“The Warrior Battleship Yamato 2202 Soldiers of Love” Chapter VI “Returning the Life” was first released in the theater on November 2nd. The battleship battle was the highlight of the “Space Battleship Yamato 2202”. The modeling of the battleship is even more inconspicuous. Xiao Yan, who was responsible for CG production, was involved in the production of PS4 game “PERSONA5”, theatrical animated “Library of the Library War Revolution”, “Evangelion New Theatrical Edition: Q” and “LoveLive!” Sublimation of Sunshine!! On the occasion of the release of Chapter 6, GIGAZINE interviewed the project leader of Sublimation and the CG animator’s top friend, director and CG director of Kimura Taiichi, CG designer Ben Yam, 3, Yamato, Galaxy, etc. How did the battleship come about? Find out from the three answers. .

From the preparation period to the release of the sixth chapter, it has been more than three years for Sublimation, and for more than three years, if there is no gap in the day, there is no real feeling. As a CG director, Mr. Kimura said that 3D technology has been a routine since the initial exploration period. When they watched the battle scene on the big screen, they were also moved to receive the job. And feel valuable. .

Shangbaoyou received the project two and a half years ago, and he also participated in the CG animator. He has no real feelings for the two and a half years. For the works with such huge amount of information, Shangbao is also very fascinated. While watching the animation while doing animation, it will pass in two and a half years. Shang Bao also said that he has recently taken the same approach as Mr. Kimura said, and he has become more motivated to work. .

CG designer Jing Fan also said that it was seconded. Not only is the concentration of the plot high, but the density of the screen is also not lost to the plot, and the scene of the growth is gradually increasing. Especially since the beginning of the fifth chapter, the battle has become intense, and the story has reached its climax. In this regard, he said that he will do his best to prevent CG from dragging his feet. .

The focus of the work is mainly on project management. The main responsibility is to confirm the management of the schedule and progress of each other, and the data transfer and business docking work with the owner XEBEC is equivalent to the production. Shangbao is also a CG animator. When he is in a hurry, he will personally help and help to make 1~2CUT. The workload is more than imagined. By the seventh chapter, it is equivalent to the weight of 26 words in the second quarter. It is bigger than the average TV animation, and it is not easy to manage. .

Kimura said that in the first words, it was actually a small CG animator. Now it is more responsible for confirming the data work. The entire process and quality of CG must be strictly controlled. And my actual homework is not a lot, mainly on the inspection. After all, each lens is responsible for different people, so it is relatively scattered, and the quality is relatively inconsistent. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out and summarize these fragments, conduct a comprehensive inspection, and then exchange views with Yuyuan Xinyi Supervision and Xiaolin Cheng. Rework and other work until the satisfaction of the supervisor. .

As a designer, the actual work in charge of this place is much more. Mainly responsible for the production of special effects such as light beams. Different lenses, different beams, special effects are not the same, in order to allow anyone to operate and get used to these data, the data design must be done. Not only that, but some complex CUTs have to be involved in the production, even in the whole story, several CUTs are corrected together. .

“2199” CG was produced by SUNRISE D.I.D. Studio. The software and data used are different from Sublimation, and it is impossible to directly use the data before. Therefore, it is necessary to convert the data available to the Sublimation software. It takes about 3 to 4 months to convert 30 to 40 models.

However, Shangbao said that although it seems complicated, it is equivalent to inheriting the assets of “2199”, which saves a lot of time than starting from scratch. After the data is converted, the shape of the hull, such as the Yamato, is adjusted according to the requirements of the supervision, and the model is revised. Then, the model of the Andromeda-class battleship, the Karakmur class combat ship, etc., which debuted from the first words, will be produced. . These preparations began about three years ago, at the beginning of 2016, followed by preparations for each CUT, until the summer of the same year, when the mirror was completed, the official animation work began. In the same period, data such as beams of special effects and wave guns were also prepared. The effect is actually more complicated than the battleship. Because it uses the built-in functions of the software, it is impossible to simply import the past data. Therefore, the completed image of “2199” is used as a reference, and the data is copied by eyes, that is, redo. This is the work of the present. The parts that can’t be used after modeling and conversion will be scattered in the first place, and then restored to similar modeling by LightWave, and sometimes processed and polished by your own understanding. .

