This article is written by Man Wei Powder “ X-Professor“ Original.

The Marvel movie “Avengers 3” has been released for half a month. The film is called “ Ten Years Layout, 巅峰一役“, this is the carnival of Marvel fans

But we still can’t rule out the “new driver” who has just entered the pit recently. I don’t know what Marvel has laid out in the past ten years. I don’t know the order to make up the class. I feel very confused. What should I do?

And our Marvel powder has always been the responsibility of popularizing Marvel knowledge. In the face of little white knowing nothing, we are of course actively popularizing knowledge to pull you into the pit

Today, the professor used the layout of Marvel’s ten years as a clue to create a new “ Marvel Cosmic Timeline. “, hoping to help everyone

Note: This article belongs to the “Vernacular Edition” interpretation! The official actually has its own film universe timeline, which is relatively simple and blunt. For details, please refer to the Encyclopedia entry of the Marvel Movie Universe

The first stage: several giants and their assembly.

The first stage starts with “Iron Man 1” and mainly describes the origin of the superhero “Iron Man”: how his origin is, how to get his super power, and how he changed in battle Stronger

Whether it’s a plot, a show or a special effect, he is the best of the superhero movies of the past decade

However, looking at the film throughout the first phase, he is just one of many heroic origin films

Yes, the main task of the first phase of the entire Marvel movie universe is to make the main superhero come one by one. Similar movies are:

“Captain America 1”, the US captain’s story of World War II

“Thor1”, the adventures of the gods

And there is also an important villain in “Thor1”: Thor’s brother Rocky. . Why is he so important? Let us talk about it later

Also worth mentioning is the appearance of SHIELD in Iron Man 2

We understand that this department is dedicated to dealing with the supernatural threats of the Earth, and has long mastered the information of superheroes. Their director also plans to bring together superheroes to cope with the threat that ordinary people can’t cope with

Is SHIELD, which led to the assembly of the Avengers

The story evolved into “The Avengers 1”, and we found that the villain Loki, which appeared in Thor1, did not die, but also brought an alien army to invade the Earth

And SHIELD faced this threat that ordinary people can’t cope with, and launched their “ superhero assembly plan. “, which led to the assembly of the Avengers, and left this classic. Group photo:

At this point, “Let the heroes debut and gather together”. The first phase of the Mission was announced

And at the end of The Avengers 1, we also know another important piece of information: Loki is not invading the earth by himself, but is instructed by the “democracy”. This tyrant is the most threatening villain in the universe, and is collecting infinite gems. This important information became the key to the next stage of the Marvel movie universe

The second stage: the expansion of the hero team and the emergence of infinite gems.

“Avenger League 1” finally thrown out the concept of annihilation and infinite gems, but the audience still does not know what infinite gems are, what are they? Where are they hidden? How to collect?

Answering these questions is the main task of the second phase of the Marvel movie universe

And the directors of the Marvel Movie Universe creatively combine the position of the infinite gems with the introduction of the new superhero, letting the infinite gems and the superhero “new faces” come together. For example:

Time Gems, along with Doctor Strange

Power gemstones appear with the Galaxy Guard

It is worth mentioning that in the “Galaxy Guard”, the super hero’s active stage was completely out of the earth for the first time and came into space, which greatly broadened the stage scale of the Marvel movie universe

Realistic gems appear in “Thor2”, of course, this is actually the first stage of the old face

In the second stage, Marvel also filmed “Avengers 2”. On the surface, this is the conflict between the Earth hero and the artificial intelligence “Ao Chuang”, but the real focus is actually the superheroes know. The existence of infinite gems

In this movie, the villain Ao Chuang opened the scepter left by the “Avengers 1” villain Loki, which turned out to be the “spiritual gem” in the infinite gems, the superheroes from the Austrian hand He took it and placed him on the head of “magic”

This is the first time that Earth Superheroes know the existence of infinite gems, and it is the first time to collect him

To sum up, Marvel confessed five infinite gems in the second phase of the film universe:

Time Gems → Doctor Strange.

Power Gem → Galaxy Guard.

Realistic Gems → Thor2.

Mind Gems → Avengers 2

And the space gem appeared in “Captain America 1” in the first stage, called “Cosmic Cube.”

Some students may ask: “Hey! Why didn’t you mention the little spider?”, “The US captain 3 is so good to see how you say it?”, “Why don’t you mention the ant?”

Because this article is mainly for clarification. The main thread of the development of the Marvel movie universe. , and “American Captain 3” “Spider-Man” and other movies that I did not mention belong to “personal stories of superheroes”, which is the “icing on the cake” outside the main line of Marvel’s film universe development, so I did not mention them

The third stage: To be continued.

The third stage is naturally “. Ten Years Layout, 巅峰一役“ Of “Avengers 3”, we already have all the gems, there are so many heroes, Time to bring them together

Results… Everyone knows that the tyrant successfully collected all the gems, the superhero group was defeated, half of the people in the universe died, and only the first-generation Avengers at the first assembly were survived

Take a closer look and you will find that the survivor happens to be the person in this photo.

This is also the place where Avengers 3 is not friendly to new drivers: The result is that everyone is burning away? What is this stupid ending?!

I can only say that things will not end like this. Super heroes will not give up fighting with the tyrants even if they lose most of their comrades. The final outcome must be the victory of the heroes, but it’s all It still continues and it will take time

The Marvel movie universe can’t just end it. The third stage, the fourth stage, the fifth stage… everything is going on

The above is the development of the Marvel movie universe that I have summarized. I wonder if I have helped some new drivers?

We can see that Marvel has set a “ series of film development directions. “, while giving a single film directors plenty of space to freely play, this has “Marvel The movie universe is an unprecedented pioneering work in the history of film

Under the guidance of this idea, Marvel will definitely bring us more exciting in the future! It’s not too late to join the pit, join us! Let’s share more surprises and emotions

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