and the film and television version of “Break the Sky”, the Wenwen Group will, together with the same name Guofan, produce more value in the pan-entertainment market

Under the background of the continuous rise of the country and the increasing attention and expectation of young users, Wenwen will continue to explore the field of realizing the country, not only to support the secondary industry to become a new and efficient economic growth point, but also to build health. The industrial ecosystem has risen to the strong momentum of the country, and the goal of overtaking the road to Japan and the United States has made great strides

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