[This week’s Toei Superhero Chronicle].

The eleventh time to solve the old Fan: “The first generation of Kamen Rider” the first commentary forum (the first part).

The historical nature of “Kamen Rider” can be compared with the soap bubble islands in “One Piece”: multiple routes are gathered here, and several routes are branched from here. The meaning of the first half of the sentence has been said a lot in the past serials, and we will deal with the meaning of the latter half for a long time.

Since the super heroes of the Toei Group since 1971, there is no imprint on the origin of the Kamen Rider series. The origin of the Kamen Rider series is in Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider. The origin is of course in the first words “Freakish Spider Man”. The history of the Toei Superhero has been refurbished from here, on Saturday, April 3, 1971 at 19:30, the golden hour of the weekend night.

The script of the first words was written by the scriptwriter Yishang, who participated in the planning stage. Dongying’s Pingshan Heng producer had the most cooperative scripting career in his career, and he was also the master scriptwriter of the entire 70s Kamen Rider series. . The picture above is the cover of the script’s decision draft. The internal text on the left side is handwritten, the internal text on the right side is printed, and the signature on the left side is the signature of the producer of Pingshan (in fact, the signature).

When the cover on the left side was printed, the total title logo of “Kamen Rider” has not yet been designed. The headline on the right side of the cover is the “Kamen Rider” logo that was used in the Heisei era. The following picture is the duel scene in the first script, the moment when the “Knight kick” debuted in the history, the handwriting of the scriptwriter Yi Shangsheng:.

The following picture is the internal printed text of the cover on the right side of the above. This is actually not a photo book for the photo site, but it is a printed report for the content of the Taiwanese book, which is used as a report for TV stations and sponsors. This kind of thing is said to have completed the Taiwanese version. For example, all the 28 pieces of “Otto Q” have been made into such a printed matter, and “Kamen Rider” has printed the first quarter.

After the cover, before the start of the text, there is an entry for “production intent” added to the page. The last paragraph of the paragraph reads: “This drama is not just an action movie, but also a strange smell on the action scene full of rapid sense, called the action film.”

Let’s start with the image of the OP. The show is Toshiro to Toshiba. We have mentioned this person many times, and it was officially supervised in the mid-1960s, and then participated in the performance of Dongying Special Children’s Films for the producers. In the future, it will become one of the main supervisors of the Kamen Rider series in the 1970s. The producers of the Metal Hero series in the 1980s are the most important historical figures in the history of Toei Superheroes. At this time, the supervision of the Oda was entrusted by the producers of Hirayama, and served as the “general supervision” of the “Kamen Rider”, which is equivalent to the supervisory position of the general animation, and the series directorships mentioned by Toei Animation. . The

OP image contains sections that can be roughly divided into 3 categories. The first is the scene where the Kamen Rider rides on the whirlwind of the locomotive with the hood, as shown on the left side of the figure below. The second is that the Kamen Rider rides a scene with a whirlwind without a hood, as shown on the right side of the picture below, which accounts for a much larger proportion than the previous one. The third is to directly quote the dual-use card from the transformation scene. Anyway, it is also the performance of the general manager’s supervision of the Oda field supervision, as shown in the middle of the figure below.

The first type of scene is only the beginning, the point of the headline “Kamen Rider” logo appears, the focus is on the close-up lens of the Kamen Rider riding the whirlwind. Of course, it is actually not on the road. It is riding a still whirlwind to the camera and making bumpy movements. The masked knight player in these shot is starring Fujioka Hiroshi. There are three kinds of people who wear clothes and wear masks to play the Kamen Rider.

The first is the starring personally, and Sasaki Takashi, who plays the No. 1 hometown fierce, and Sasaki, who plays the No. 2 character, has done this kind of thing, so the actor was originally selected to have a martial arts skills. The second is the people of the Ohno Swords Club. We have talked about the team that is responsible for the action play part. From the action design to the masses, the avatars are all, so the Kamen Riders, the geeks, the card squadrons, and the people of the Ohno Swords Club, are also the most important among the actor. The third is the people of the Muromachi Racing Club. What are they doing? They are responsible for the scene of riding a locomotive.

In the martial arts, the Ohno Swords Club is a connoisseur. As for riding a car, it also shows a variety of high-risk action techniques in the galloping state. In this respect, the Muromachi Racing Club is an expert. Seeing the name can also know that they are doing this specifically, and by the way of their name, the “Kamen Rider” drama neutral flower vines and the locomotive competition group is called the Lihua Racing Club. In the OP image, the Kamen Rider rides a variety of whirlwind scenes. The stuntman is Muromachi’s three-in-one, and is the head of the Muromachi Racing Club. After that, the stuntman of the locomotive scene in the film was handed over to the club’s member bridge Chunxiong.

