The animation supervision pool Tim Longbo said that he is supervised in the animation industry, and no matter how difficult it is to meet the requirements of strong people, he has never been furious. However, he was almost the first time to meet and did not establish a relationship with a producer, but he said to him at the banquet: “If the production schedule collapses, I will kill you.”

Chi Tian listened to this sentence and felt that the whole body’s blood was pouring up. Although we don’t know what happened next, he summed it up on Twitter: even if it gets angry, there will be no good results


The animation production site is also a workplace. The forest is big, and naturally there will be birds

Animator Xiaogu Xingzi invited a male original painting from a certain studio to see the female on-site producer receiving a white Valentine’s Day gift, and said to the producer: “○○桑, you give other performances and I made a Valentine’s Day gift, but I didn’t give it to me. I didn’t work hard, please take back all the work assigned to me.”

The original painting also said: “I was the first time I met a woman who participated in the team and made a company that didn’t give me a Valentine’s Day gift.” Xiaogu never heard of such an absurd reason to pick a child. It’s embarrassing and irritating, and blaming “the women in the industry are not making their own sexual harassment for the bastard.”

Xiao Gu pulled the original painting and said that he would never help him introduce his work because he met his peers on Twitter


Lack of understanding and respect between different types of jobs is not something that only the animation industry has

Light novelist and game writer, Tao Tingyi, have heard many people say that after they entered the mobile game company as a screenwriter, they were scorned by the engineers in the company. The engineers felt that the article was written by everyone, and the writer It is an alternative waste. This makes the rice court feel that this may already be a common phenomenon

If the writer is still telecommuting, then he will be treated as a cocktail party and chatter, and he will be talked about in the back, and the trend of scornful scriptwriting will spread; some people say that the writer and the game company Staff, it is better to become a fully outsourced client, completely out of the community of the game company. Dao Ting felt that this was simply hell and couldn’t help but laugh

稻庭 admonishes the person who wants to be a game writer: Your destiny depends on your ability to endure the character set and script to the artist. The other party tells you, “I am too lazy to read, I can organize it into one. 2, 3, 4?”, or if you don’t read it, you will send it to your character setting diagram. You will also say to you, “Ha? Where can’t it be? If you have opinions that I want to modify, then I have to pay for the revised draft.” .”


Game writer Da Quangui said that not only do engineers look down on screenwriters, but in the worst case, the freshmen and producers who entered the job planning talked behind him who wrote the script: “What script does the social game need?” “Yeah w”

However, that was about five years ago. Daquan believes that the trend should be changed now


Don’t say that there is a lot of animations and game productions. Even if there are only twos or three people’s comics creation scenes, it often happens because of poor communication

Light novelist, comic original authorカルロ・ゼンI heard the conflict between the original author and the cartoonist, trying to find the root of this conflict, To avoid repeating the mistakes of the predecessors

ゼンpointed out that in addition to the person who would draw the mirror, the original author of the cartoon without the background of the cartoonist basically did not draw the comics, but did not know anything about the comics, but There is a voice in the adaptation of comics and cooperative comics

At the same time, the original author has an understanding of the original that is beyond others. However, what they understand is the original work as a wonderful part of the text. It is still interesting to draw this story into a painting. Most of the original authors are just “self-considered”

The original author would have to hand over the works he wrote and loved by himself to others, which would make them feel uneasy. Therefore, when the manuscripts obtained are slightly different from their imagination, they will become neurotic and offer criticism

Seeing here, the original author seems to be an inhuman monster, “Hell’s Jailer” and “Evil Incarnation.” But in fact, in the eyes of many original authors, the “unfamiliar monster” is actually a cartoonist

Most of the creators are sensitive and slender, which is the same for both the cartoonist and the original author. However, sometimes, they will not realize that the other side’s heart is also very sensitive and slender. Therefore, when the two sides get along without each other, they will both have a victim’s awareness and feel “why should let such an excessive person cooperate with such a slender me.”

However, most of the original authors of comics are actually not malicious. They should also hope that the work will achieve results and do not want to drag the cartoonist’s hind legs. However, they have a great expectation for the work that they have worked so hard to become a manga. They mistakenly think that “if I can paint more excitingly”, I don’t realize the structure of “professional layman”, so it will appear. All kinds of different

ゼンto sum up, the original author must not forget to thank the cartoonist. Don’t forget that both sides are human beings and should communicate with respect


The cartoonist Otsuka Shiro has a deep feeling for the blog post ofゼン, indicating that there is a lot of cooperation due to the reasons of the text, suggesting that all interested in light novels The original author has read it. But at the same time, as a party to painting, he also pointed out that among the cartoonists responsible for painting, there are also many unqualified people: those who do not have to read the original work, those who submit the pictures with different contents at the time of the meeting, and the right The original author’s contempt for the words…


And the cartoonist Endo Haicheng pointed out that excellent editors can fill the bias of consciousness between the original author and the painting. These problems occur because it is not all editors who have the talent. Especially when the original work and painting are not the same one, it is a test of the talent of the editor


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