The animated man, Miyahara Takuya, also met high school classmates who had not dealt with in seven or eight years and talked about their work. Miyahara said that he was animated, and showed the other party the picture of “Idol Activity Stars!”. The classmate asked him: “Do you want to fall in love with such a sister? W”.

Miyahara heard the words, while thinking, “Oh, yes, I just can’t stand this person to tease A house. So I didn’t meet him for 8 years,” he said, pointing to Xiang Chengzhen on the screen: “ I should choose this girl.”


Primary School Pavilion Light Fiction Book GAGAGA Library broadcasted the live webcast “Monthly GAGAGA Channel” yesterday. After a lapse of 1 year and 2 months, I finally released a new issue of “My Youth Love Comedy really has problems. “The author of the ferry as a guest to play.

When the official tweet account introduced the new issue, it was called “the crystallization of the blood and sweat of the teacher who was under house arrest in the primary school.” .


Can you please your company also under house arrest for the teacher Luo Miou? .

The Adventure Planning Bureau has a 14-year-old TRPG “Maze Kingdom” new version of the rules book issued yesterday. Miyazawa Izumi, a novelist who participated in the series of world-view designs, promoted a new version of the rules book on Twitter.

Miyazawa said that the “Maze Kingdom” series is not in the settings he wrote. His favorite is the paragraph in the description of the professional “eun official”: “In the kingdom of the transfer office, even if Castration, as long as you transfer to another profession, you can grow up. Therefore, more and more young people have chosen the eunuch’s road easily.” .

Having said that, Miyazawa was shocked: Although he was already paralyzed, what about the castration of TRPG in the game system? .

Although he is a designer, he feels that this setting is not normal, but this tweet has been forwarded by many netizens. This also makes Miyazawa see the market: Can it be very rare to choose an eunuch to be a professional? Is it better to promote more publicity? It’s just that no one has ever tapped into this potential demand. In fact, many people want to be embarrassed in TRPG…


Although you want to be a eunuch in TRPG, you need to buy a full-price rule book that is expensive; but compared to being a eunuch in reality, this price is nothing.

Yesterday, Sunrise announced the acquisition of XEBEC’s video production business at IG Port’s animation production studio. When the news came out, not only ordinary animators were shocked, but the insiders of the animation industry also expressed surprise.

XEBEC President, animation painting, and performance artist Yuyuan Xinyi held a briefing session inside the company to explain the impact of the acquisition on XEBEC. The performer who has a station in the studio concluded that, in short, the brand “XEBEC” has ceased to exist. The working places and forms of the paintings will still be the same as before. IPs such as “Favna of the Sky” are managed by the parent company IG Port, and departments such as coloring, photography, and 3DCG are also included in IG, and other departments are managed by Sunrise. XEBEC will not go out because of the acquisition.

The XEBEC is about to leave. He personally believes that people like Yuyuan Xinyi, regardless of his personal thoughts, are not distracted from business operations and focus on making the scene, which is a better choice. Although he only borrowed the XEBEC station, he was not qualified to make irresponsible remarks about the president of the family.

And the reason why he wants to leave XEBEC is that he has nothing to do with this acquisition, just because he has not received XEBEC for many years, and the possibility of receiving it in the future is very low. Meaning.

He also said that XEBEC has undertaken the outsourcing of Sunrise works such as Turn A Gundam and has been dealing with Sunrise. Therefore, the company’s internal staff did not make any fuss about this news. It’s just that he is worried that the departments that belong to different companies will continue to work under the same roof, and sooner or later there will be problems.

( .

As Rugao said, XEBEC’s photography Yuetian Longda performed very calmly. He said that it would be easier if he had experienced a situation that he was not so easy to encounter.


The same as the Yuhara Shinji, with the dual identity of the animation studio operator and the animation creator, I saw the news and recalled the mood when he sold his own RADIX to Wedge Holdings. He said that it is difficult to get consistent with the creation of people and the management of enterprises.


Whether it is a calm place or a touch of love, it is a patent of the parties. For more of the peers, this news is just one of the talks after the meal.

Animator Song Chuanzhe also made this acquisition from the perspective of conspiracy theory: Is it that Sunrise is mad, and he is taken together with XEBEC, so that he can also give it to the “Favna Beyond” “Theatrical Mobile Suit Gundam SEED” work? .

But he quickly denied this ridiculous imagination.


And the animator Nagaoka noticed that Sunrise will establish a new subsidiary and receive the XEBEC production staff. He asked, will XEBEC change a new name in the future? .

Book planning, editing Pingyan Zhenfu proposal, since it is a subsidiary of Sunrise, you can rename it G-bec.


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