Actually, in the theatrical version of “The Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Star Patrol Ark”, Sublimation participated in this work, but at the time they did not expect to take over in “2202”. Kimura said that in the past when doing the “Ghost in the Shell STANDALONE COMPLEX”, the representative of Orange, who is now a self-supporting portal, Mr. Iwai No. 2, also used 3ds Max to do the animation of Tachikma, but this is the main article. Divided. As with them, due to the difference in the use of software, it is a very rare example to take over a whole work in the industry. .

The above description of the insurance, such as the example of the complete inheritance of the project data, in the situation of the series is still unfolding, CG animation is almost impossible to do. If it is only part of the scene, even the different software is completely ok. However, it is really difficult to inherit the whole work. .

Although the software itself has its own conversion function, it does not mean that the data can be perfectly matched. The above insurance continues to be supplemented, and the details of the details of the Yamato are actually good, because they cannot be automatically changed, so they are all redesigned. In addition, the battleship of Gatlantis is also the same, adding a lot of sophisticated details. In order to be able to express these details in a line, the parameters are adjusted little by little. .

Of course, due to the sequel, in addition to inheriting the previous data, there are still many new warships and organisms that need to be re-made, naturally based on the design draft submitted by the mechanical design. Shangbao said that, like the Milky Way, compared with the Yamato of “2199”, the belly of the ship is wider, the shape of the engine nozzle has also changed, and the shape of the bow is changed more obviously. This is a transformation of the original machine set. Andromeda, the main battleship, the cruiser on the earth, the frigate, the battleship of Gatlandis, the super-large-fashioned Balce; the seat of the Desla side, Noy Deusla, and the Missile Germany and others are completely new designs. .

Shangbao provides a new and old contrast explanation map. The red circle Guo line in the figure is the Yamato number of “2199” and the black circle Guo line is the Yamato of “2202”. .


The front can clearly see that the ship’s belly is somewhat “blessed.” .


The contrast of the side, the engine nozzle of the stern is also larger than the “2199”. .


Information on the commander tower, rear bridge, and rocket anchor. Shangbao said that it is the easiest to see the rocket anchor. The most complicated one is actually the rocket anchor…


Gatlantis Battleship.

XEBEC sent the setting data, based on the data, and then transferred to XEBEC for inspection by the supervisor and the designer. Sometimes, the XEBEC side will suggest that you can add lines, slightly modify some instructions, or adjust the angles. It usually takes 4 to 5 months to complete the finalization. This time added, the general modeling takes 4 months, followed by textures and some fine-tuning, totaling 5 months. Kimura said that especially the lines added by the warships were terrible.

Shangbao said that the main reason is that everyone’s time is sufficient, so it will be supervised and the designer asks for more lines and improves the quality, which is more complicated than the design at the beginning of the preparation period. The lines of 3D are basically the same as the lines of the model Mecha Collection’s big battleship, and the details of the engine part are even more abundant. Almost every check will have instructions for additional details. Mainly because after changing to 3D perspective, the angle that can be observed is much more than that of the three-sided map, so some details of the drop need to be added and of course there are indications to reduce the line. .


The design of the turret. Basically based on the Gatlantis turret. .


The line of the bridge.


The details of the rear of the hull.


These are the lines that are added later, which are all parts of the original three-sided picture that cannot be drawn. .


Details close-up.

As mentioned above, some models are basically divided into two versions, close-range and distant, according to the design. There are also three cases. Like the large number of intensive “corps cannons” (German: Regionale Kanone) that appeared in the third chapter, you need to change to a more “low quality” design. If you use high-precision design, it will definitely not work on this scene. .

“2199”, or the Yamato VS Gamilas, to “2202” has become the hybrid of the Earth & Gammas VS Gatlantis. Therefore, there are often hundreds of warships in one shot, and if the software can’t hold it, it will suffer. .

From the fifth chapter, the battleships began to increase again. So whether the software can withstand this is quite critical. .

