Text / cake video.

Unconsciously, the Marvel movie universe has been with us for 10 years, come on, bloody powder, let us revisit it.

“The first stage of the Marvel movie universe viewing order”: The Avengers’ assembly.

Part 1: “Iron Man 1” China Released: 2008.

Speaking of the overbearing president & genius steel little Nini, abandoning the “evil” from the good, the story of the birth of Iron Man.

Ending Eggs: SHIELD’s one-eyed Frye appeared.

Part 2: “Invincible Hulk” China Released: 2008.

It is said that after the seven-material postdoctoral, the story of love is changed to “green” and the “elf princess” is saved. The impulse is the devil.

Ending Eggs: Iron Man Tony appeared.

Part III: “Iron Man 2” China Released: 2010.

Speaking of the ultimate confrontation between the rich and the rich, the “Iron Man” (War Machine) is full of days, and the number is not clear.

Ending Eggs: Middle Two Thor Thor appeared.

Part 4 “Thor1” China Released: 2011.

It is said that Tol’s offending father was sent to the earth, from the generation of Thor to a generation of thunder, for the sake of love and responsibility “God reversal” story.

Ending Eggs: US Captain Shi Aimin appeared.

Part 5 “Captain America” China Released: 2011.

Speaking of “weak chicken” Steve beat the chicken blood to become “strong muscle” Shi Aimin, telling you the story of screaming against the attack.

Ending Eggs: The seat invites Shi Aimin to save the world.

Part 6 “Avengers” China Released: 2012.

Speaking of the opening of the Avengers, all kinds of superhero heroes gather to blame, and Loki is very hurt.

Ending Eggs: BUG squad appears.

At this point, the first phase of the Marvel Parallel Universe ends.

“The second stage of the Marvel movie universe viewing order”: The new world opens.

Part VII “Iron Man 3” China Released: 2013.

Speaking of the little empty and cold part of Steel Nini, but roaring the story of the horrible head full of adults.

Ending Eggs: Nini and Nana chat about life.

Part 8 “Thor2: The Dark World” China Released: 2013.

It’s a story of Thor Thor playing any door and breaking the dark elves of the universe.

Ending Eggs: Ether particles are collected by collectors.

Part IX “Captain America 2: Winter Warrior” China Released: 2014.

Speaking of the story of Shi Aimin and a good friend Baki (Winter Warrior) love each other.

Ending Eggs: Fast Silver and Crimson Witches and Sisters Appear.

Part 10 “The Galaxy Guard” Cosmic Tears Group was established in China. Release time: 2014.

Speaking of the universe’s first tempting celestial group, using the cosmic energy ball to smash the big head naked man, oh no, the story of the mad flat Luonan.

Ending Eggs: Collectors and Ducks.

Part 11 “Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron” China Released: 2015.

It is said that the robot mobilization destroys human beings, and the leader Ou Chuang is very arrogant, and finally the story of being broken by the reunion.

Ending Eggs: The tyrant says he himself will be: he will officially debut.

第十二部 “Ant Man” China Released: 2015.

Speaking of the ordinary man wearing a magical suit can become bigger and smaller, riding the ants to save the world

Ending: The egg wasp female appeared.

At this point, the second phase of the Marvel Parallel Universe ends.

“The third stage of the Marvel movie universe viewing order”: the rise of unknown heroes.

Part 13 “Captain America 3: Civil War” China Released: 2016.

It is said that Shi Aimin and Xiao Nini have a big fight and finally split into two stories.

Ending Eggs: Spider-Man gets support from Tony Technology, and Baki freezes himself.

Part Four “Doctor Strange” China Released: 2016.

It’s a genius surgeon’s car accident, looking for a mystery recovery, and finally defeating the story of the Universe

Ending Eggs: The doctor promised to help Tol find the cockroach, and the Baron Modu was blackened.

Part 15 “Galaxy Guard 2” China Released: 2017.

Speaking of the story of Star Jue and the old father of Taoist, and finally the story of protecting his human beings and his father.

Ending Eggs: Xiaoshuren cute dance.

Part 16 “Spider-Man: Return of Heroes” China Released: 2017.

Speaking of the troubles of Little Spider Parker’s growth, the story of the goddess’ relatives being sent to prison.

Ending Eggs: The Xunzi and the evil six-person group appeared, and the US team Shi Aimin gave a speech.

Part 17 “Thor3: The Twilight of the Gods” China Released: 2017.

It’s said that Thor is driving him to the west, and Thor is blinded by his sister, and finally summons the story of the evil devil ruining his home.

Ending Eggs: Thor Thor travels to Earth with the rest of his life.

Part 18 “Black Panther” China Released: 2108.

Speaking of the story of the African-developed Wakanda chieftain A-Leopard and the cousin fighting for the throne.

Ending Eggs: Leopard visits Baki.

Part 19 “Avengers 3: Infinite War” China Released: 2018.

Speaking of the domineering director of the Family Planning Commission, the tyrant madly collects gems, is smashed by the reunion, but has no eggs, and finally eliminates the story of half of the cosmic creatures.

Ending Eggs: The seat gives text messages to the captain of surprise.

Part 20 “The Ant 2: The Wasp Female Appears”.

Speaking of the ant man and the wasp woman looking for her mother’s story with the help of her dad.

Ending Eggs: Big ants playing drums.

The above is already released, the following is not yet released.

The 21st “Amazing Captain” China Released: 2019.

Twenty-second “Avengers 4” China Released: 2019.

“The fourth stage of the Marvel movie universe viewing order”.

“Spiderman: Heroes Expedition”.

“Galaxy Guard 3”.

“Black Widow”.

“Eternal Family”.

“Doctor Strange2”.

Look forward to,

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