The use of the dual-use card is a painstaking task for the Oda Supervisor. In fact, in the first half of the “Kamen Rider”, almost every Kamen Rider’s transformation scene is slightly different. Because every time the Oda Supervisor is correcting the transformation scene, inserting and replacing some of the new photography shots, so strictly speaking, it is almost out of the intention of the dual-use card. Even from the technical point of view of the term “special photo”, the transformation of the scene and the use of cards is also a classic special performance in the career of Oda, which is explained in the story of the transformation of the scene.

The production scene of Japanese TV dramas since ancient times, especially the TV dramas with the same length and TV animation, usually adopt the method of partition block shooting. It means not taking a single shot, taking a picture and then taking a picture, but shooting several times at the same time. Usually 2 words are divided into one block, one block is led by a supervisor, while holding 2 scripts and then booting with the crew. 2 Scenes with the same viewfinder are taken together for a single shot, and then go to the next viewfinder.

This is the industry’s summary of operations to improve efficiency and time. Even if you only take the example of Dongying’s superhero, people who watched the film for a little attention can have an impression on the following. In most cases, every two words are replaced by a supervisor shift. The super team series is like this. The Heisei Kamen Rider series has formed a habit of one unit story per 2 words. The original “Kamen Rider” was of course operated on the principle of this partition block, but the first words were different. Instead of dividing a few blocks into one block, it was a direct photograph.

There are a number of props that are made separately for this purpose, and also allow you to go far away to view the scene. In the first drama, the duel scene of the Kamen Rider and the Spider Man was taken at the levee of the Xiaohe River. This place was nearly two hours away from the Toei Sumida Photography Office of the Kamen Rider. Under the background conditions of the times, the factors of the enterprise, the date factor, the nature of the work, etc., this is actually a very special treatment, which represents the importance and input of the first words on the spot. Since the first words are the beginning of the whole drama, it is a story that has an overall impact on the subsequent production.

The initial strange route of “Kamen Rider” emphasizes that the geeks who are big and big are involved in the daily life of ordinary people, this kind of terror around them. The grotesque and sensational feelings are suitable for the performers who express this kind of image. The producers of Hirayama strongly named Wumoto Hiroyuki as the supervisor of the first words. The supervision of the first words is called guiding supervision, and the guiding supervision of the role shaping, image establishment, scene performance and so on, largely affects the follow-up operation of the entire group.

Takemoto Hiroshi is the supervisor of Toei, who was in the supervised shift lineup of another popular TV series “Key Hunter” produced by Toei, and there was not much free running to blend “Kamen Rider”. Moreover, he is already a well-known and prominent Dongying Supervisor. If such a person comes to participate in a children’s film, it would have been something that ordinary people would not want to do at the time. However, Pingshan still named him, although he could not work in shifts, but he was appointed to supervise the responsibility, and Zhu Ben really accepted the old pay.

The resume of Takemoto’s supervision has been mentioned many times in the past serials. His supervisor debuted as the producer of Hepingshan. The same is the first Benguet TV series “Demon King” in 1966. . In the future, the two people worked together in a number of Dongying special children’s films, such as “Captain Aote” and “Iron Man”, which are the same as the resume of the supervisor. However, in the new program in April 1968, Takemoto went to participate in another Dongying TV series “Key Hunter” born because of “Captain Otter.”

This is the general broadcast to the spy action film of the Tokyo Broadcasting and Television Station (TBS) at 21:00 in the evening. The ratings are 20% to 30%, which makes the Bamboo Supervisor finally famous outside the field of children’s films. Noise. In addition to “Kamen Rider”, Zhu Ben has been in charge of at least one Dongying superhero new work for seven consecutive years since 1975. The first five of the Super Team series are included, and it is a crucial foundation stone performer in the history of Toei Superhero.

A major feature of the bamboo show is that there are many shots in important scenes, and it is rare to use long shots to take care of detailed short shots. After many material shots are processed with a unique timing, the effect of the finished product is actually a blind eye photography in the basic techniques of special photography, which creates a strange feeling of character action on the viewer’s perspective.

When he was the supervisor of the “Kamen Rider”, he used a lot of photographic perspectives that were reversed by the world, and used the time-lapse photography to express the sensation of the action, and also used the reverse-rotation photography to realize the performances of the strange action, all of which were Classic special photography technique. It not only established the directionality of the new superhero theme action film in the 1970s, but also cooperated with the transformation scene interspersed by the tyrantian supervision, so that this action film without special supervision is still worthy of “special film”. The title.

