John UM
Marvel Pictures will have five films to be released in 2019. Among them, the Avengers: The final game is undoubtedly the most important. The follow-up to the Infinite War will mark the end of the Marvel Universe’s three-phase plan. This may be the last time we saw Robert Downey, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth and everyone else as the Avengers. The final is likely to be the biggest blockbuster ever

At the same time, Marvel Studio will expand Spider-Man World (Spider-Man: away from home) and X-Men (Dark Phoenix), while introducing a series of new heroes (Captain Marvel, new mutant)
The following is a detailed introduction of all Marvel movies in 2019:
1, Surprise Captain (March 8, 2019).

Analysis: Marvel The 21st movie in the movie universe, Captain Marvel introduced Brie Larson as the title superhero. For Marvel, this is a big role introduction, for Briarson, this role should be bigger. Her life is about to change in a major way. Marvel captain not only won his own independent film in 2019, she will also appear in the Avengers: the end. This will be an important year for this golden lightning
2, The Avengers: Final (April 26, 2019).

Analysis: “We are in the final stage.” Dr. Strange said in the Infinite War, we are here. It is said that he died with half of the creatures. But somehow everyone will come back. How do we know? We didn’t, but Marvel had a Spider-Man sequel that appeared a few months after this month, and they also had Dr. Strange 2’s work. So Peter Parker and Stephen Strange will come back at least. We can also quote the storyline of the infinite war from the comics and see everyone resurrected. (And the nebula stole the gloves!) There are fans theory about other realities, but I guess time travel will be involved. Finally, Marvel movies tend to remain simple
3, Dark Phoenix (June 7, 2019).

Analysis: “They are afraid that I am right.” The Dark Phoenix Legend is one of the most famous in the history of comics, and we will see it unfolding when it is released in June. X-Men: A sequel to Apocalypse, 10 years later, Dark Phoenix will add a new chapter to the X-Men franchise and kill at least one protagonist. The Dark Phoenix storyline has been adapted for the X-Men: the final position, but everyone hates it, so let us hope that their story is just. Director Simon Kinberg said that Dark Phoenix will become a “new chapter” in franchising
4, Spider-Man: Stay away from home (July 5, 2019).

Analysis: Launching the fourth stage of Marvel, Spider-Man: The movie away from home takes place a few minutes after the event of the Avengers: Endgame. Peter Parker (Netherlands) will return and breathe (somehow) after the extreme disappearance of the Titans in the Infinite War (“I don’t want to go!”). Far From Home will be a direct sequel to Spider-Man: Return. It will be interesting to see how Parker will stick to it after Endgame. The trailer didn’t mention anything, but Spider-Man will undoubtedly be affected by the resurrection
5, New mutant (August 2, 2019).

Analysis:An X-Men split, the new mutant team is a superhero team, first introduced in the early 1980s, they have seen several incarnations over the years. We even met some in the X-Men: the future days (Blink, Warpath, Sunspot), but The New Mutants will feature different actors. Magik, who plays Taylor-Joy, may become a leader. She is also the sister of Colossus, so there is Deadpool cross potential. In the comics, The New Mutants actually relaunched X-Force in the 1990s. But don’t expect this ironic irony and fun, the new mutant is a superhero horror movie
Which of the five movies do you most expect?