In addition, in addition to CG modeling, all ships, shipboards and other machinery are also hand-painted. There are also some “guest” warships that don’t provide 3D data. For example, in the sixth chapter, there is only another 1CUT’s Andromeda ship. The Earth Fleet’s attack shots also have some past battleships mixed in, so everyone can watch it. pay attention. As for the model number, Shangbao said that because the hand-drawn data was not given to them, it was impossible to grasp. However, Kimura’s addition to the 21st time period of the fault should be a bit clearer, and at a glance, these “unknown guys” are identified. .

Kimura said that when I first got the information, I thought it should be similar to “2199”. In the close-up explosion scene, it was hand-painted, but this explosion scene is almost 3D, and The scale is bigger than he imagined. I remembered that when I was the first one, I had to use hand-painted ones at a close distance. As a result, the supervisor asked to change to 3D when checking. Kimura said that when discussing the splitter, it was considered that 3D would be used. However, at that time, it was considered that 3D should be used as a reference for painting, or used as a painting aid after 3D modeling, and I did not expect to use 3D directly. .

However, this room means no problem at all. I first did the 1CUT explosion scene and made it clear that “I can only do this level. If I can’t do it, I can only paint it.” However, Yuhara’s supervision is quite satisfactory, probably because of the relationship of 1CUT. Use the 3D explosion lens. .

As a CG-supervised Kimura, when he first took the burden, he was determined to be inferior to the previous one. After the habit, the requirements for supervision were getting higher and higher. “The next time I do this”, “more intense” “There can be this explosion here,” but Kimura said with a smile that this is not a chore for him. .

Shangbao believes that after Yuyuan’s supervision sees such quality, he will definitely think that there is room for improvement, so his request, Sublimation will also try to satisfy him and make the special effects better. For example, the scene of the Orion and the Yamato passed by Sublimation. First of all, the requirement of “not losing to 2199” is already very high for them. When I first heard it, I felt that it was not a simple matter, but afterwards it became “this is feasible → no problem → I can still be a little more → very beautiful, and then the data has become more and more, in addition to spending time, there is nothing particularly troublesome.

Looking back to compare the initial explosions and now has risen not only one level. Shangbao said that it just started to be put on TV now. If you have already seen the fifth chapter, you will probably think, “Is this the first thing?” The insurance said, even if this is the case. We have worked hard. .

In the second half of the explosion scene, it was basically the preference of Yuhara Supervisor and Kobayashi Deputy Supervisor. “There is a little light, and the firepower is stronger.” It seems that the initial ordinary explosion could not satisfy them. Kimura said that even he was influenced by them, and he could no longer do it according to the original feeling. It would only get better and better. The design of the explosion special effects said that he is just giving some explosive data to you, and then I will give it to everyone to play. Everyone has different personalities and is very free. The insurance is not only the scene of the explosion. With the shape of the hull and the way of the bullet, the direction of the fire and the smoke are different. These are also completely handed over to each other, and they are polished by themselves because everyone is very Excellent, they will compare each other in this respect, so almost no similar explosion can be found. However, if you complete a good test film, you must first pass through the village. If it is a strong explosion, if you don’t feel the heat from the light, it will be returned by Kimura. Finally, it will be confirmed by Yuhara, only the image passed by Yuhara’s supervisor. It is the picture that everyone finally sees. .

Finally, regarding the commercialization of models and superalloys, Shangbao said that Sublimation will provide 3D data to Bandai, and it is not known whether they will be used 100% later. In addition to the 3D data, the logo of each battleship, the name of the ship, and the texture data used in this article will also be provided for reference production of stickers and details. Speaking recently, Shang Bao said that after viewing the DWG262 Zwarg (Kiman dedicated machine) on the PV, he found several places different from the 3D data. In addition, the Yamato’s hull curve is very much, and the feeling of “blessing” is also better than 3D data. Therefore, Shangbao said that it is not allowed to stick to the 3D data. If it is finally implemented in the animation or in the product, it will definitely change, or increase or decrease. As for the finished product, please confirm it in the animation with your own eyes. .


GIGAZINE: . 「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2202 愛の戦士たち」のCGを制作するサブリメイションがいかに大戦艦を生み出したのか話を聞いてきた

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