Hello everyone, I am very happy to meet you, I am Tang

In the king’s glory, many players should have found a significant change in the latest version. The hero’s shelf speed has slowed down. The purpose of this is to make the game more balanced and avoid the impact of the new hero on the game. As a result, the balance of the game is greatly affected, especially the unsolvable hero can not appear

However, the speed of new heroes has suddenly increased. Recently, there are a total of four new heroes on the service suit. They have not been officially put on the shelves. According to the speed of a hero in the previous month, I am afraid I will wait until April. Finished, but this is obviously unreasonable, there is no need to be on the shelves so soon

The purpose of doing this is to improve the hero’s output speed. Three of the four heroes have already said it. Today, it is said that Ma Chao is the five tigers. The current performance of this hero is still stronger. Skill setting gives people a feeling of no solution. Due to the strong set of skills, Ma Chao passively increases the speed of movement and cooperates with the attack to strengthen, which can easily produce higher burst damage, which directly affects the performance of many heroes, among which the five heroes are affected. Maximum

Galo has risen since the foundation damage has been enhanced. It has become the hottest hero in the current version, which directly leads to the passiveness of Galois. It can be easily played in both the early and the late stages. Part of the hero. However, Ma Chao is her nemesis. Passive acceleration can quickly approach Galo, and then a set of skills can easily take down the head of Galo by breaking the damage, and there is no effect on flashing

Li Baiyi has also risen after the skill enhancement, it is easier to unlock the big stroke skills, do not need to rely on wild monsters and small soldiers to play the strength as before, now you can hit one after seeing people directly Set of skills. However, after Ma Chao was on the line, Li Bai was very difficult. The powerful acceleration effect and skill control allowed Li Bai to release a set of skills to him, and Li Bai’s injury could not be compared with him

Han Xin’s strong move has strengthened and has become one of the most powerful wild heroes. By relying on the passive reduction effect, it can prevent direct seconds, which further strengthens his early viability and can be easier. Play the advantage of economic suppression. However, after Ma Chao appeared, Han Xin’s most powerful escape ability was abolished, because Ma Chao’s ability to chase people is too strong, and there is no need to be afraid to beat Han Xin, but he also has the attributes of soldiers

Zhuge Liang’s design is the most powerful place, it should be the displacement effect of the two skills, which makes Zhuge Liang can easily play more powerful strength, relying on displacement can make the skill hit rate higher, with the big move remote sniper to strengthen the trend. But he is still one after all, although the heads-up ability has always been strong, but also depends on the displacement skills to save lives, and after the appearance of Ma Chao, even the displacement of Zhuge Liang can not run

Angela has become a popular version of the Master Hero after the cooldown of the skill and the blue consumption change. Even in the high-end game, there is a chance to play. The strength has been recognized by many great players, and it can be further away. Spike the target. However, Angela also has shortcomings. Although she is very deadly to those clumsy heroes, she can’t do it when she encounters a flexible hero. She is directly cut off. As a warrior, Ma Chao can restrain her from death

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