The famous animator and illustrator Tanaka Tatsuya published a book last week entitled “Anime Insertion Animation, Manga, Illustrator Production Method”, which is very straightforward

In the book, Tanaka mentioned that many animators, including himself, have suffered from being a pure craftsman who can’t do what they want to do, and instead go to draw comics or illustrations, but they have encountered Waterloo

These people who can publish comic works are undoubtedly first-class as animators. Why do they lose to cartoonists and illustrators? Tanaka believes that although the different areas of specialization are also a reason, but more importantly, animators are very lacking in “writer-style training.” Because they didn’t always release their favorite things, lacking “artist”, they lost to cartoonists and illustrators


Anime Mancun Shangda also sent this page to Twitter, which caused a lot of people’s attention

Game producer TANAKA U pointed out that in the bubble period of the card game, there was also a company’s thoughts, let the animated people who draw fast to draw the card face, isn’t it invincible? However, they let the animators freely submit a picture, but the paintings are often unattractive, and from the player’s point of view, there is no “golden pressure”. In addition, there are not a few companies that have failed to enable cartoonists

Of course there are exceptions. The “Idol Master Millions Live” in the card game is drawn by the animation company A-1 Pictures, and the album is also released. The illustrator of this game is very attractive and “class gold pressure”, and the quality is very stable. I don’t know if there is a painting that is good at illustrations in A-1, or a person who is good at guiding, or both

TANAKA has a set of methods for measuring the “golden weight” of your own, which is to reduce the image to a very small thumbnail to see if you can still maintain the charm. Because it is his own experience, so it has not been used in any game. However, he felt that the illustrator Yan Mulu, who participated in games such as “Bashmet” and “Shadowverse”, was very “resistant”


Of course, among the animators, there are also many famous writers who have shown their talents in other fields. Professional illustrators themselves are not born with charm, but have undergone conscious training

The western position of the animator and the cartoonist said that the animator has been working for a long time, and a white paper is placed in front of him, and he will not know what to paint. Therefore, she often tells the younger generation to develop the habit of painting graffiti on Twitter, but when she says this to the younger generation, there are not many people who can do this in the younger generation

West Point has just entered the line for about half a year, and nothing can be drawn before sitting on the white paper. Therefore, she made various efforts, including exchanging painting diaries with the same period, and wanted to avoid forgetting the mood of happy painting. I am used to painting according to instructions at work, I don’t know how to draw from scratch, so be careful. Twitter that can publish graffiti can also enhance the motivation of painting, which is very valuable

西位 also said that people who have painted cartoons before, after becoming an animator, should try to insist on drawing comics. It took her a long time to recover her ability to draw comics. In the future, both animation and comics will become a very practical weapon, so she does not think it is necessary to give up the activities of the same person because she is an animator. Although working both at the same time will be very hard in time


So, if you are interested in becoming an illustrator, how can you improve your charm?

Illustrator YamashitaしゅんやConclusion: To draw attractive paintings, only the path to becoming metamorphosis can be left. However, when publishing a painting, it is best to pretend to be a normal person


Illustrator sushi adds that as people grow older, they gradually become invariant. So he believes that it is vital to create an environment that can maintain one’s own metamorphosis. This is not a joke. People in this industry should understand how terrible it is to become ordinary


If you feel that you are out of tune with the gods, it may be because you are not abnormal. The question is, how can we become metamorphosis enough?

猎奇漫画家氏贺Y Y has shared a journey:

  • To improve your painting skills, it is not enough to paint your face. You must also practice your body well
  • The outside of the light painting is not good, you must learn the bones
  • Can’t be satisfied with the bones, the internal organs should also be drawn
  • At this point, I have already taken the road

Teacher Shi feels that this is a very natural journey


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