In 2013, the animated film “Hui Ye Ji Wu Yu” created by Japanese animation master Takahiko Hiroshi was released in Japan. This animation took 8 years and cost 5 billion yen. It can be said that it is an insurmountable history in the history of hand-drawn animation. Masterpiece

From the screen, “Hui Ye Ji Wu Yu” is very different from the general Japanese animation

The general Japanese animation, the color of the characters have a fixed pattern, roughly the background color, the shadow, if there is a need, there will be a layer of highlights. This makes the color of the picture clear, suitable for dynamic pictures, and also makes the steps of coloring simple, making mass production of animation works possible

Even if it is the animation work of the master of Ghibli Studio, Hayao Miyazaki, there is no such coloring style

And the picture of “Hui Ye Ji Wu Yu” is very different. There is no reference to the standard of TV animation production. Instead, the stove is restarted, and the style similar to Chinese ink painting is used to shape the image

The picture brings a sense of art that modern animation does not have at all. It is a way of expressing traditional art. Not only from the overall style, but also from the Japanese animation, the background is also made with the characters

The past celluloid animation is to draw the characters alone on the celluloid plastic sheet, and the background is painted on the paper alone, then the transparent celluloid film is embedded in the background, and the movement of the action is recorded by the camera, even if It is the era of digital animation, still the background tube background, the characters are drawn independently, this way has not changed in the hand-drawn animation

And “Hui Ye Ji Wu Yu” is not the same, it draws the background and the characters together, so the background will also move along with the picture, so in the face of natural scenery, the dynamic background and dynamic characters shine, A very strong visual impact is formed. However, this way of drawing is very time consuming, and of course it is very expensive. This animation costs 5.1 billion yen and takes 8 years to complete. It is indeed a treasure in hand-drawn animation

However, seeing such an ink style, but making an animation with such a Japanese folk style, the author always thinks that China also has such an animated masterpiece that is worthy of pride, “Little Look for Mom.”

“小蝌蚪找妈妈” is also full of traditional folk art atmosphere. The picture is finished with traditional Chinese ink painting style. It absorbs the image of fish and shrimp of Chinese art everyone Qi Baishi, and is composed by many Chinese old-age painting artists. Finished, although the animation is only 15 minutes long, you can see that the artistic sense of this picture can rival or even surpass the animation of “Hui Ye Ji Wu Yu”, but it is a fine product that China has created 50 years ago. It can be said that it is “ National treasure level animation.”

Yes, “Little Look for Mom”, has been completed since 1960. The release of “Hui Ye Ji Wu Yu” is already a matter of 2013. Now that Gao Xunxun’s old man has passed away, he visited China in the 1980s. He and Miyazaki are both admiring Chinese ink-and-wash animation, and finally In my own life, I used this ink style to draw the dream of an animated feature film that describes my country’s culture

Dare to say that Gao Yixun’s “Hui Ye Ji Wu Yu” is a tribute to the Chinese ink animation in the 1960s, or imitate it, but can feel his inspiration in Chinese ink animation, but after the 5 – 60s During the golden period of the Shanghai Art Film Studio, few such masterpieces were born, and the 8-90s can even be said to be a blank period for domestic animation art creation

Now, China’s economy is developed. Chinese companies have the right to buy Japanese animation broadcast rights. They can buy new programs from Japan’s season, and even participate in the Japanese animation production committee, but watch the night. “Yi Wu Yu” uses ink-painted paintings to fill the 137 minutes, and the integrity goes beyond “Little Owl to find Mom”, and I am really unwilling

Now, is there anyone in China who is willing to look for some experimental animations for commercial purposes? Obviously it is not, but China has never lacked cultural heritage, but also many cultural foundations, and there is no shortage of talents. Now, even if there is no shortage of money, what is the lack of us?

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