According to the plan, at 15:48 on March 2, Beijing time, Space Exploration will launch the unmanned test launch of the Dragon 2 (Dragon 2) for the first time

As planned, the spacecraft will enter the Earth’s orbit, docking with the International Space Station after 24 hours, and returning to Earth after five days

The rocket used for this launch is “Falcon 9”. The main purpose is to test the performance of the manned dragon spacecraft. There is a dummy model in the spacecraft to record the data that the real astronauts bear. The manned dragon spacecraft is very spacious and can carry 7 astronauts at a time. In addition, it will carry approximately 180 kilograms of supplies for astronauts on the International Space Station

The towering string ladder goes straight to the top of the rocket.

This launch is actually a push and push. It was originally planned to be carried out in 2015, and it was later postponed not earlier than December 2016, and then several delays were made in 2017, and finally it was December 2018 or January 2019. Only one static ignition test was performed in January. Therefore, the launch of this afternoon is very rare, and the cowhide that has been blown over the years can be seen. In addition to the technical factors, there are also weather factors affecting the launch. Therefore, the launch of this afternoon has also been delayed. According to official sources, if there is a delay, it will be on the following March 5th, March 8th and March 9th. The good news is that the probability of an estimated launch is 80%

If the launch is successful, it will mean that the United States has taken another step in regaining manned space capabilities. See the specific analysis of the following paragraphs

Where is the launching location?

A bird’s eye view of the Kennedy Space Center. The front is the assembly hall, with 39A on the right rear and 39B on the left.

The launch was at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA. The launch site was very famous. The Apollo moon landing spacecraft and space shuttle were launched that year. On July 16, 1969, it was here that the huge Saturn V rocket lifted the Apollo 11 spacecraft and sent humans to the moon for the first time

Currently, the launch site has three launch stations “LC 39-A”, “LC 39-B” and “LC 39-C”. Previously SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and heavy Falcon also took off at LC39-A; LC 39-B was NASA ready to launch a new large thrust rocket (space launch system); LC39-C was added in 2015, ready to launch a relatively small rocket, but never used it

What is the significance of this launch?

We know how powerful NASA is!

In 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft was also launched at the LC-39A station

Completed the first human landing on the moon 50 years ago, representing humans on another planet. During the Apollo period, a total of seven manned moon launches were completed, six of which successfully sent 12 astronauts to the moon. Although the only Apollo 13 did not succeed, the three astronauts returned to Earth unscathed

38 years ago, the first space shuttle “Colombia” was successfully launched, and seven astronauts could be sent to low-Earth orbit. A total of five space shuttles have been built in the United States, and the strong transportation capacity has made a great contribution to building an international space!

In 1981, the space shuttle Columbia was set up at the LC-39A launching station.

29 years ago, the Discovery space shuttle sent the famous Hubble telescopes into space, opening a new window for human observation of the universe

Glory is also scarred behind. As we all know, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 72 seconds after launching, and all seven astronauts on board were killed (the launch site is LC 39-B above the article). This incident has already been written into the middle school Chinese textbooks. Those who have attended secondary school should be able to remember

1986 The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded after it took off.

In 2003, another catastrophic event occurred. On February 1, 2003, when the space shuttle “Colombia”, which had completed its mission, returned to the air, there was a problem with the heat insulation of the fuselage. The effect of the thousand-mile river embankment collapsed in the ant colony eventually led to the disintegration of the entire space shuttle. Similarly, all seven astronauts on board were killed

The space shuttle of the Columbia Spacecraft disintegrated in 2003.

In addition to the “Enterprise” space shuttle used for testing, NASA built a total of five space shuttles, two of which have been destroyed, and the casualty ratio is too large

The return of the space shuttle Atlantis marks the curtain call of the space shuttle era.

On July 21, 2011, with the landing of the Space Shuttle Atlantis at the Kennedy Space Center, the entire space shuttle was grounded. Since then, the mighty United States has lost its ability to manned space. The author was most looking forward to the last three minutes of the news network, because sometimes the space shuttle launch and return news, the magnificent launch screen and the slow return scene made me unforgettable

Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft.

In the future, I will fly to the International Space Station. At this time, the old enemy of Russia has extended an olive branch. Russia has a mature and reliable manned “Alliance” spacecraft. Of course, this is not a free lunch. It is said that the initial cost is more than 20 million US dollars per astronaut, and today’s price has soared to more than 80 million US dollars. Therefore, NASA is very eager for domestic private companies, including SpaceX, to provoke the girders and allow the United States to once again acquire the ability to launch manned spacecraft at home. Of course, SpaceX is also a fee, but the price is cheaper than the Russian “Alliance” spacecraft, and it can be fat and water. In addition to SpaceX, NASA also supported Boeing’s spacecraft construction work

Therefore, NASA has given strong support to private companies such as SpaceX in all aspects. In the future, it is also expected to bring the price of manned space back to a reasonable level through market competition. In this way, NASA is also able to free up more energy for more advanced research such as deep space exploration

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