During the holidays, the senior game review site Rock paper shotgun made a very interesting study for some game developers: If you have enough ability, what kind of gift would you like to give everyone on holiday? It’s not just game developers, but also game art designers and game scripts. Let us see what naughty answers they have given

Grace Bruxner (independent game Frog Detective蛤 Detective author).

I want to give everyone a stylish new wardrobe filled with events and conference clothes. Of course, this gift comes with the conditions: no one can go out with a sports jacket t-shirt. Programmers, it’s time to get into the tide

Daniel Mullins (Meta game The Hex Hexagonist).

If I have the ability, I will give the game industry everyone a sequel to Pokemon Snap… and the scene happens in Hill House (laugh)

*Pokemon Snap is a Pokémon game running on Nintendo 64, released in Japan in 1999. Players can use the shooting skills to complete the Pokémon report. In the Pokémon report, the player can specify a photo to give Dr. Damu a score. The photographs of Bao Ke Meng were selected with high scores

*Hill House should refer to the haunted house in the classic horror novel The Haunting of Hill House. The adaptation of the film was also released in 1999

Amanita Design’s employees (face Mr. Chuchel developer).

We want to bring you a full of life but sincere pleasure, and also to prepare a quiet environment for those who seek peace – maybe a forest

Rufus Kubica from 11 Bit Studios (Frostpunk Developer).

I just want to convey a clear message to everyone in the industry: The universe is a shuddering concept, full of stars and other celestial bodies, we are just a drop in the ocean. The time we enjoy life is too limited in terms of a broader concept than history. So let’s focus on the beauty of the moment and enjoy what really makes us happy – let us no longer scorn, hate and disagree

Marcin Ryciuk from 11 Bit Studios (Frostpunk Developer).

Steam takes 12% of the distribution regulations. (too real).

Paula Rogers from Chance Agency (Neo Cab Developer).

As Mariah Carey said, I will only pray for unity for everyone at Christmas. In 2018 we saw the exposure of many bad events – from the nightmare of the corporate economic crisis (Telltale collapse) to the helpless developers who were harassed, no one extended a helping hand to carry out legal action. Whether in the gaming industry or in other industries, all workers are exposed to the same environment, and now is the time for us to come together to ensure our rights (The world’s proletarians unite!!).

Brenda Romero is from Romero Games (the wife of id Software co-founder John Romero, also a game designer and scripter).

I want to give everyone the ability to “vision” as a gift. There are only sos many games you can make in your life, and you can choose what you really want to do

Tom Francis from Suspicious Developments (Heat Signature Heat Signature Developer)

I will give each independent game developer 100 testers! I guess these 100 people must be transported while being compressed, like a huge, even more like Cognac-style, canned gelatinous canned turkey. When they are resurrected, cleaned, and put on clothes. The recipients will find that they also carry a small card: “Let them play the game now, and ask them to score on a 10-point scale and give reasons.”

Jon Ingold from Inkle (Heaven’s Vault developer on the sky).

If I can do it, I will add another month between New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day on December 31, and I will be called “Newmesbember”. No one is allowed to release new games during this month. We can all play through the backlog of games, get a good night’s sleep, and get some uninspired enlightenment. Oh, yes, let me veto the stupid British Brexit

Laura Dilloway from Inkle (Heaven’s Vault developer on the sky).

I tried to answer this question cleverly, and I did answer it, but instead it was the lingering voice in my brain – giving respect. Respect those women who have worked in the industry for many years but still can’t get this simple word. Respecting the community’s managers and some developers, I’m sure they will be overly sloppy every day. Respect the marginalized population who struggle to pray for the public to listen. I am a bit incoherent, but you should be able to understand what I mean – why not listen to the best song of Aretha Franklin? (“Respect”).

* “Respect” is a pop single by American pop singer Aretha Franklin (March 25, 1942 – August 16, 2018). This song became one of the national anthems of the black world shortly after its launch in 1967. At the end of the 1960s, when the black and white races were heated up, the appearance of “Respect” appeared to be widely circulated for the black human rights movement

Chris Hunt from Lo-fi Games (Kenshi Game Developer).

I want to give them a “Christmas geek”, this geek will sneak into the depths of their souls, remove the hierarchical boundaries and the root concept of micro-transactions. This process is painless for surgery

Robert Yang (developing a Rinse and Repeat HD developer).

I will bring a gift to the game world: Epic Games is defeated in the ongoing lawsuit against the “Fortress Night” infringement dance. This will more or less save the conscience of the game industry (a lost) and help regulate fair creative subsidies (especially for creatives). The gaming industry has always erroneously requested various licenses instead of encouraging their own innovations, indulging in the exploitation of other cultural derivatives and selling them to ignorant consumer players

Anthony Giovannetti from Mega Crit Games (author of the killing minaret Slay The Spire).

I hope to make Steamspy regain its brilliance and continue with the detailed statistics it has done. For small-scale development teams who want to see some specific data, all the old customer statistics are precious treasures

Dave Gilbert from Wadjet Eye Games (secret Unavowed developer).

I want to give myself the ability to be free from network interference at work

After reading the messages of so many gamers, some humorous and cynical, it seems that everyone will enjoy a unique New Year holiday. So did their words evoke your resonance? If you have the ability, what kind of gift do you want to give to the majority of game-related groups? Welcome to leave a message to discuss

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