The New Year is approaching, the Year of the Pig is about to be fully opened, and a large wave of beasts is coming. Are you ready to welcome the Year of the Pig?

New year and new weather, all game companies have been rushing to the “year of the beast mode”, as the first board game in the country, “Three Kingdoms Kill” naturally can not fall behind. It is reported that “Three Kingdoms Kill” will officially open the game system of the Year of the Beast tomorrow (January 24th). This year’s beast system game will open the battle of the Year of the Beast to the Zodiac. How to play it, get it quickly

Three Kingdoms Killing the Beast.

Open the new game of the Year of the Beast, the New Year mission does not stop.

“The Three Kingdoms Kill” tenth anniversary of the beast game is about to open, this tenth anniversary of the three kingdoms and the classic clothing of the beast game have both the military mode and the year of the beast mode two years of beast challenge mode, the difference is that choose different modes to challenge the year The beast needs to consume different items

In the 10th anniversary of the Three Kingdoms, choosing the military commander to carry out the annual beast challenge requires a certain amount of lucky money, and the player can get 300 lucky money every day when he logs in to the game. When the player accumulates a certain number of annual beasts after challenging the beast in the military mode, it can consume 10 years of beasts to enter the annual beast mode to challenge the zodiac beast

The classic costume of the Year of the Beast mode consumes 1 point of firecracker (ie physical strength) and 1 year of the beast to challenge 12 Zodiac beasts, otherwise it will be able to challenge the beast by consuming 1 point of firecracker into the military commander mode

Three Kingdoms Killing the Beast.

The yin and yang year beast challenged to capture the New Year of the Year.

In this year’s “Three Kingdoms Kill” 10th Anniversary, the Year of the Beast game, different models will face different challenges of the Year of the Beast

In the 10th anniversary of the Three Kingdoms and the classic military commander mode, 2 players will be free to choose 2 plus AI generals to fight the yin and yang beasts (2 beasts and 2 young beasts and 4 beasts); The mode is that 2 players are randomly matched to the savage beast and the beast. They are divided into 12 Zodiac beasts in 3 stages, and 4 Zodiac beasts are played in each stage

Three Kingdoms Killing the Beast.

Special skills to catch the beast, the annual beasts are powerful.

[Capture] As a special skill in the military command mode, the player uses [capture] for the current animal whose current physical strength is less than or equal to 3, and has a certain probability to capture the young beast. If the capture is successful, the captured beasts will be killed directly, and the non-escaped players will each receive a year of the beast; if the capture fails, the corresponding offensive skills of the beast will be automatically triggered [runaway] and [runaway]


  1. Immediately resurrect all the deadly friendly characters and return to 1 blood;
  2. All friendly characters touch 1 card;
  3. You reply 2 points of physical strength


  1. Deals 1 ignition attribute damage to all enemy characters;
  2. You reply 1 point of physical strength and touch 1 card;
  3. Immediately end the current round and you execute 1 extra round immediately

In addition, this year’s Zodiac beast’s skills continue the last year’s [inheritance] skills, the zodiac beast is killed by the beast of the beast or the beast of the year, will get extra skills because of the “inheritance” of the zodiac beast; when the player The year of the beast kills the zodiac beast, you can get the corresponding inheritance skills

Challenge the Year of the Beast to get a treasure chest, a generous reward for the New Year.

So exciting the lively beast challenge, naturally there is a blessing of rich rewards

In the game of the 10th anniversary of the Three Kingdoms, the player accepts the task and consumes a certain amount of money, but can also choose double reward, five times bonus, ten times bonus, and the bonus multiple increases, then the amount of money the player needs to consume is also Will rise accordingly. The bigger the bet, the bigger the reward

In the classic suit, the challenge mode and the annual beast mode rewards are different, but whether it is a failure or not, non-escape players can get a “winning treasure chest” or “failure treasure chest.” Such a generous reward will surely make every player eager to try, and sure enough, the New Year is to be happy first

Three Kingdoms Killing the Beast.

The 10th Anniversary of “Three Kingdoms Kill” and the new game of the beast will last for one month from January 24th to February 24th. The mighty year of the beast and the beast of the beast are daunting, the corresponding treasure chest The rewards are also very rich, can you dare to challenge such a beast? On January 24th, the New Year’s beast challenged the New Year

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