In everyone’s impression, “civil servants” may be an “iron rice bowl” occupation that represents a stable high income. But in fact, in foreign countries, “civil servants” is a very broad concept. Going to government officials and going to the general staff, as long as they work in relevant government departments or agencies, and the state pays salaries, they can all be collectively referred to as “civil servants.” Salaries can be very different for “civil servants” in different departments, institutions, levels, and positions. Especially in developed countries like Japan, the “civil servants” in a normal position are not much different from the employees of the general company. Compared with the same position in other industries, the salary may be almost the same or even lower. Therefore, when you are looking for a job, the same position may have more choices than “civil servants.”

Everyone has their own career and development direction, and work hard for it. Even if you are only a “civil servant” who works in an ordinary position, when you encounter a career that can fulfill your dreams, you may choose to change jobs. In Japan, an ACG cultural country, there are quite a lot of careers related to the ACG industry. It has always attracted many young people who have a strong interest in the ACG industry. Then, if you have a chance to become a seiyuu dream when you are doing a plain job like “civil servant”, then everyone will be like the following female seiyuu. The decision to resign from the “civil servant” has become a seiyuu, using voice to let everyone remember themselves?

Now, the seiyuu, which is familiar to everyone in the role of “Idol Master”, is the seiyuu who is familiar with her. From the junior high school era, she dreamed of becoming a seiyuu. When the original family and the family proposed to become seiyuu, her family was too disagreeing that she rushed into the seiyuu industry. Because Japan has developed very mature in the seiyuu industry, the competitive pressure between seiyuu is very large. Every year, many newcomers join the ranks of seiyuu, and some people silently exit the seiyuu circle. Even if the successful debut is seiyuu, the workload between different seiyuu has a huge difference, and the new seiyuu may not be able to guarantee a stable income. After seriously discussing with the family, the original decision was to listen to the opinions of the family. After graduating from high school, I would do a job to protect my life, and then go to the seiyuu school to learn the seiyuu dream. Soon after, after graduating from high school, she found a civilian job at the post office in Osaka, where she lived, and became an ordinary civil servant. Shortly after the work at the post office, I was originally enrolled in a number of famous seiyuu, and also a seiyuu learning course at the Osaka Institute of Broadcasting and Performance, a seiyuu development school under the seiyuu office “ARTSVISION”. Living with seiyuu training while working

After a long period of study, the original has already had the conditions to be a seiyuu debut. However, the original reason was still a civil servant working in the post office. Although seiyuu can participate in dubbing as a sideline business, the Civil Service Law stipulates that civil servants cannot do two jobs at the same time. Between seiyuu and civil servants, the two can only choose one. If you have an empty voice over the post office hours, you will miss out on many opportunities to work as a seiyuu. After consideration, I decided to resign from the civil service at the Osaka Post Office and join the seiyuu office in Tokyo to start a new life with seiyuu. The reason for the transition as a seiyuu, after a short trip, met an important role that influenced her career as a seiyuu. In 2008, at that time, it was the original reason for the seiyuu of newcomers. In the big cross-media plan that began to surge in popularity in 2007, the simulation game “Idol Master” was selected for the new role. In the selection, the original “DESTINY”, which sang a Japanese group “My Little Lover”, was successfully selected, and finally became the voice of the new character “Four Voices”, which suddenly made the original become a reference. The seiyuu of newcomers

