This year’s last superhero live-action movie, Warner Bros. Pictures’ DC-changing movie “Sea King”, officially released today (December 7), two weeks ahead of North America

“Hai Wang” is directed by Chinese-born director Wen Ziren, starring Jason Moma, Aimee Hilde, Patrick Wilson, and telling the story of Neptune’s becoming a superhero and the king of the seven seas

At the helm of Wen Ziren, the movie washes the dark and dull style of DC superhero movies, and it is more popular. The underwater world created by many special effects can be called the “undersea version of “Avatar””, plus the bloody action scenes, a lot of highlights

Some insiders said that they have been in a disadvantaged DC super hero film with the Marvel Super Heroes, and this time they have borrowed the “Sea King” to turn over

Superhero sub-station two teams, Marvel and DC “not the same”.

Want to figure out who the “masters” of these superheroes are? I have to start with the two major comic giants in the United States, Marvel Comics and Detective Comics

Marvel was founded in 1939 and officially named MARVEL in 1961

In April 1939, he created the issue in “The Movie Comic Weekly” and launched the world’s first mutant superhero, Namo, which is the first superhero of MARVEL

At the end of 2009, MARVEL was acquired by Disney for $4.24 billion and became a subsidiary

In September 2010, MARVEL announced its official Chinese name as “Marvel”

Marvel has many famous comic characters: Iron Man, Spiderman, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Wolverine, Deadpool, Ant, Panther, Doctor Strange, Surprise Captain, Night Devil Man, punisher, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Tekken, Evil Knight, Blade Warrior, Barbarian Conan, etc..

Marvel also has a multi-role team composed of a variety of characters: Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Galaxy Guard, SHIELD, Defenders Alliance, Aliens

Stan Lee, who died not long ago, created 80% of the well-known role of Marvel, known as the “father of Marvel Superheroes”

Another big comic giant, DC Comics, was founded in 1934. Its first superhero was Superman, which was launched in the first issue of Action Manga in June 1938. It is also the world’s first superhero

In May 1939, in the 27th issue of Detective Manga, the world’s first superhero without superpower, Batman, was created

1969 DC was acquired by Time Warner Group and is now a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Entertainment

DC owns Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Neptune, Steel Bone, Shazan, Mars Hunter, Arrow, Eagle, Firestorm, Atom, Blackbird, Blue Beetle Superstars such as Dr. Destiny and Constantine

DC Superhero groups include: Justice League, Green Light Corps, Junior Titan, Dark Justice League, Suicide Squad, Superhero Legion, etc

Understand the entrepreneurial history of these two companies and the affiliation of these superheroes, you know why Iron Man, Spider-Man is a group, Superman and Batman are a group, there can be no bats in the Avengers. Man

From the blond guy to the hormone stunned, the sea king is soaring.

In recent years, the Marvel universe has been a mess. DC also launched “Batman vs. Superman”, “Wonder Woman” and “Justice League” after Superman and Batman’s personal movie

Compared with the lively Marvel Superhero, the DC Superhero is relatively dark and dull, and it is not as good as Marvel at the box office and the momentum

Now this sea king is a superhero in DC comics

In DC comics, although he has the title of “King of the Seven Seas”, he is the king of Atlantis in the submarine city, the ruler is two-thirds of the world’s surface, and the world’s 97% of the biosphere are I can listen to the deployment, but the popularity of Neptune has not been very high. The experience of Neptune is also very rough. Only Jura is his bright light. The two are model couples in the comics’ industry

However, after Haiwang moved onto the big screen, it was very popular. In the “Batman vs. Superman” and “Justice League” debut two sea kings, with hormones bursting out of the muscles, commanding the skills of the seven seas, humorous and straightforward character, full of popularity

“海王” is his personal movie. In the movie, we see the hero, Arthur, the sea king. Under the guidance of the mentor Vico, I practiced my skills and can freely move and breathe underwater. It has the ability to manipulate ocean tides, swim at supersonic speeds, communicate with marine life, withstand the pressures of the deep sea, and almost invulnerability

As the illegitimate son of the Queen of Atlantis and the lighthouse keeper of the seabed country, the special identity gave him the innate king mission, but this mission was obstructed by the ocean lord Aum

The original sea king, who had never competed with the world, launched a land war to stop the ambitious Aum, and embarked on a trident adventure with Jura

In the original manga, Neptune is a blond boy who has become a strong man with a Hawaiian lineage and a tattoo and muscle in the movie

Sea King’s actor Jason Moma is 1.93 meters tall, and in the first season of “Game of Thrones”, he plays the Ma Wang who loves the dragon and mother, and earns popularity

The Chinese director Wen Ziren, who directed “Speed and Passion 7”, devoted his imaginative and sizzling action films to “The Sea King”, bringing more to the DC Super Hero. More entertainment elements

“Speed 7” is familiar with the speed of the car, this time has also been “moved into” the seabed, the underwater spacecraft’s speed chase and agile dodge long shots, cold weapons fighting, hard hits, blasting and sea monsters Violent killings are eye-opening

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