Well-known musician Oshimaミチルhas opened a personal Twitter account recently and told the behind-the-scenes story of his participation in the work

She watched her own TV anime “Fullmetal Alchemist” (2003 version) on Netflix. There is a Russian episode “БРАТЬЯ” (brother). This song is supervised by Mizushima Shuiji. He suddenly asked for an episode before recording. Oshima teacher didn’t have time to complete the composition in 30 minutes. The orchestral recording of the coincidence soundtrack was carried out in Russia. She also wrote the Russian lyrics three days before the recording. After getting the lyrics, she immediately began to audition and selected the singers of the brothers to complete the song


The existence of social networks such as Twitter allows us to hear the secrets of our favorite creators telling their favorite works. However, many creators do not have social network accounts. How can we make them willing to go to the public? Let us learn a successful experience

The author of the “Monster Hunter” series of game-known novels is known as the author of the ice, Hui Yi is a low-key, rarely show up, Twitter account has only one locked account with the peers (and a forwarding lottery account). Because he was too out-of-the-way, some people even began to plan: “If we open an account and fake the teacher on the ice to make a war, let him down in the world, he will scream out.”

I was flustered and found out on the ice


Animator Nishimura said that the power of Transformers’ derivative film “Bumblebee” is that it clearly has the protagon of selling toys, but sets the protagonist into a girl. Best of all, this has been widely accepted by the audience

This makes Nishimura feel the era of “modern” and diversity. If you switched to 5 years ago, 10 years ago, you might not be able to do this


Different eras have different atmospheres and environments. Some works can only be accepted today, and some works, if they are in the present, may not succeed

The cartoonist YamashitaいくとI am glad that fortunately, “The legendary giant Idian” was born in an era without social networks. In the era when Idian was aired, individuals did not easily express the means of “can’t understand,” and they could not simply hear the noise of people outside their circles. Therefore, each audience has only two choices, or they will quietly think about their own investigations until the next week; if they don’t want to do so, they will not chase them

Yamashita himself claimed that his mind was basically rigid, so he was one of those who did not catch up. He learned that his friends, きお, sincerely liked Idyan, did not care. But when he went to the theater version after many years, he felt the power of this work. As with one person, the insights into a work will change. If you can discover something that makes sense to yourself from your work, then you are lucky


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