After becoming a member of the “Idol Master” seiyuu, in 2009, the seiyuu of the new character “Four Voices” in the “Idol Masters”, which was released at the time, became the public’s vision. In addition to the dubbing work, the original has often participated in many performances and sang songs at the event as “Seiyu Guiyin” seiyuu. Many people realized her seiyuu through the role of “four noble voices”. The seiyuu work has also begun to increase. In 2012, I personally sang the ED “HANABI” for the PSP game “The Body Party – THE ANTHOLOGY – Sachiko’s Love Game Hysteric Birthday 2U” and released the first CD of the same list, officially debut as a singer. In recent years, I can see the original figure in some animations and games. For example, the heroine “Geng Xizi” in the 2012 comic adaptation animation “Dusk Otome × Amnesia Ghost” started playing in 2015, and the sequel has been popular in the past two years. The high-profile light novel adaptation of the OVERLORD heroine “Yaer Bed” and the second game of the game “The Story of Chuan”, the third in the “Atuyi”, “Flashing Kagura” series “Snow Spring” and so on. However, the most familiar character is the “Four Odds”. For many years, the original has also maintained a series of performances in the “Idol Master” as the “four noble voices” seiyuu. “Four Voices” became her longest and most well-known role

Is a seiyuu and a singer. These two identities give the original experience a different seiyuu experience than other newcomers. Although the seiyuu now gives everyone the feeling that in addition to the dubbing, there are 18 kinds of martial arts. It is basic to be able to sing and dance. There are also various specialties such as playing instruments, paintings, and stage plays. It is a “can go to the big stage and can be used as a recording studio.” The omnipotent artist, so that sometimes there will be the illusion that “the other work of seiyuu is more than the dubbing work.” Although this is also the change brought about by seiyuu idolization, seiyuu will have more other skills and help them broaden their scope of work. But sometimes it is inevitable that there will be conflicts in the work of multiple identities, and balance and trade-offs need to be made. In December 2017, as a singer debut, there have been five years of originality. It is announced that in March 2018, the last album CD will be released as a singer. In June 2018, the last concert will be held as a singer. After that, stop the singer’s identity activities and focus on seiyuu work. As soon as the news was announced, fans and fans of the ACG circle were deeply surprised. In the present, seiyuu can’t wait for her versatile development. The original reason has made a decision like a clear stream, and re-focusing her work on seiyuu’s job, people can’t help but deeply admire her determination

This insists on seiyuu dreams and resolutely makes two career choices. I don’t forget the female voice of the beginning, this time I came to Guangzhou as a guest of CICF EXPO of China International Cartoon Festival Animation Game Show. Before the start of the stage event, our JPbeta conducted an exclusive interview with the original

Q : In animation. 『OVERLORD』, the original Miss played “Yaer Bede”, in the latest season of the animation, did Yale Bede make you feel concerned about the change or care?

Originally by: The story of the third season is getting bigger and bigger. It is more full than the story world in the first season, and there are stories from other countries, so the appearance of Ya’er Bed is also less. But the first thing is the story of the guardians on the rest day. I realized that her usual state was often a working mode. She was still blushing at the Anz, but when she was chatting with Marley and Chatia, it turned out that It’s another look, like a scene of a bathing chat, which I couldn’t see before. It feels very fresh, like a glimpse of the feeling of every day Yabe Bed

Q : Can the original lady talk about the charm of Yaer Bede in this season?

Originally by: The first words of Ya’er Bede’s impression are “sluts”, but in fact she does not have experience with men, which makes people feel very different. It is obviously such a sexy big sister, but it is actually a pure girl. I think this is very attractive

Q :When the former lady plays the role of Takahashi Jun, who plays the role of “Kawasaki who loves ramen noodles”, she often has a very enjoyable voice for eating ramen. Will she often eat ramen for practice in private?

Originally by: Basically, when you are recording, you don’t really eat a ramen, but you can record the sound that imitates the ramen, and then add the sound effect of the sucking ramen, and then broadcast it. However, I used to eat the ramen to make that sound, so I didn’t do any secret training at all. It was just like that. It was very happy. I have been familiar with the scenes of ramen when I played four noble voices

Q : In “Snow Spring” in “Sparkling Kagura” is a character with a cold face and a passionate heart. Occasionally there are some shy lines for such a complicated character. Original Miss you. How is Interpreted?

