It can be said that “Death or Life” has a special reputation in fighting games. This game featuring milk shake and bikini is a big selling point in the fighting game circle such as “Street Fighter” and “Tekken”. It has been a long-term stagnation for 20 years. It is also a great achievement

The female character of “Death or Health” never licks his skin, but in today’s atmosphere, overly sexy content is easy to criticize. Many game industry companies have taken corresponding measures, such as Sony’s strict review and ban on adult and pornographic content on games on the PS4

About “Death or Health”, there are mainly two factions. One group believes that the entire game series is materializing women nakedly; the other group believes that the core of this game is still fighting, and the beauty fighters are just innocent player benefits. So what do people think about the latest “Death or Health 6”?

At first glance, “Death or Health 6” basically does not have any convergence. As soon as you enter the story mode for a short while, the player will see the characters perform various meaningless performances, which are mixed with many mild Implying a provocative and awkward posture, the lens will stay at a certain angle

It should be noted that the male character of “Death or Health 6” also does not lick the skin, often bare upper body or wearing very tight clothing

Then this is as always providing a lot of skin, and the improved photo mode can also capture various poses of the character. The default wear of the characters is quite appropriate, and they all conform to their own character settings, such as the sly karate suit and the voice of the ninja dress

However, the stereotype of “Death or Health” selling meat was exposed in the EVO Fighting Competition in the previous stage. In this professional fighting event, the live demonstration of “Death or Health 6” invited two photo models to simulate the milk shake effect of the game. The scene also demonstrated the photo mode in the game, allowing the audience to carefully see the shame moment of the throwing technique. So that the event organizers smashed the live broadcast signal on the spot

Although the entire game community is constantly growing and progressing, “Death or Health 6” still has a group of loyal fans. Even many old players are happy to see that Team Ninja is not compromising on the pressure of Western commentary. After all, the “death or birth 6” milk shakes the meat in the end is only a fan welfare, and can not be called true porn

I personally do not completely prefer any opinion. “Death or Health” is a casual fighting game. Although the character design is a bit over-exposed, it does not have a huge impact on the game’s gameplay mechanism. But if these characters are really just visual design considerations, why are the production teams and players constantly emphasizing and paying attention to this?

May explains from one aspect. If you search for “Dead or Health 5” in the PlayStation Mall, you can find 538 product results. On the Steam, “Free”, “Death or Health 5”, if equipped with a full range of skin, the total price is as high as 6,464 yuan

I don’t know how many players have purchased the skin of “Death or Health 5”, but I am sure that after the official release of “Death or Health 6”, the subsequent skin DLC is also indispensable. Now the price of the first season card is known. It is as high as nearly 700 yuan

“Death or Health 6” is a typical sequel, he inherits the characteristics of the previous game, and also inherits the character’s sexy, no matter what you think about this series before, to “death or birth 6” No generation will change

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