In the animated version of Detective Conan, if the main story is not broadcast, the animation team will create some original cases. Of course, these original cases are not as classic as the main story, but there are also many interesting ones. Case. For example, in the case that I want to talk to you next time, at the end of the case, all three people involved in the case are dead, and their causes of death are very coincidental. Let’s take a look at what is going on

On a sunny day, Maori Kogoro received an invitation from a female reasoning writer, and our “Death” primary school student Conan and his childhood friend Maorilan went to the female writer’s home with Xiao Golang. In the female writer’s home, there are three people, the first is the master female reasoning writer, then her husband, and finally a young woman is the writer’s disciple and assistant

After the three of them told Xiao Wulang about the situation of other people, the female writer said that her husband and her assistant had something to do, but they would not let them go. The husband said that the female writer seems to have a tendency to commit suicide. Finally, the female assistant said that the female writer looks very tough on the surface, but in fact she is also very vulnerable

On the second day, the female writer and her husband and female assistant were found dead by Xiao Golang and Conan. The female writer’s death was caused by the poisoned chocolate bar. Her husband ate. The sleeping assistant was poisoned with a sleeping pill, and the female assistant was drinking water from a poisonous cup. For a time, all three people in the family died, and the case was confusing

After careful investigation, Conan unleashed this seemingly strange case. The original female writer originally wanted to commit suicide, but she wanted to disguise her suicide as a murderer and then blame her husband and female assistant. So she poisoned the first two in a box of chocolate bars

On the other side, the female writer husband also wants to poison the female writer, so he poisoned a water cup often used by female writers. At the same time, the female assistant also wants to poison the female writer. She also poisoned the sleeping pills that the female writers had to eat every day. Three people can say that they have different ghosts

But the unexpected thing in the world is such a coincidence that the female writer’s husband accidentally disrupted the order of the chocolate bars while poisoning, and then took away the suspects for the elution and ate the sleeping pills that female writers often eat. So the female writer’s husband was poisoned by a female assistant who was poisoned by sleeping pills. After that, the female assistant was thirsty and used a water cup commonly used by female writers to drink water. As a result, she was poisoned

The female writer was very happy after discovering that her husband and assistant were poisoned, so she didn’t want to commit suicide. She also threw away the two chocolate bars that had been poisoned by her. However, the female writer did not think that these box of chocolate bars had been accidentally disrupted by her husband. The two really toxic ones were accidentally eaten by her, and she was poisoned by herself

The female writer wants to commit suicide and finally poisons herself. Her husband wants to kill the female writer but she is poisoned by the female assistant. The female assistant wants to poison the female writer but she is poisoned by her husband. Sure enough, the family is neat. Qi. What do you think of this strange and funny case of Detective Conan? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. If you like this article, don’t forget to like, collect, share and support me. Your support is my motivation

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