Although the 2018 masterpieces are frequent, the foreign players who taste the taste are still not very good. Recently, foreign media gameinformer released a top 10 best-selling game in 2018. Entertainment. Ranking, have you played here? Let’s take a look

10. “Russian Effect”.

Sound Tour + Tetris is a good idea, but you must know that this game appeared in front of the players in 1989. After nearly 30 years, the gameplay is still Tetris, stripping the gorgeous appearance. Then its essence is “Tetris”, so the premise of buying this is that you like to play Tetris, not other additional elements

9. “Death Cell”.

How many people can use a random weapon to launch a random adventure on a random map? And after the death, do the above random again? Although the player can continue to find surprises, he completely loses the Daguai upgrade and the pleasure of achievement – this is a unique experience

8. “Monster Hunter: The World”.

“Monster Hunter” series of clumsy battles and meaningless leveling makes many players have fun on the console, but on the PC, “Monster Hunter: World” is not so idiotic, endless Repetitive missions, clumsy character animations, and thunderous battle scenes. This content does not work for PC players who have experienced battles

7. “Dragon Ball Warrior Z”.

If you are a second-year boy, then the various seemingly stupid characters in Dragon Ball Warrior Z, meaningless plots, exaggerated movements are definitely your dish. Of course, when you grow up, you will find out what kind of ghosts I played when I was young!

6. “Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey”.

This game gives developers a suggestion: If you can’t win with quality, then win with quantity. The Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is an example of this. The map is oversized but has no connotation. In addition, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is also farther and farther away from the Assassin

5. “Call of Duty 15: Black Ops 4”.

Year after year, “Call of Duty” is still the case, the new work “Call of Duty 15: Black Action 4” is still very similar to the previous one, no new ideas. This seemingly new game even completely obeys the game trend and becomes a fast food work – when next year’s “Call of Duty” appears, I believe that most players will forget “Call of Duty 15: Black Action 4”

4. “Nintendo Star Big Fighting Special Edition”.

Foreign media gameinformer really doesn’t like this game. They think that players who like this game don’t know how “excellent the world is outside” except Nintendo. In short, this is a suitable primary school experience. The game, for the adults, maybe life is too difficult, they will enjoy it

3. “Marvel Spider-Man”.

Another is a Spider-Man restart, who will fight with him this time, and who will date? In any case, this is still a “Spider-Man” game, and it’s clear about any of his plot players. That’s right, it’s the replica of Spider-Man 2 in 2004

1/2 “Wild Dart 2” / “God of War 4”.

But gameinformer thinks that these two games are obviously acclaimed. Isn’t the former a classic game than the first generation of “Wild Dart” 8 years ago? Isn’t the latter a legendary “Daddy Simulator”? In any case, these two games are definitely the most famous game of the year

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