In 2018, for Chinese games, it has experienced innovations and challenges at the market level, and it has also ushered in a variety of games in different fields. Especially for the mobile game and independent game market, it has experienced many years of chasing popular IP. After trying to go to sea and other strategies, more and more players and developers began to look at these practices and measures more rationally, and in the process has spawned a number of more original and valuable works

At the just-concluded AppBi Data View “Japan-China Mobile Internet Culture” forum organized by the Japanese Embassy in China and AppBi Aibi Data, we invited the total operation of the 哔哩哔哩 Game Division. Responsible person Xia Le, Senior Director of Alibaba Cloud Research Center Tian Feng, Haidian District Cultural and Creative Industry Association Zhongguancun Manga Tour League Secretary General Zhang Jingjing, “Chinese Parents” producer Yang Ge Yilang, “Taiwu Paintings” team Feng Khan, etc. Representatives of well-known domestic game companies, technology platform representatives and popular game producers, hosted by Mr. Sun Zelong, the CEO of China-Japan Games, and the representative of the company, through the roundtable forum, to express their current views on the Chinese game industry. The status quo and the issues related to the game going to sea

Make the value of IP more diversified.

In the AppBi data view “Japan-China Mobile Internet Culture” forum, we were fortunate to have invited the chairman of the Japan-China Animation Game Industry Association, and also one of the Hello Kitty designers, Mr. Guankou Gong. When the game market in China and Japan differed in IP attitudes due to differences in game culture between China and Japan, he said: “I think IP is very broad, including animation, including games, and some movies and TV works. The role of IP. Now I think that the important role of IP is to include the cultural industry in Japan and China. It is not only a game, but also a lot of content. On the basis of communication, if you learn more about it, learn it in many ways. Then the attitude between China and Japan on IP may have more mutual understanding.”

It is precisely because of the exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan in the field of games that the importance and influence of Japanese IP has played a very important role in the development of the Chinese game market. The forum was launched under the title “Game”. At the round table of how the life cycle was formed, Chinese guests also answered this question from different angles. Especially when talking about the influence of IP, many guests expressed their understanding of IP and the current development. Direction

When talking about the impact of IP content on the actual product realization, Tian Feng, senior director of Alibaba Cloud Research Center, said: “Good IP will have a long-term impact. For the well-known IP “Pokémon”, this is A classic IP from the game, followed by anime and then a theatrical version, the film and concert linkage is only 20 years. “Pokémon” is also growing in content upgrades and content realization. Our Ali fish team recently and OPPO mobile phone cooperated with a wave of derivative licenses and marketing authorizations, launched Pikachu’s peripheral products, also made offline activities and online advertising videos, all of which received great repercussions. From the content itself, it will be released next year. The film “Detective Pikachu” is not only a feedback on the derivatives licensing business, but also allows users to understand the game and animation. From IP to film and television, the game and the surrounding are connected in series, this effect is very good.”

And for the classic anime IP that is going to be very familiar with the young Chinese audience of “Naruto Ninja”, in the form of a real exhibition, Zhang Jingjing, secretary general of the Zhongguancun Mangyou League of Haidian District Cultural and Creative Industry Association of China The addition of IP is not only because of its influence and importance in the field of pan-entertainment, but also because its excellent expressiveness can be displayed and expressed in more different fields. To this end, she stressed: “Super IP will face several problems. Who will raise the first super IP after it has become a super IP? I think Super IP needs to be raised, not just to enlarge, just to consume. We choose One way, we use super IP to do traffic on traffic. In fact, many large commercial complexes have become a very good place for traffic in cities. We are launching a super IP with large traffic in the mall where people gather. In this case, we believe that there is a back-feeding effect on IP, and we let this IP be physically present.”

What can we see from the indie game that has sprung up?

In 2018, the sudden outbreak of Chinese indie games represented by “Chinese Parents” and “Taiwu Painted Scrolls” on the Steam platform and the Chinese player community has caused many insiders to re-examine this fast-growing game segment. The field is at.

AppBi Data View “Japan-China Mobile Internet Culture” Forum, “Genuine Parents” and “Taiwu Painted Volume” game producers Yang Ge Yilang and Feng Han respectively from their respective games with different forms of expression and content core To express your opinion on the theme of “how the life cycle of the game is made.” Interestingly, before Mr. Feng Han of “Taiwu Painted Scrolls” answered this question, he made a more detailed answer to the sales problem of the game itself, which everyone is very concerned about: “The game is sprinting to 1 million copies.” This exciting answer also received applause and congratulations from the guests present

As a work that was conceived eight years ago, the success of Taiwu Paintings is not only about the rethinking and deconstruction of Chinese traditional martial arts culture, but also the stage of game development. After using the different strategies and design, Mr. Feng Khan explained: “Before I talked about the success of Taiwu Paintings, there are many reasons for this factor, but I personally think it is a lot of creation. Compared with the new game type, you can’t find other games. Compared with “Taiwu Painted Scrolls”, the first feeling it gives the user is that it is very fresh and has no contact. He wants to know what you are, further Going inside, as he walks, he will slowly sink in. Including us later in propaganda, we are all taking a path that no one else has ever walked.”

When talking about the biggest difference between the indie game and the mobile game life cycle, the game producer of the “Chinese Parents” Yang Geyilang shared a lot of interesting points, such as he said: “Doing indie games The biggest difference between mobile online games is that the life cycle of mobile online games is more active by users, while paid independent games are more paid downloads. This payment cycle is more similar to the activity of sales. Secondly, we put The value of this point is put into the second place of development to consider, that is to say, how to play and how to operate, like many of our systems in the middle of the company will not be established when the project is established, directly cut down is the result of these Different ways of playing.”

And it is the game that is very innovative and independent, such as “Chinese Parents” and “Taiwu Paintings”, which are more and more presented in the traditional game market, and with the support of related technologies, let The boundaries between home game consoles, PC games and mobile games are becoming more and more blurred. For such a phenomenon, Xia Le, the general manager of the game business department, expressed his opinion: “We feel that users are being played by users. Education is an irreversible process. It is from low to high. You are just beginning to get in touch with relatively simple games. Like “Lianliankan”, there may be some chess games in the past. When they are sinking, the earliest batches. Seed users. In the future, including “Glory of the King”, etc., has further expanded the Chinese mobile game users, including more players this year will be exposed to deeper gameplay, players are increasingly demanding gameplay, so the boundaries It has become more and more blurred.”

For the majority of Chinese players and game practitioners, Japanese games are the leader. In the past few decades of development, the ideas and content presented by Japanese games have influenced Chinese players from generation to generation. In the era of mobile Internet, when Chinese games have once again become the focus of attention in the industry, the rapid growth of Chinese games, especially in the field of mobile games, has also brought new enlightenment to the development of the Japanese game market

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