Someone asked the animator and performer Fukuda Kiyoshi. It is too late to work as an animator from the age of 40. Fukuda replied: Among his members, Studio Analog, a member of Studio Analog, who left the animation industry in his thirties, went to real estate-related industry work, and returned to continue painting after retirement. Although he is working at home, he is still engaged in animation

This is actually 60 years old and re-emerged as an animator. So when you are in your forties, it’s a great deal


Animated performer Takahashi Dunshi shared a series of performance exercises on Twitter:

  1. Use no more than a few of the 5 shots of the sub-mirror performance “A should C to the ball B to C, C to A thank you.”
  2. Add a setting in question 1, C actually likes A, but hides this and uses the lens of 8 lenses to show it
  3. Add a setting in question 2, in fact, An also knows that C likes himself, but pretending to be unknowingly, using the lens of 8 lenses
  4. Keep the additional settings for the first three questions. This time, use 8 lenses to express “C should be required by A to hand B to A, and A to C.”


Writer Hong Shang Shi received a letter from the reader. The reader loved animation since childhood, but his parents could not understand his interest. When he was in the second year of high school, his family moved. He carefully packed his animated video tapes and dolls into the carton. However, the mother arbitrarily lost the carton and his collection was destroyed

Time, now, this reader is 53 years old, still loves animation, and his wife is also a good person. He re-purchased the animations and dolls from the beginning and placed them in his own home

And his parents are old enough to be cared for. But the reader still remembers that his parents abandoned their collections. Whenever they think about it, they are inexplicably angry. For decades, he barely returned to his hometown and could not treat his parents well

This reader confided his heart and hated his parents for so many years, and he was already tired. I think that the next step is to end the pension for my parents. He wants to let go of this past event, but I don’t know how to dispel the resentment of the years

Before answering the question, Hong asked the reader a question: Have you told the mother that you have now “whenever you think about it, your heart is inexplicably fired”? Have you said anything to her, if you are 53 years old, can you forgive your mother? Did you tell your father that you still can’t forgive him until now?

Is not a swearword, nor is it an imposing manner to ask questions, but to seriously communicate with them positively: “I still can’t forgive what you did now. Why do you want to do that for me in high school? What?” “Where is the animation lost?”

Hong said that if the reader has already communicated with his parents, he has no suggestions to provide. If the reader can’t eliminate his heart and hate, he can only say nothing

However, if the reader has not done this, then he should thoroughly talk to his parents: “Why didn’t you treat the high school son as an independent personality?”

Hong believes that if parents are still mentally awkward, this may be the last chance. When parents are sick and can’t take care of themselves, they are no longer the object of questioning, but the object of guardianship. The inner thoughts of this reader will only end in incomplete combustion

If the parents’ physical strength is still supported, then even if it takes a few hours, I have to explain to myself all the thoughts that have been in my heart for 36 years. There is only one way. “Because I have to take the college entrance examination in the coming year, so what can I do?” “If the child has been listening to the adult unconditionally, is it OK?” “As long as you think it is good for your child, what can you do?” “Don’t it because you just hate animation?” “Not because you think I am an animated house and say it is not good?”

However, no matter how excited, you must not forget that his goal is not to “reprove parents” but to “report his ideas thoroughly and establish new parent-child relationships”

If the mother’s head is okay, she may eventually become angry and angry, and in turn blame him for “why should turn this sesame rot and confuse me to complain, you have a problem” or “animated house is too disgusting, throwing it too Of course.” (Hung Shang feels that it is better to say that the mother will say his true words in this way, it is a sound exchange.)

Regardless of how excited the two sides are, they must continue to talk about it. Don’t end up with a slap in the face, or make a parent-child break, or go to the sleeves. If you are too excited to communicate, you can’t go on, then just open it for a while and talk again

Hong has no idea whether this reader has seen the movie “Same-sex three-parent”. The film is about a story between a son who wants to accept his lesbian sexual orientation and a mother who resists homosexuality. The content is ups and downs, and the battle between the two sides to insist on discussion makes Honor only praise

Hong has asked the reader and his parents to keep communicating until they can accept it

Perhaps he still couldn’t accept his mother’s opinions and attitudes until he finally said, “I’ve said that this is enough, it’s enough.” But Hong Shang believes that it is not enough. If he can’t accept it, please say that he can accept it

He believes that there is no other way to make this reader reconcile his resentment

This reader hated his parents for 36 years because he kept suppressing his anger. It is because he always knows his feelings, but he has never treated it positively, and he will let the resentment grow stubbornly in his heart. If you don’t communicate directly with your mother, you will only let your own memories and imaginations make the “events” intensify

In the end, I hope that this reader will have to grasp this opportunity and talk to his mother thoroughly. This is the only way to fight your own anger


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