Originally by: “Snow Spring” is a very straightforward girl. It is very easy to interpret. I have been in contact with this character for more than 5 years. In October, the animation started playing again, and we have the same name, so it is easy Just merge with yourself

(※ I note: “Snow Spring” is pronounced “ゆみ(yumi)”).

Q : “Snow Spring” and the original Miss you have the same name, will you have more feelings in the voice?

Originally by: Because our name is the same, so the director and the producer often call the name directly, which makes me feel uncomfortable at the beginning. But I have been getting used to it recently. Even if the producer directly called the name, I know that this is not saying me

Q : 原小姐. . As the idol master series character “Four Voices”, the interpretation is very successful. Now, when the idol master series is blooming, what do you think of the newcomers? What do you want to say to the new generation?

Originally by: The stage performances of the younger generations were excellent from the very beginning, and there were also people who sang very well. I also saw a lot of shocks when I saw Cinderella girls and millions of live performances. I also learned a lot. Things, so there is actually nothing that can be put forward. However, some people will come to ask me what I should do at this time. I will tell her the experience I have always had, because the concert will be very tense, what should I do when I am nervous, just like my predecessors As I taught me, I will also tell the younger generation that the most important thing is to enjoy the show

Q : Ms. Yuan has said in the past that for you, the “four nobles” in “Idol Masters” is a very important role. If you can talk to her, what do you want to say to the four ladies? ?

Originally by: I want to express my gratitude to her, because I have four noble voices, I can get all kinds of experience, even I can’t see the scenery, just because I have four noble voices, I want to She expressed my gratitude for the past ten years

Q : Miss Ms. What do you think is the difference between a personal singer event and a singing assignment in the corner of the “Idol” in the “Idol Masters” series?

Originally by: When I sing as “Four Voices”, I feel that I have to turn into “Four Voices” and then I will sing again. When I record, I will sing while watching her illustrations, so that I can enter the role more. I often do this, but as I personally sing, I will not make such preparations and play freely

Q : The current seiyuu is very versatile, but the original lady decided to stop the singer’s identity now and focus on seiyuu work. What made you so determined?

Originally by: Last year and the year before, I first came into contact with the reading of aloud dramas and one-hour TV programs. I realized that I still have a lot of places to learn. It is better to focus on seiyuu work and work harder..

Q :Even if the singer’s activities are suspended, but the seiyuu still has a lot of singing and performance work, then you think that “singer” and “seiyuu” are two different identities to sing, what is the difference?

Originally by: The singer sings as my own, and I have a lot of room to play, and I can do my best to perform, but when I sing as a character, I will consider the role that this character is not suitable for. I will think about how this character will sing this song, so the final work will give a completely different impression

Q : Now the original lady has refocused her work on the identity of “seiyuu”. What kind of goals did you set for yourself?

Originally by: I really want to do seiyuu’s career for a long time, not only there are many characters that I have not played, even the narration, there are many fields that I have not touched, and there are many things that I want to learn, I hope that even if I get older, I can continue my work of seiyuu

Q : After Miss An announced the termination of the singer’s activities last year, the workload of TV animation you received as seiyuu this year has increased compared with previous years. Can you talk about the more impressive characters in this year?

Originally by: If it is said that this year’s new encounter is the “Magic Girl Website”, I am playing the role of “Rain Valley Rain”. Most of the characters I have played have been mature, and this time The appearance of the character is very young, maybe a little sick, and this part of the character doesn’t know if it is worth it. It is a bit of a sick Loli’s role. This is my first time playing this role, I feel very fresh

Q : Miss You, do you think that the experience accumulated during the work of the singer has any effect on your current seiyuu work?

Originally by: The singer’s work is not only singing a lot of songs, but also participating in concerts and even personal concerts. The concerts of the “Idol Masters” that I have participated so far are probably only singing 9 to 10 songs, but in the individual. At the concert, I have to sing about 20 songs by one person. These experiences have increased my confidence

Q : Which of the most impressive characters in the role that Miss You have played so far?

