Left: The body of the wilderness right: Niushima Shinichiro.

Living in the night: The high school era began to create, in 2015 by publishing “I want to eat your pancreas” became a novelist

Niushima Shinichiro: Animation Supervision. Deputy Superman of “Fist Superman” and “ALL OUT!” “I want to eat your pancreas” is the first time that Niushima is the supervised animation

住野 participated in the work of “I want to eat your pancreas” (hereinafter referred to as the pancreas) script to the specimen examination. As the original author, it is already a deep participation in the production of animation. Because of his repeated requests and amendments, I feel that my impression of the staff should be an original author with a lot of complaints and opinions. Niu Island is very understanding of living in the wild. In Niu Island, the work is like a child living in the wild. It is normal for the work. In this production process, Niudao also felt the love of the works in the field, especially in the wild, giving detailed instructions on the words and deeds of the characters

The story of “pancreas” revolves around the differences between men and women of different personalities. How did the student age of the wild and the cattle island spend? Although Niu Island was not a bad student in the student days, it is not a good student. In high school, only Niudao was dyed by the whole school. However, there was no deep thought on Niudao. It was only at that time that Niudao didn’t want to do the same thing with others. Second, there was a mentality that “want to do things that can only be done now” is affecting Niudao

And the student age of Sumi is basically in the library and in the bookstore close to the school, with the time Yu Zehui, the writers such as Chuan Hao and Yi. Of course, there is no degree of autism in the “pancreas” actor. However, in the era of students in the field, there was also the idea that “people are very scary.” This kind of feeling has also become the source of various roles in the five novels that Sumi has been writing so far

It can be said that the characters in the novels so far have inherited the dark side of the wild. For example, in “また, 同じ梦をSeeていた”, the leading actor Since I understand the joy of reading, I think I am smarter than the surrounding people. This kind of thinking is also the idea of inheriting from the wild children. The reason why I put my negative thoughts on the characters is because I want to pass the debut characters in the novel to myself and to the similar people to convey the idea that “this will not work.” However, in fact, there has not been any change in the living, just because the novels are all based on the theme that “people should think about changing”, so the characters in the novel will inherit the shortcomings that Sanye wants to change

The topic turned to the dream of the two high school era. In the first year of high school, Niu Island learned about the charm of making movies because of the making of the film. When he was in the second year of high school, Niu Island passed the “Ghost in the Shell” (95 version), and he felt the charm of animation. After graduating from high school, Niu Dao also talked with his tutor about the idea of wanting to learn to do animation. I didn’t expect the teacher to say “: If you want to go to Hollywood, you can’t go to Hollywood.” Since then, Niu Island has not talked with his friends about his goals, and one person quietly honed his painting skills with the animation industry as his goal

Sumino is similar to Niudao. It is also a person who writes a novel in silence at home. Even if his parents enter their own room, they will get angry with the wild. In the high school era, I was determined to become a novelist. Just because I am now a novelist, I am now living in the wild and dare to say that every day of inefficiency is not in vain. If you can communicate with yourself in high school, I’m very eager to say, “Even if you hate things, everything you do is not useless.”

住野和牛岛 are all alone in chasing dreams, but “pancreas” is essentially a work of communication between people and people. In the works of Sumino, the recognition of communication objects is a common theme. The protagonist in the “pancreas” and the sakura are completely different people, and they can also recognize each other. The title of “Secret” and “Secret” of another novel in the wild, “Inside” and “Heart”, also implies the meaning of “everyone is different.”

“The secret of “” Secret “” Secret” inside the “Heart”.

The most important thing when I live with people is to recognize others. There are too many people in this world who are different from themselves. Even if you meet someone you can’t like, it is enough to recognize this person. However, Izuno said frankly that he could not always do this

Niudao is not good at communicating with people, so I think it is good to read the air and the surrounding people. Painting is the happiest time of Niushima, so Niudao does not understand what is important in communication. I only know how to continue this communication method along with others

But the version that Sumi has heard from other staff is not the same. In the opinion of many staffs, there is basically no animation supervision that can chat like Nishima. So I heard that Niu Dao commented on himself, and I was quite surprised. Niudao said that although he seems to be very social, he just wants to get into the atmosphere of the scene and do his best to open the switch of his work. When you study for yourself, there is also a hierarchy of social classes. When you are in contact with each other, you should consider whether it is beneficial for you to talk to each other. Looking back now, Niudao feels that this is just the experience of communicating with people in the student age

