Summary: The pirate adventure sandbox game “ATLAS” has been open for the first time in the Steam platform for 4 months. After the game opened on December 22, the peak online nearly 60,000 people, and won the Steam2018 popular new tour award. Developer Grapeshot Games, Instinct Games will launch a large iteration of “ATLAS 1.5” between “Experience Test” and “2.0” versions of “ATLAS”

Based on the player feedback and game development vision of the ATLAS pre-emptive experience stage, the development team Grapeshot Games, Instinct Games will redesign the PVP and PVE modes in “ATLAS 1.5” and launch the new version of the test suit in April..

Atlas 1.5 game mode.

“ATLAS” players love two very different game sizes and styles. One type of player loves the small and medium guild mode of 2-50 players, and the other type is more inclined to the large guild battle of 200 or more. The new version will not look for intermediate values in the hobbies of the two types of players, as this will weaken the experience of the two game modes. Therefore, in “ATLAS 1.5”, according to the number of guild caps, two modes are provided at the same time, and the player is allowed to select his favorite game mode. The rules for coexistence of dual modes are not static, and ATLAS rules will continue to be optimized and iterated if necessary. ATLAS 1.5 uses three unique game modes: large-scale PVP mode, small and medium-sized PVP mode, and PVE mode

New game elements.

Large-scale PVP mode (ATLAS Empire).

This mode is basically equivalent to the existing ATLAS system that the player is familiar with. In the original game mode, make some minor adjustments to the territorial system to solve the problems encountered by the player. The ATLAS Empire’s claims system is very similar to the traditional territorial system, but will increase the maximum growth rate and no limit, suitable for hardcore players who love large-scale, high-risk and high returns. “ATLAS” does not limit the expansion of the size of the members of the Grand Council and the Association, there is no declaration of war system and truce time

Since the large guild has no upper limit of 200 people, in the world of the jungle, a powerful guild can occupy all or a few servers and create a real empire

Small and medium PVP mode (ATLAS colonization).

This mode will have more new mechanisms and new rules, and use the new territorial system. It will include a cap on the number of guilds and alliances, a new declaration of war and war time. This game mode focuses on survival and development, targeting small and medium guilds. Officials are encouraged to engage in naval battles and land battles. They can attack enemy bases as well as seize territory from enemies

Small and medium-sized guilds can build their own colonies by doing their best


New environment (deep sea), new giant creatures, new scenes in the East, new vehicles (submarines) and even new execution instruments for the enemy will appear in the ATLAS 1.5PVE mode. The development team will open up new content in the test suit and focus on player feedback, and iterate and optimize the version of PVE

New Vehicles – Submarines.

Fishing Treasure Chest.

The submarine harpoon is a new type of underwater weapon.

ATLAS 1.5 test server opened in April.

“ATLAS” The upcoming game system will undergo great changes. In order to launch a high quality and complete new version, the “ATLAS 1.5” test server is expected to be released in April, and the test time is about one week

“ATLAS” new adventure.

For specific test content, we plan to open a set of test servers for each of the three new game modes, and all new versions will be included in the test server. Players participating in the test will encounter multiple updates to the version, and the test server will perform data cleanup when needed

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