Originally by: There are a lot of , but if you choose, I will choose the “four nobles” of “Idol Master”. This is my first work that I got the work through audition. Through the work of “Idol Master”, I got I have a lot of experience that I can’t usually experience, so I was very impressed

Q : Miss You have appeared in a variety of girls, serious, cute, mature big sister, sick and so on, what is the most difficult thing for you to interpret?

Originally by: If you say the role of Nan Yan, a character named “Bai Feng Yu” in the “Love Tyrant” played last year, this is a very special role, and I have always played a well-behaved female role. Therefore, the recording was very tense, but the encounter with the character “Bai Fengqi” opened a new door for myself

Q : Miss You, every time you play a different character, what will you do to adjust your status to the role at the time?

Originally by: Sometimes the schedule is very full, I have to play three works a day, work in the morning, dusk and evening, but I can switch over as soon as I see the character, as I just said, with When you record a song, you will look at the illustration of the four nobles. The look of the character is a very important part of the role

Q : Excuse me. 原小姐 What is your favorite character attribute? What type of role do you want to play most if you can choose?

Originally by: There is a lot of likes, but when it comes to the character you want to play, I haven’t played the role of a teenager yet. The supporting role doesn’t matter. I want to play the role of a boy. On the contrary, I have played in the past few years. A variety of female characters

Q : 原小姐What is the cartoon or animation that feels the most influential to myself?

Originally by: There is a lot of things, “I don’t think about games”, “You Yubaishu”, “Up to SEED”, I like them very much. “I don’t think about games” is played during my high school to middle school. The work of seiyuu has generated interest, and “up to SEED” “up to SEED DESTINY” just played during the period of my study. After watching the performances of seiyuu, I feel that I still have to work hard, one day Perform such a level

Q : What was the reason for the first time. Original Miss you. When I gave up the career of civil servants, I joined the seiyuu industry?

Originally by: I started to dream of becoming a seiyuu when I was in high school, but my parents thought that it was too hard to maintain life with only a seiyuu job, so I was able to go if I could not become a seiyuu. I have become a civil servant on other roads to earn a living, or while doing other work, so I became a civil servant. But after joining the firm, if you want to be a seiyuu on your own, then you will continue to work as a post office. It was difficult to achieve this goal, and the colleagues at the post office also supported me to be a seiyuu. I resigned and went to Tokyo

Q : If all kinds of conditions are ok, in addition to seiyuu, what do you want to do? (such as doing stage actors, opening snack shops and other areas of things).

Originally by: I really like ramen, especially like CUP NOODLE (Nissin), I want to be a developer of new products of CUP NOODLE

Q : The former lady has also been to China before. Is there any Chinese food that I really want to eat but have not eaten yet?

Originally by: I didn’t eat but I really wanted to eat the “tea drinking” that I just heard yesterday. It is said to be very famous. I want to drink tea. I have only a vague impression of “drinking tea”. I can’t imagine it. Said very delicious, I want to try it

Q : Finally, what does the original lady want to say to Chinese fans?

Originally by: This time I came to Guangzhou for the first time. When I went to Shanghai, everyone was very enthusiastic. I occasionally came to Japan to participate in activities and write to me. I am very happy to see you in this country. I am very happy. I will continue to work hard in the future. I hope that everyone can continue to read my work. Please support me

I first knew the original seiyuu in the animation of “Idol Master” and some videos introducing the famous songs of “Idol Master”, and did not specifically listen to the songs she sang. However, she was very impressed with her performance in the game “The Story of Chuan”, which laughed and laughed, and said that the Kansai warrior “Atuyi” was very impressive. In order to realize my dream of seiyuu, the original two times have made a choice between different occupations in order to demonstrate more of different types of roles and work, to show their determination and seiyuu. The seriousness of the work is very admirable

If there are two different types of occupations in front of you, how do you choose between dreams and survival?

(Photo: Ma Shawen: Ma Sha, Sakura Innocent Editor: Ma Sha)

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