Why do you want to make this kind of audience sweet and the other part of the audience to die! What’s more, will it be sweet for a while?

1. “Your Name”.

Xinhaicheng has made a perfect blend of classical stories and modern life. The bustling city of Tokyo, the remote town of blue sky and grass is perfectly integrated with the background of the whole story, and the clues in the story are unified to the same. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a Japanese tourist film

Sanye in order to save himself and the village, with a small blow up power station, steal the broadcast frequency band, help the village to take refuge

泷 In order to save the three leaves, from the mountains over the mountains to the destroyed village, I finally crossed again and brought back the information of the disaster

There are many ways to prove love. But this way of crossing life and death is too beautiful and too sultry

2. “Unscented flower name”.

The most touching part of this animation is the sorrow of all the people who follow the passing of time. So we all miss our childhood, just as the face is still with friends after death

Time stays in the summer of childhood, although now we want to contact you, online contact is very convenient

I always feel that my friends have always been together, but is this really true?

If you really meet each other, you will only be surprised, and you will not laugh at the smile.

3. “Yi Ye Zhi Ting”.

If you want to say that the best picture in an animated work, then the first thing I think of is the work of Xin Haicheng

His style is biased towards small and fresh literature, with a touch of sadness, delicate and delicate pictures, very easy to touch people

So even though his story is not enough, I am amazed at the picture, and I love the picture and enjoy the happiness of every frame of wallpaper

Not to mention the plot is not so bad, but it is only something that exists in the dream

4. “The hillside where the beautiful people bloom”.

The work of Miyazaki’s son, Miyazaki’s son, is still the style of Ghibli

The picture is as beautiful as ever and full of summer fairy tale colors. The female host is still strong and brave, and the youngsters are subtle and beautiful

The Japanese style in the 1960s is also very expressive, but the plot is too bloody, it is set according to the youth idol drama. However, the delicate and simple living atmosphere and pure fresh emotions are also quite good

5. “Yu Zi Love Story”.

I’m in love with each other, and I’m finally determined to show my heart’s story before the graduation season

Jingani fully photographed its sincerity, and the simple clues were completely filled with a rich version of the time

And the Japanese are too good at describing pure love, and there are countless details in it that are worthy of praise, especially in Jingani

Think of the famous words of Thousands of Anti-Tian Tian: “Look, I am a hometown student. This is my hometown. There is only water and land, but… I want to introduce this to the students.”

6. “The fairy tale of the years”.

This is a film in 1991. The story is simple but very touching. The director uses a few ordinary stories to express a serene beauty

The movie is full of childhood taste, the little girl grows with a sensitive and delicate heart

The fairy tale of the years, like poetry, finally returns to pure and simple, the last boy is the most understanding of the Miaozi, she also said that chatting with him is very comfortable, always able to solve her troubles

A story tells people that when you meet a guy who can comfort you, you have the same pursuit as you, even if there is no vow, the faint happiness is also very good, this quiet soul, life can meet the right person only one

7. “Girls through time and space”.

A girl has acquired the super power of “continuously passing through time and space”, but only used to solve the trivial things in life: coping with the exam, not ugly, singing for a while K, and sister robbing the pudding… used to escape, escape The one who was originally a buddy suddenly wanted to confess with me

Once and for all, interrupt time, just to avoid the confession. And when she really wants to face the confession and want to confess, the super power has run out

The boy is actually coming from the future, he gave her super power. Now that he is exposed, he must go back

8. “Learning ears”

The delicate and lovely first love story is like a diary written by a girl. Listen to the ear, those who call for the faint sound of growth

Unfortunately, the children who are addicted to mobile phones can no longer appreciate the beauty of the love of this ancient era library. It is too warm for the holy secretary and Yuedao Wen to smile at the library quietly

Like the words that Awen said to the saints behind: Because you, I am willing to be a better person, do not want to be your burden, so work hard, just to prove that I am in line with you

9. “Firefly’s Forest”.

The one in the summer of the year, the fate between the little girl and the half demon boy began. After each summer, the little girl will come to find a teenager

As the year passed, the girl grew up and there was a love between the two, but they could not touch each other. Also more eager to touch each other

Later, the teenager took the girl to the festival of the monsters. The two men’s hands were tied with white cloth and they wanted to be on a date. At the end of the last memorial, in order to save people, the human beings are about to disappear

The two finally embraced each other, and finally the teenager disappeared a little, and the moment was eternal

How much you want to touch and hug you, how scared you are to lose to you

10. “I want to eat your pancreas”.

It is a very beautiful thing to meet the right person in the right time

But between Chunshu and Sakura, there is no love for all, cherry blossoms are easy to pass, and spring trees are evergreen

Girl like a cherry tree-like life, would you dare to confess?

The choices they made them meet at the age of 17. Sakura’s simple wish was accepted by Chunshu, and in the last time together, I said that I wanted to eat your pancreas

Simple love doesn’t have anything mixed with it, maybe it’s just like this, I will yearn for them

“The young people are too impatient now, even waiting for a spoonful of sugar to melt, and how much coffee do you drink?”

These animations are suitable for calming down and slowly admiring it~.

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