This year’s Marvel Movies. Very wise to master the three golden schedules of the movie.

As the world leader in the film industry, 2018 not only slammed gold on a global scale, but also created a lot of discussion on topics.

On the eve of May 1st, an “Avenger League 3” was released, and it occupied all the topics discussed in the May file and ranked first in the real-time box office list

There used to be such a tradition on the big screen, called “The protagonist halo”. ,

Today, thanks to the demise of this tradition, superheroes will “selfishly” put the safety of the loved ones at the critical moment on the importance of saving the world and abiding by principles.

Invincible superheroes also have weaknesses and humanity, and their love becomes a weakness that is exploited.

also makes the image of these heroes more full, and also makes the audience more able to get a kind of empathy.

And “Avengers 3” also gave birth to the most plump superhero in history.

The villain’s face-to-face, let us see a villain image that has ideals and sacrifices for ideals.

He is not a person of love, But his personal love and hate can only make concessions for the ideal. , This makes the villain image of the new era full and complicated

The “Avengers 3” released this year can be said to be Marvel this year. Breaking之作,

Bring Marvel’s superhero type film to a new dimension and height

At the end of the summer file, Marvel released the “Ant Man 2: The Hornets Female Appearance”.

Although this is a funny, family-oriented work, but. “Ant Man 2; Hornets Female Appearance”. Still maintains the humor and grounding of the Ant Family series, as well as the strong family atmosphere that is rare for superheroes.

More importantly, at the end of the film, the ant couple and the father-in-law of the egg are perfectly connected to the world of Avengers 3

A part of the year. 《毒液》. Once again, the theater was popular.

It is a villain hero, but there are only a few evils, a little bit of anger and more buddies.

It is a villain, but it is very cute. It is obviously a superhero, but let us think of it in the face of a depressed life. I want to just dare not dare, dare to anger, and recognize myself from time to time

In 2018, Marvel’s film distribution, marketing and box office remained strong.

This is inevitably reminding us of the rivals of Marvel. DC!

There have been works such as “Batman: Dark Knight”, and only the cartoonist can win the Hugo Award, and also the DC of the most classic “Clown” Heath Ledger

However, after Nolan created the “Dark Knight Trilogy”, DC’s film entered a trend.

A few years ago. “ Wonder Woman”. 勉 算 算

Compared with the Marvel series, the scores of the Super 8 points are still inferior. The word of mouth, box office and scores of the Justice League have also rushed to the streets

But at the beginning of this year, DC released the news:

Contemporary horror master Wen Ziren will cooperate with DC to shoot “Sea King”.

The cast is also very luxurious. The man of the most man in “Game of Thrones” “Ma Wang” re-employed as Neptune, Depp’s glamorous ex-wife plays after the sea.

Oscar-winning Nicole Kidman plays the mother of Neptune, and Wen Ziren plays the villain with the actor Patrick

Such a director + actor + comic script, almost gave the fans a shot of strength.

It seems that DC really had to go back to the blood this time, and “Haiwang” had a super high evaluation of 8.3 points.

Even Marvel can’t sit still, and released the “Avenger League 4” notice on the day of the release, as the saying goes. “The opponent’s gaze is also the respect of the opponent.” Well~.

“Hai Wang” tells the story of Arthur Curry, who is half-man and half Atlantis, embarking on an unforgettable journey

Not only does he need to face his special identity, but he has to face the test of being a king and be able to deserve it. “海王”. The name

In fact, the story of “Sea King” is not a novelty.

The logical motivation and supporting role of the characters are basically within our expectations.

On the basis of the relatively poor comic story, in a relatively narrow story system, “Sea King” can bring us a very strong visual and emotional shock.

This is due to director Wen Ziren,.

As a Malaysian director, he is very clever in combining Western individual heroism culture with the oriental vagrants and chivalrous spiritual culture

For example, a character relationship, a strong talent, but a protagonist who is inferior because of his origins.

A powerful, missing mother, assisting himself to grow up, combing the master of the Tao, the character is strong, cute, and can stand up to protect his partner at a critical moment, rebellious and strong brother.

This is actually put into the classical Chinese knight novel, and it can also be set on the road of many heroes’ growth.

And the Chinese audience can tell that such a story is from a small ear, so it is very intimate to carefully taste

Like the monster in the sea that can only understand the words of Neptune, there is a feeling of the soul of Chinese classical heroes.

Guarding the monsters of the treasure weapon for many years, waiting for the arrival of a chosen person;

And when Haiwang finally broke his brother’s trick, he used a trick that Master had taught. The water circle that was painted can easily remind the audience of the Eight Diagrams.

The Western respected individual heroism-style dedication and hard work; and the philosophy of China’s breaking is that it is soft, just.

Whether you are defending the “eight circles” or “invisible and tangible” water, we can feel a trace of Eastern philosophy in it

If it is a fight for Western superheroes, we can easily think of the ending in the last battle.

Both heroes took up their weapons and rushed to each other to fight in the air.

And Haiwang’s nirvana is. “With a soft gram”. , and very interestingly, Neptune also interrupted his brother’s trident with his golden trident, which has a taste of Western heroes.

