“fluory 3” Rocky’s horizontal death, let the Marvel powder in the heart of the whole 2018 smashed a frost

Finally, at the end of the year, Marvel decided to let the fans have a good year: Washing White “Fulian 3” sacrificed Rocky to save Thor

Marvel officially washes white rocky.

Yesterday, the fans of the foreign network found that the official website of Marvel did not know when to secretly change the information in the “Locky Character Introduction Page”

There is such a sentence to prove that “Reunion 1” Rocky led the soldiers to invade the earth is not his wish

“The tyrant gave the scepter of Rocky’s embedded gems. Although Rocky can control other characters through the scepter, what Rocky doesn’t know is that he is also affected by the gems of the mind. His hatred of Thor and the human race on earth.”

The soul gem can influence Loki in a subtle way. Does it also subtly affect the tyrant?

In “Focus 3”, the tyrants are in one day, collecting infinite gems that can destroy the universe in addition to the power gems. Is there anyone who is pointing at the action of tying up the tyrant?

Does infinite gems have their own lives, using annihilation to achieve their goals?

Whether infinite gems have life.

In “Re-Link 3”, there are many details and evidence to prove that infinite gems are not just a few inanimate babies

1, Space Gems will take the initiative to redeem the Volvo planet to guard the soul gems;

2, the purpose of the red dragonfly guardian soul gem is also very clear in the film, “guide others to find treasures that red dragonfly can not have.”

If there is no red dragonfly, even if you are exhausted, you will not know that you have to rely on your love to get the treasure. This may be the reason why space gemstones shed red 骷髅 to look after the soul gems

Hung Hom also said: “The soul gem has a certain wisdom.”

3, the news released yesterday proved that the soul gem will affect Loki in a subtle way, which also proves that the gem of the soul is spiritual

4, In “Re-Link 3”, Iron Man said in a chat with Dr. Benner: “Two weeks ago, Phantom turned off his transponder and he was off the assembly line.”

When Dr. Bangna questioned Iron Man and lost a super robot (the first one was Ao Chuang), Iron Man replied: “I didn’t lose him, he is not that simple, he is evolving.”

What makes illusion evolve? It is the soul gem of his forehead

Subsequently, the tyrant’s children, the generals, and the night star, came to Scotland to hunt down the illusion, and the soul gems also talked with the illusion, warning him of the danger

霸霸 is guided by the collection of gems in order.

More than just gems may have ideas, and there may be ways to communicate between gems. For example, the path to collect gems. Power – Space – Reality – Soul – Time – Mind, every jewel has a key role in killing the next gem

Why is the power gem so hearty, because the purple power gem is the most powerful one among several gemstones

Marvel’s film special effects director Dan Dreyou said in an interview with foreign media Inverse that his team’s original design was: Power Gems are the gems to annihilate life, and the other five are just auxiliary. Bring the power of gemstones to the universe

Although the setting was changed later, the power gem is still the most powerful gem in the Marvel universe

This is an extremely powerful tyrant who has a power gem and is almost half successful

Power gemstones have absolute power to kill the tyrants, and the space gems that are robbed from the Asgard Escape Ships allow the tyrants to greatly reduce the time wasted on the road

The vastness of the universe is beyond everyone’s imagination. In the movie “Thor3”, the Valkyrie once said that Shandal is very far away from Asgard, and the spacecraft must fly for 18 months

Space Gems allow the tyrants to freely shuttle around, greatly reducing the preparation time for superheroes

The realistic gem helps the tyrant to capture the card magic, and the card magic pulls the tyrant to get the soul gem

When the tyrants returned to the Titans, they met a joint team of Iron Man and Star Jue, but the tyrants that collected the four gems were too strong. In order to save the Iron Man’s life, Doctor Strange had to hand over time gems

Finally, the time gem has restored the broken gems of the soul, and in this way, the gems of the tyrants are collected, perfect in one day…

Power gemstones – Space gemstones – Realistic gemstones – Soul gemstones – Time gemstones – Mind gemstones, if the order in the middle is slightly changed, the road to redemption of the universe will not be so smooth

Finally, let’s talk about the card magic. The card magic is the most important part of the road to collect gems. If there is no card magic, the tyrant will not get the soul gems. Kamora is the only person who loves the tyrant, and is the only life that can replace the soul gems

When the early years of annihilation destroyed the planet, why did you look at the card magic pull at a glance? Why do you want to save Card Magic as your favorite daughter among a bunch of refugees?

If this is the seed that the infinite gems planted in the heart of the tyrant, it seems to make sense

The tyrant does not like anyone at all, but there is a thought that affects him little by little, driving him to find someone who can make his own feelings, so that the soul gems will go into the bag smoothly…

The above is a speculation about infinite gems. I hope that in “Re-Link 4”, you can unlock the secret of infinite gems

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