Nowadays, the means of communication for young people has changed a lot when they are younger than Yuki and Niushima. The personal feeling of living in the field is not so good. Nowadays, young people speak only a little too much, and they will be educated by older adults. There is also a speech that is against a user who has a lot of fans. The fans of this person will also feel attacked. If the reactions of the speakers and the recipients become more and more radical, then in the future, everyone will become afraid of the act of speaking. This phenomenon is very worrying for the wilderness

Although it is because the online society has grown bigger and many people are turning in a good direction, Sumi will be able to become a novelist in the present era, but because the online society is too broad, everyone will have it. fear. Niu Dao believes that the network gives a window for people who are not good at communication and introverts to express their opinions. This is very good. In such an environment, it is easier for people to express the vague concepts in their minds and take the first step toward the stated goals. Of course, such an environment also has a horrible side

The actor of “pancreas” should use a smartphone according to the times, but I think that with the introverted character of the protagonist, there is no need to take a smart phone. There are still many plots in the works, so I don’t want to have something particularly obvious in the works. Maybe change someone to write “pancreas”, the hero may also use line

Nowadays, like the protagonist of “pancreas”, there is no interest in the surrounding people. There are still many young people who cut off the contact with the surrounding people. The reason why the protagonist of “pancreas” can become the protagonist is because Sumano wants to write a story of a character sitting in the corner of the classroom and not speaking. It also includes the expectations mentioned above, the conspicuous children and the taciturn children can recognize each other in a situation where they can’t like each other

Of course, the way to recognize others is also diverse. If you live in the field, you will not have the other person as a “person”. It is not that you are too great, or look down on others, but do not want to bring in emotions, leading to yourself. Soft heart. For example, if a newcomer writer tries to reward a new man, the new writer will not make the evaluation of the work better. The work itself is the only benchmark for evaluation. However, this is definitely not to look down on people. The attitude looks at the script of “pancreas”

Niushima is very grateful for the seriousness and rigor of Sumino. Niudao personally did not have any confidence in whether he understood the feelings of the protagonist and Sakura, so they all discussed the story while living with the wilderness and other staff

Regarding the production, because Niu Dao was originally planning to restore the sense of reading to the animation accurately, but there are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people. After reading this, this kind of thing varies widely, and may not be the same as that of Suoye. So, in the end, I didn’t rely too much on the sense of reading, but I made animations based on the idea of living in the wild, and then based on the characteristics of the animation, I made a performance that is not yet in the other versions of the “pancreas”. An animation showing the advantages

On this point, Izuno also understands that “pancreas” is the result of today’s fans because of the love of fans. Among these fans, there are also people who are particularly loyal to the original. I hope that everyone can recognize the animation even if they can’t accept the owner of the animation and Sakura

Niushima also took the animation as a psychological preparation for fans to evaluate as “not the same as what they thought” and spent a lot of time thinking about how to express the characteristics of the work. Sumi also recalled that it took three hours for a script meeting to decide a small detail. Niudao’s communication with others also revealed that everyone’s views on “pancreas” are different, but the places that everyone was moved by “pancreas” are the same. So as long as everyone is like this, the animation should be able to be the same as the post-reading feeling in everyone’s mind

In the production process, Sumi has also modified the original work. For example, the question of whether Sakura and the protagonist’s hands are held together is initially described by hand, but considering that Sakura is not an innocent little girl, surely understands what his actions mean, and then becomes a hand without being held together. From the results, especially in the first half, the two people get along very naturally

“Pancreas” is a lot of fanatics. Niu Dao believes that there are so many fans in “pancreas” because the works are white. Whether it is the volt or the emotion of Sakura. And the protagonist’s actions have unfinished parts, and the work is over. Like “eva”, many of these puzzles will naturally appeal to readers. Therefore, the animated version also uses the blank of the novel, and there are places where there is no ending

When I lived to write a book, I didn’t have the intention to leave it blank. It was just the feeling that the characters’ emotions and actions were superimposed. Sakura is a girl who loves reluctance and does not want others to know her weaknesses. In fact, death should be more horrible, but I want to hide this emotion. In order to hide the emotions of Sakura, in the works, there will naturally be a blank

Finally, I lived in the “pancreas” as my debut, not only being loved, but also surrounded by criticism, but also added a lot of viewers who only saw the real version. These phenomena occasionally make the wilderness doubt, is the work what it is like today? A new book published in 18 years “%くて痛くて脆い》, Shouno has time to re-examine the “pancreas”. In the complex emotions, Sumino once again feels that he is the person who loves this story in the world. In the past, although there was a mentality that “the novelist can be happy through this book,” nowadays, I have tasted all kinds of sorrows and joys through this book. Therefore, I feel that the love of “pancreas” is now apparent. It is generated from your own life experience



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