The first instructor of Takeshi, the foreman of the shogunate, is the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer The new work “Kamen Rider”. “Edo River’s chaotic series of wise Kogoro” is a new program produced by Toei in April 1970. During the half-year broadcast of the TV series, the supervision of “Kamen Rider” such as Takeo Hiroshi and Yamada Aya also participated. The first words were deceased. Also a spider male.

The future will be a major force in the history of the Kamen Rider series when it is officially upgraded to the supervision debut. Two years later, when the “Kamen Rider” was over, the supervision of the final chapter was handed over to Putian, and later it was the continuous supervision of “Kamen Rider Amazon” and “Kamen Rider”. Putian participated in the “Kamen Rider” as a supervisor, and was a member of the Tokyo Image Project. The Tokyo Image Planning Company, which we have said, is a new company with the name of the name for the production of Kamen Rider.

The first president was Yamada’s supervisor, and like Toshiyuki Takemoto, in the 1960s, he participated in many Dongying special children’s films played by Pingshan producers, and was also determined to participate in the supervision of the “Kamen Rider” shift lineup. Those who join the Tokyo Image Plan basically meet the four commonalities. The first is the person who belongs to the performance department, the second is to participate in the shifting lineup of “Kamen Rider”, the third is the person born in Toei, and the fourth is that it is not the Dongying employee at that time, that is to say Equivalent to being exiled or abandoned.

As for the normal contractor of Toei Masato, it is almost impossible to use the “Kamen Rider” because of the strike. People like Oda and Takemoto are special cases. In the ninth time of this series, I explained that the original Toei Tokyo Photographic Institute (= Daquan Photography Institute) was unable to use due to the strike. Toei Ikuta Photo Studio was emerging in the wild for the production of “Kamen Rider”. The production site gathered the forces of the four parties. The first is the Tokyo image plan, the tube performance; the second is the lens studio, tube photography; the third is the more few shapes, the art; the fourth is the Ohno swords club, the martial arts.

The latter two are the existing organizations at the time, and the first two are newly established institutions for the production of Kamen Rider. The Tokyo Image Project gathers talents that have been exiled from Toei, and the lens studios gather talents from the big show. This makes the Ikuta Photography Institute a geography and personnel, it is indeed a land on the island, talented cemetery. Soon after, at the end of 1971, Da Ying announced bankruptcy. A large company that had been called the Japanese film industry giants with Shochiku, Toho, and Toei fell.

In addition to the staff of the performance department such as the Supervising and Assistant Supervisor, the art supervision of the first words is from the three-south-lander, the Cyclone number of the locomotive and the atmosphere of the repairing base. The photographic technician is the first president of the lens studio, Yamamoto Sho, who is personally on the right. The lighting technician is Yamato’s left and right hand, Ota Takuji, who is a pair of golden partners at the time of the show. Yamamoto’s foreman photography assistant was called Kawasaki Ryuji, who was a young man under 25 years old. He has a half-year-old sister-in-law who is called Fujiwara, and is the first reporter. He also joined the lens studio.

The martial arts is Takahashi Ichio from the Ohno Swords Club. The technique of the modern drama “Kamen Rider” refers to the killing of the drama of the times, that is, the martial arts instruction of the Hong Kong Kung Fu film. Toei’s superhero essence is an action movie. Later, it was developed in the 1980s, and the skill has been established as action supervision. Action supervision and special supervision, each time on the staff table side by side to indicate the list, you can pay attention to the current “Kamen Rider King” and “fast burglars Lubang Lian VS police team patrol company”.

The difference between the action supervision and the simple technique of the year is that since the supervision is called, the performance of the action drama also has the right to intervene. It means not only the design and guidance of the actor’s martial arts action, but also the commanding angle of the camera lens during the action.

The main production staff of the site is all in the department. Finally, we look at the production department. This field must be controlled by Dongying’s own people. Among the people directly involved in the work itself, from top to bottom, there are Dongyin TV Business Department Minister Watanabe Hiroshi, planner Hirayama Hiroshi, producer Abe Seiji, and Dongying Ikuta Photographic Institute Director Uchida Yusaku. They are all figures that have been said many times in the past. From the first words, I made the Nomura Zongping, who was called the person in charge, and made it to Idong Huixiong. See the picture above. Both are the people called by Uchida from Daquan Photography.