This is the charm and strength of director Wen Ziren, which combines the East and West cultures just right

And “Sea King” is more attractive:

Can tell a story about DC’s dark and dark winds and the more boring brothers’ power to seize the power, and go to heaven.

Get the golden trident and complete some bloody adventures.

See the superhero replaced with a linen shirt and wide-leg pants, shuttled in the Sahara desert, the low-rise, romantic and passionate Italian town.

Our. Audiovisual effects. It’s bright all at once

Always immersed in the sea or on land, it will produce a sense of visual exhaustion.

Suddenly, the sky and sand, and the scene of the town’s customs, it is easy to give us a fresh and wonderful look and feel.

And this is not at all. The essence of “Sea King”. , because Sea King and Mela are here to find the Trident and continue to encounter tracking and war on the way

Most of our expectations are, the core of the story of “Sea King” must be the battle between land and sea.

And I didn’t expect that this didn’t happen in the movie at all.

The highlight is the running of the town and the desert, which not only breaks our expectations of watching movies, but also brings a kind of superhero type film. Brand new, successful. Possible

Although “Sea King” gives Wen Ziren a lot of room to play.

But this one. Genius Director. Still able to dig deep into the story, each character including supporting roles and villains have their own highlight moments

Neptune is different from many superheroes.

He is not a handsome, mighty handsome guy from the US team, Thor, nor a Tony’s technical control, a cute sheep like a little spider, nor a strong contrast of venom

He may be the most handsome muscle man in today’s audience!

But with the cooperation of Wen Ziren and the actor, this character has neither the over-contrast of the tough guy selling, nor the image of the rough-headed “simple mind-developed” that the audience does not like most. He is very real

A talented, tall 193 men,. There is a bloody side of justice in the character, and also very inferior. ,

For example, when Mela first came out to look for him to serve as a king, he laughed a little and laughed at himself. “I don’t want to be a king.” When he heard the pirates ask him to save his father, he would also Move “father?”;

When he and his brother lost the first stop, he was helpless, and even as the audience we all sweated for him

But when he said to the guardian beast, “I am just a nameless pawn, and getting the trident is not a throne, is to stop the war.”

We can see this superhero who evaded his identity from the beginning, and later recognized himself, and then no longer stuck to himself.

His highlight moment, From the water curtain, wearing a battle suit, holding a trident, standing in front of the lover and the mother. , the audience may show a gratifying and shocked smile

Not only that, in DC’s predecessor “Wonder Woman” was pointed out by many viewers that “the growth of women is still driven by men”;

Marvel was criticized by the audience as “the heroine used too little space”, “Why is there no heroine independent movie”?

The two heroines in “Sea King”,. has become an independent female individual who promotes male development. , the beginning of the story, the growth of Neptune are inseparable from these two powerful women

Actively fell in love with human beings, liberated from political marriage, and encouraged his son to recapture the Queen of Trident.

Nicole’s mother of the sea can be said to be the biggest driving force for the growth of Neptune.

This character can not only fight for the pursuit of love and freedom, but also return to the sea for the safety of his husband and son, sacrificing love and freedom.

This is the fullness of the character. , and the cooler part is that she actually killed a bloody road and survived the cruel sacrifice of the Trench State

And Princess Mela as the wife of Haiwang, the role is not just a foil,.

In the defeat of the sea king, he took the initiative to take off the gorgeous dress crown, wearing a battle suit, and take away the hero she believed.

The battle of Italy is very magnificent, and when Mela is resistant to many people, it does not need the help of Neptune.

Looking at her dancing red hair running on the house, watching her sucking red wine into a weapon to defeat the enemy, open hands and the arrogance of lore.

You don’t think this is just a functional role, Sea King’s companion, she also has her own highlights

And what is even more praiseworthy is that.

Wen Ziren Tian Ma’s imagination creates the underwater world, Atlantis, and the Earth’s hidden sea. The epic screen is beautiful. , This is even what I think Atlantis should look like, prosperous and arrogant.

Included in the picture of the father waiting for the Queen’s return in front of the lighthouse, the beautiful picture created by the warm guide is a flowing Monet oil painting, pink and purple gentle sunset, isolated and powerful lighthouse, lonely man.

Including the bullied little boy in front of the glass window, when all the underwater creatures came for him, that scene was shocking and incomparable…

As director of Wen Ziren, the most anticipated is of course what he is best at. Terror element. !

Wen Ziren still did not let us down this time, the trench blame and the protagonist’s encounter on the sea boat, the one that appeared in the trench, we know, “This is another warm guide is naughty!”

Still the warm-leading, unpredictable, primitive fear of the darkness, we are happy as fans

If you say, “Suicide Squad” and “Batman Wars Dawn” are DC’s defeats.

2017’s “Wonder Woman” saved DC, and in 2018, “Sea King” is a work that DC can play with Marvel this year

The Chinese director from the small cost horror film gradually grew into a Hollywood front-line director at the helm of the DC commercial blockbuster.

Wen Ziren is really a genius director with great imagination and creativity!