For the hope of life, let death become no longer terrible – “I want to eat your pancreas”.

The first time I heard this name, I like everyone else, and in my mind, I made up a bloody lens like Hannibal or Jack the Ripper. After all, no matter how you look at it, it is like a story full of horror

But it is not the case. “I want to eat your pancreas” is not just a horror movie, but a one released in Japan in September 2018. It is a pure adaptation of the novel of the same name by the light novelist. Love works, then, as an audience, we can’t help but asking, why does such a work have such a strange name? And what kind of story does it tell?

The story is actually not very complicated to say: the male protagonist who has no name and is indifferent (in fact, at the end of the story is called “Shiga Chunshu”), almost does not communicate with anyone, but in a certain coincidence Next, I accidentally saw a diary called “Common Disease Library”. The author of the diary was the female student of the companion, and the temperamental Yamauchi Sakura, and it was learned that Sakura had a terminal illness in the pancreas, and there was very little life left.Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, the two people who had no intersection at the beginning began to get along

In the context of such a story that can’t be said to be bad, but at least not uncommon, the evaluation of “I want to eat your pancreas” tends to be polarized. On the one hand, many viewers feel that this The work of the work is very successful in describing the emotions and shaping the characters. It is a good movie. However, another part of the audience feels that there is a lot of poorly handled aspects in the plot logic. I also have my own opinion on this

The overall composition and color of the film can be described as a neutral in the Japanese youth film. The matching of the scene and the details are more delicate. Especially the whole movie has always presented the story environment in a warm tone. In the youth movie, the refinement of love is just right. In this respect, there is no technical problem

And in the character’s portrayal, at least in some respects, the character of the character is well explained: the male protagonist self-enclosed the performance and the reason, and then gradually changed after encountering the heroine, until the last open heart The heroine’s longing for life, the threat of death is not easy to compromise, the influence of cheerful personality on the male protagonist, and in the last loneliness, the male protagonist gave her comfort to her warmth. In this way, although the plot can not be said to be perfect, but its performance is in place, this movie is still qualified

But the movie is criticized here too, and many logics will make people have an indescribable ambiguity: obviously want to portray the heroine as a pure and lively girl, but in the relationship with the man On the other hand, people feel selfish; the madness and illogical hatred of the hostess’s girlfriends also makes the audience feel the illusion of a soap opera in the youth animation; the most important point is that the hostess’s final sudden death, Let the audience who already have psychological preparations feel like a big bottle of ice water directly poured on the top of the head is generally uncomfortable. This cannot be said to be the embarrassment of the film itself

However, on this point, in fact, if you look at it from another angle, you may understand it better. The existence of the male protagonist Shiga Chunshu and the heroine Yamauchi Sakura may not be a pure love, but more based on mutual understanding and compensation for the loss of the other’s emotional personality. In the process of changing the spring tree in Sakura, I was also changed by Chunshu. When I left the person, the disappearance of the body did not mean the loss of emotion. The traces and changes left by Sakura Liang were different. The way it stays in the life of Chunshu, and this is just outside of love, more valuable things

As in the story, Sakura said to Chunshu, and became the name of the work: “I want to eat your pancreas” in general. This story wants to express not only love, but the courage and hope of life in the face of death. This hope has not disappeared after the loss of Sakura, and it is because of this that death is no longer terrible. And this is exactly what I want to eat in your pancreas. What you really want to tell us: Live a good life and make every day a new beginning. Only in this way, all life has its own meaning

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