Since the debut of the 2016 E3 Grand Prix, “The Past No Longer” has always made me look forward to it. Although the zombie doomsday theme and the wilderness survival game are not new ideas, but from the current test, I am no longer in the past. In terms of content, this work has played a fresh game experience within the framework of the old theme

At the PAX East shows in Boston, I went to the demo of “No Longer”. This demo contains two tasks, one is a linear plot, and the other allows me to try the protagonist. The different abilities to deal with a large wave of malformations

The story is not spoiled here, this article will focus on the experience of gameplay operations. The core selling point of “No Longer” is to let players deal with a large group of zombies alone. Although many zombie shooting games have big waved zombies, the zombie community size of “No Longer” is reminiscent of “Zombie World War” when you really When I saw that a large wave of zombies came over, it was still a bit fresh and shocking

The impression of playing the game has been a bit difficult to say. Overall, the experience of operation is similar to other third-person action games, such as “Uncharted Waters” and “Grand Theft Auto”, where players can switch weapons, throwing props, traps and other equipment through weapon roulette. The operation is relatively easy to use, but there are some arduous and cumbersome feelings in the movement. When the deformation is intense, the inconvenience of this operation will be confusing. Especially when I need to jump or climb, the challenges of inconvenient operation are often more frustrating than the deformed monster itself

The shooting and combat mechanisms also have a stiff pause. When I was fighting against the big wave zombies a few times ago, I tried to switch various weapons, including semi-automatic shotguns, automatic machine guns, and pistols. The overall shooting experience was quite satisfactory, but as a pre-game demo, I want The feedback given is certainly not satisfactory. Since the player needs to race against the zombies and also want to shoot back, the slower moving speed of the protagonist sometimes makes people feel that they are deliberately increasing the difficulty of the game

Although there are some problems with the operation of “No Longer”, the core experience is unique. What the player has to do is to predict the actions of the deformed monsters at all times and play the big wave zombies in the palm of the hand. This experience is still very novel. In the scenario environment provided by the demo, players can use different traps, explosives, terrain obstacles and other elements to create their own advantages and firepower output space. For example, there is an oil drum in the scene, next to the logs placed in the code, so that when the big wave zombies come over, an explosion is made, and the zombies are crushed with the falling logs. And just as I was complacent, the follow-up zombies have already started to follow, so I have to find the next tactical location, calculate the best route, avoid being chased by zombies, and slowly reduce the number of big wave zombies

In addition to weapons and traps, the pilot locomotive also shows the locomotive of the protagonist. As long as you ride on the locomotive, the protagonist can always be a zombie step, and easily with the big wave zombies. Due to the limited length of the demo, I did not experience the customization and upgrade of the locomotive, and it is estimated that the locomotive needs to be refueled. The player cannot ride the locomotive to the end of the world. I still look forward to the contents of the locomotive in the final work, because the locomotive in this work is more like the horse in “Wild Dart 2”, which is a good partner for players to express their feelings, unlike the vehicles in the GTA series. If you are tired, change it

Although “Nothing in the Past” gives people a feeling of lack of fineness, but from the demo of PAX East, this game provides fresh content, so I am very much looking forward to playing the full version, and I hope that the first release in a few weeks will correct the existing problems and not let the players expect

“The past is no longer” is expected to land on PS4 on April 26

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