We have talked about the original Daquan Photography Institute, which has two agencies responsible for producing TV dramas, and Dongying’s subsidiaries. One is Dongying TV Studio, which is a general drama, and the other is a children’s film based in Toei Tokyo. Therefore, “Kamen Rider” was produced by Toei Tokyo Production Co., Ltd., and Oda Supervisor said that he was also a member of Toei Tokyo Manufacturing Co., but the production site was moved from Oizumi Photography Studio to Ikuta Photographic Center due to strike problems. The wild house is from the Toei TV studio, and Ito is from the Toei Tokyo Manufacturing Office. It is closer to the scene and directly handles the production of various practices. It is the spirit of the “Kamen Rider”. The production of Judo Line” was carried out.

This is the first line of the main production staff line established: .

Script = Yi Shangsheng, help supervision = Sumida Masahiro, Supervisor = Takemoto Hiroshi.
Photography = Yamamoto repair right, lighting = Ota Takumi, field record = Fujiwara truth, art = Sanshang Lu.
The production of the wild house Zongping, the production is carried out = Yidong Huixiong, the skill = Gaoqiao Yijun.

[This week’s Dongying history picks up the story].

Ping Cheng Dong Ying Super Hero’s special photo supervision, Fotian Yang (six): childhood memories of the Kamen Rider.

From the initial first broadcast of “Kamen Rider”, Fotian Yang has been chasing after, and was a fourth-grade child. In the 1972 New Year, the hometown of Kumamoto Prefecture starred in the signature meeting of Fujioka Hiro, and the venue was on the roof of the department store. As a result, the queues were arranged downstairs to the underground floor. Of course, Fotian also went to participate, or shake hands with Fujioka with his left hand, because he is left-handed.

Kamen Rider’s toy card snacks have also bought a large basket, mimicking the transformation posture is of course indispensable, and it is not the type of force that does not die. Because the child does not have a locomotive and can not get a driver’s license, so riding a bicycle to learn, speed riding up and step on the pedals to get up, hands away from the handlebars to make a transformation posture. Fotian’s favorite Kamen Rider is the new No. 1 who debuted in the second year. When he was in the third year of V3, he felt that his face was ugly. The little friend at the time said that the face of V3 was like a stamp that had been rolled over by the tire. Like. But Di Steron’s geeks are very fashionable, and he said that if I was transformed into a transformational person, I hope to become a stranger of Di Steron.

“The Kamen Rider V3” in the 27th and 28th words, the plot is the resurrection of the five major cadres of the previous work, which made the time Fotian was excited to vomit blood after seeing the news notice in the magazine. However, there is something wrong with this place in Kumamoto Prefecture. The overall progress is two or three weeks later than the first broadcast, but Fotian has really been unable to wait. At that time, the construction of the national joint broadcast network was far worse than the present. Although there were more than 30 TV stations in the country, the “Kamen Rider V3” was broadcasted everywhere, but only six of them could be synchronized during the first broadcast.

The production network that the production bureau broadcasts the daily TV station (MBS) at that time is today’s Asahi TV series broadcast network. One of the TV stations that could be synchronized at the time was Kyushu Asahi, and it was just in Fukuoka Prefecture next door to Kumamoto Prefecture. Fortunately, it was August in the summer vacation. Fotian asked the relatives to take the family to Fukuoka Prefecture for sightseeing, in order to watch the premiere of “Kamen Rider V3” in the local accommodation hotel.

After three more, “The Kamen Rider” finally returned to Fotian at the time of the TV. At that time, both at the production site and at the audience level, the concept in the brain used this as the “maskback knight’s final return”, not just the final return of one of the series, because there was no such contemporary series at the time. The thinking that has been formed under conditions of longevity and stability.

Ming has finally returned, I did not expect that after a few decades, Fotian himself had an opportunity in the “Theatrical Kamen Rider DCD All Knights Overhaul Card”, the performance of “Kamen Rider X” debut Dark king. In the future, there is a 40-year-old commemorative “OOO, Electric King, All Knights” from the rocky stalwart of “Kamen Rider”, and then a series of opportunities to perform their childhood in a few years suddenly came.

In 1979, the Kamen Rider was resurrected. At this time, Fotian was already a college student, but he still jumped and watched, followed by “Kamen Rider Super No. 1”. At that time, the world began to popular steel Pula, Fotian grew up as a model enthusiast, steel Pula certainly bought and played very happy, but the film itself did not look very much.

When the “Kamen Rider Super No. 1” was released, Fotian was already a person not far from the university. This appeared the story we told us in the first time. Two years later, Fotian and his companion Mi Chi Minh met at the gate of Toei Tokyo Photography Institute and saw the legendary Hirayama Hiroshi. Then the Kamen Rider was resurrected again, and he went to Fotian himself to participate in the special photo class “Kamen Rider BLACK”.

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