Chief Supervisor Tsuda Sangke pursued “JOJO”, starting with the fourth part of the comic series. When chasing the fifth, the hero of the story suddenly became the son of Dior, and it was really refreshing to the readers who used to watch the male master of the Josda family. Of course, when Dior was resurrected, he borrowed Jonathan’s body. Therefore, strictly speaking, Giorno Chobana still followed the blood of the Josda family. Although the story of the fifth part is more independent and more awkward than the past, the interpersonal relationship is complicated, but it still exudes the cool charm of the JOJO series.In the fifth season of the

TV series, Tsuda became the general supervisor, but the matters to be dealt with were similar to the usual. In view of the arduous and unusual task of the JOJO series, in order to reduce the weight of the shoulders, this season, Tsuda invited two newcomers to help out, adopting the “double supervision + general supervision” response system. However, in reality, Tsuda still feels that he is not expecting enough difficulties. Therefore, the amount of work he has on hand is basically not much different from before. Fortunately, standing on the height of the oversight of the General Supervisor, Tsuda can take a panoramic view of the dead corners that are difficult to observe, so overall, the harvest is quite fruitful

Speaking of the second season, the two newcomers who took the lead in the supervision of Kimura Taida and Takahashi Hideya, both of them, regardless of their personality, or the performance style are all in the north. Therefore, it is a very interesting pleasure to compare the performances of the two people. In the view of Tsuda, Takahashi Supervisor has a lot of experience on the number of performances of the “game of the game”, while Kimura is more adept at driving the paintings that show his personality. The two supervisors have achieved excellent standards in their respective fields. Therefore, it is reassuring that Tsuda’s supervisor has arranged “homework”

In this main team, another effective cadre for Tsuda is the teacher named Kishida Takahiro. It can be said that the effective assistance of Kishida has saved half of the energy of Tsuda. In the view of the general supervisor, Kishida’s paintings are full of spiritual expression. With its unparalleled exquisite painting skills as a solid backing, the designer swayed the unique aesthetic taste and presented the ultimate human aesthetic concept pursued by Araki Hirohiko with the use of animated language symbols. And even if you don’t talk about your current work, Tsuda is already a big fan of Kishida’s paintings

“Golden Wind” OP song, Tsuda handed over to the producer, Omori Kai, to take care of himself, and he freed up his hand to deal with all aspects of the drama. In addition, the EI song’s split mirror and performance were personally handled by Tsuda. It is said that the core design concept is based on the rumors of the teacher who has set up the production of Yongjing Li (Nongjingうらら)

On the embossed façade that immediately reminds people of Western painting, through the infinite stretch of branches, it means the strong will and vitality of the team members of Qiao Luno. According to Tsuda, the final picture composition is “herringbone shape”. It is estimated that everyone has not noticed it, but this point is like Nagai’s smile pointed out. If you have not read the manuscript original, it is extremely difficult to detect, but the general supervision is still I hope that someone in the audience can find the mystery. Moreover, Tsuda is quite content with the handsome composition of the last 3D relief, trying to commercialize the map. Tsuda’s final visual presentation of ED is attributed to the support of photography supervision, and many special effects, the general supervision also praised

The script of the 20th and 21st words of the drama, the reason why the general supervisor personally went into battle, was because he heard Xiaolin, who is a member of the series, “I really don’t understand ‘King Crimson’.” Tsuda thinks that this part of the content is really not easy to get, in order to facilitate the transmission of the mirrors and performances after this, you have to take the initiative to take responsibility and hard bones. In the process of writing, the Chief Supervisor was able to clarify the relationship between “King Crimson” and “Final Task”

After the chorus of Gironac and Ghiaccio went through a thrilling battle, 20, 21 words ushered in a relatively quiet and silent boss confrontation, and interspersed with Bucharati’s childhood in the middle.In a chilling and calm atmosphere, the boss quietly launched a deadly attack. Success in the immediate and unexpected betrayal, the unsettled team members in the entanglement, facing the team’s disintegration. Here, the plot is turned 180 degrees straight down, the critical moment of life and death choices, the interpersonal relationship is extremely fragile and subtle, step by step startling, therefore, the writer is required to repeatedly consider each node, it can be imagined

Such a key two-word content, name scenes, famous lines are too numerous to mention. From the moment when Bulgari escorted Terri Hugh to take the elevator, a series of unpredictable speeds unfolded, and the short-handed encounter was like a fierce battle on the edge of the ghost gate, and even facing the powerful “Singing King Crimson” At that time, the helpless sense of despair left a deep impression on Tsuda. When Bugarati quitted and said, “That guy can always bring me ‘courage’”, the general supervisor can even feel the shudder and the numbness. Then, Bhagati conveyed to everyone the news of the betrayal of the boss, and the decisiveness of the righteousness was also the word gold

On the other hand, the contest between the team members and the assassination team is equally remarkable. “Black Sabbath War”, “Ghiaccio War”, etc., when Tsuda was reading the original manga, he was also worried about the uneasy feeling of “unable to overcome”. Therefore, when I saw 19 words, the rising sun was rising, and an unspeakable emotion also rushed to Tsuda’s heart

With the appearance of the assassination team leader Risut, who raised the anti-flag to the boss, he was killed after discovering his opponent’s ability. The plot is about to turn to the next climax. At that time, there will be new faces

Finally, Tsuda’s supervisor expressed deep gratitude to the audience who have been paying attention to the JOJO series for a long time. Although all the staff at the production site are exhausted at the moment, such as walking in the same position as the corpse, it can be said that everyone is supported by the belief in the chest. Therefore, the sincere support and eager anticipation of the audience is an uncompromising “cardiotonic agent”. I hope that you can accompany the production team to accompany the work to the end

  • 19 April issue “Animage”

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