In recent years, many Japanese animes have been banned in China for various reasons. It can be said that it has hurt many anime fans and can only hope to see them on the net. Today, we will take stock of ten popular Japanese anime movies that have been banned in China to see if you haven’t seen them!

1. Death Note.

Director: Araki Taro.

Release time: October 4, 2006.

Anime Tags: Reasoning / Criminology / Psychology.

Gao Sansheng Night God accidentally picked up a notebook named “DEATH NOTE” and found that just writing down the name of the person you want to kill will become a reality. The month began to use the death note to sanction those who he thought were damned. Then, the original owner of the note: Death also appeared in front of the moon in the form of a bystander

On the other hand, more and more criminals’ bizarre deaths have attracted the attention of governments. At the International Criminal Police Institutions Conference (ICPO), they commissioned mysterious person L to investigate the matter. In society, this mysterious killer is called “Kila”, and different people have different reactions

There is no righteousness and evil in the world, but the party that wins is called the right

2. The melody of the fairy.

Director: God guards.

Release time: July 25, 2004.

Anime Tags: Bloody / Violent Aesthetics / Hunting.

In a sudden accident, the second person Lucy killed the guard, escaped from the institute, and lost his memory. He was adopted by the protagonist Geng Tai and his cousin by Xiang. The Institute is afraid that Lucy’s ability will endanger human safety. Special forces and other two people have been dispatched to arrest, and a “game” of arrest and counter-catch has been launched. Lucy and Geng Tai The relationship between the two is also beginning to emerge…

“Unfortunate people always want to create people who are more unfortunate than themselves to prove that they are not the most unfortunate.”

3. Assassination of the classroom.

Director: Ang Shiji.

Release time: January 9, 2015.

Anime Tags: Comic Change / Funny / Campus.

The story tells the “killing teacher” who blows up the moon by 70% and threatens to blow up the earth. He is a teacher of the 3rd E class at Qiuqiu Middle School. After knowing the news, the heads of state headed by Japan decided to deliver the assassination of his heavy responsibility to the students of the three-year E class. They hope that they can get rid of the teacher within one year, and the reward after successful success is One billion yen. As a result, the students of all walks of life tried their best to assassinate the teacher without knowing others. The non-daily teaching drama between the teacher and the student immediately opened the curtain…

Satire the phenomenon in real education, but there are some anti-social settings, so it is reasonable to be banned

4. Psychometric measurer.

Director: Shibuya Naoki.

Release time: October 11, 2012.

Anime Tags: Original / Science Fiction / Crime.

Calculates the value measured by each mental state and personality tendency of human beings. It is commonly known that PSYCHO-PASS (Psychometric Surveyor) is thus introduced into the future world. Therefore, in order for the public to achieve the “ideal life” indicator, achieving these values becomes very positive. However, the value of the crime, that is, the “criminal index” will also be measured. Of course, the perpetrators are the same, but even if there is no crime, the person whose value exceeds the quota will be classified as a potential offense. Subject to sanctions. This story is about the active performance of the members of the first detachment of the Criminal Division of the Public Security Bureau in describing the work to maintain law and order

Under the premise of unreasonable, do you still have to continue to believe what you have always believed? Is social stability the primary goal? There are also imperfections in seemingly perfect things! Very exciting!

5. Devil May Cry.

Director: 垣垣伸.

Release time: June 14, 2007.

Anime Tags: Game Change / Violence Aesthetics / Lolita Control.

The animated version of the story will revolve around the demon hunter Dante, who runs a firm called Devil May Cry on a street. Although he has a good hand, he often sneaked away because he wanted to spend his days. On one day, Dante took over a commission to escort the little girl back to the house, but there were countless demons on the way to the escort, so Dante’s demon work began

This animation is very common from character setting to ending, nothing new, the story is not to say more, but Triss added points

6. The Song of Hell (Royal Anglican Knights).

Director: Putian Baoze.

Release time: October 18, 2001.

Anime Tags: Violence Aesthetics / Vampire / Comic Change.

The story continues with the “Vampire Dracula”, after Professor HELLSING knocked down the undead Dracula, the time has passed for about 100 years, the British Wang Liguo Knights are dedicated to destroy the anti-Christian monster against the British Empire and the Anglican The special institution, in which the trump card is a vampire Alcatel with a large-caliber pistol that ordinary people can’t use, transforms the narrow-minded female police officer Silos in a mission, and then the two perform tasks in the relationship of the master and the servant

Ova God made, tv version of garbage, but OST is really very good!

7. Swordsman Legend.

Director: Takahashiナオヒト.

Release time: October 7, 1997.

Anime Tags: Comic Change / Combat / Burning.

After the tragedy of the sin tower, Griffith was successfully resurrected by the flesh in the world, but when Gus witnessed the resurrection of Griffith, his heart was greatly shaken. Then, as the land of this border was cracked, the shape of the world began to collapse

Animations are not as good as comics, slightly in the middle, full of love! ! !

8. Big Sword.

Director: Tanaka Yoko.

Release time: April 3, 2007.

Anime Tags: Violence / Blood / Combat.

Since the ancient demon has invaded the human world, turned into a human form and made a living by eating the internal organs of human beings. People who have nothing to do with the demon can only turn to the identity of a half-human and half demon, with a giant sword and to kill the demon. The silver-eyed warriors, who fear and fear their people, call it Claymore (big sword, silver-eyed witch)

True, beauty and the beast, the battle atmosphere of the mirror animation is very good, it is a bit unfinished. But I recommend everyone to check out the comics

9. Seven original sins.

Director: Okamura Tenjin.

Release time: October 5, 2014.

Anime Tags: Comic Change / Blood / Fantasy.

The story mainly takes place in the country of the Kingdom of Lyons on the fictional mainland “Britalia”. The paladins of the kingdom intensified their armaments in preparation for the legendary jihad, but the atrocities of the Paladins It made the whole country unpopular and even launched a coup to imprison the king

The plot is good, the fighting scene is also very cool, very good kingly blood!

10.Hell girl.

Director: Omori Takahiro.

Release time: October 4, 2005.

Anime Tags: Dark / Original / Suspense.

“Hell communication” that can only be accessed at midnight – if you send a letter of resentment, the hell girl will appear, and the person you hate will be sent to the abyss of hell. The rumors circulating in the streets and lanes actually have something to do. Her name is Devil Love. Usually not a very eye-catching girl, once she resonates with hateful feelings, she will become a hell girl. However, there are contracts with girls that are not mentioned in the legend. “Curving others is a double. While sending the other party to hell, your soul will enter hell after death, even though it doesn’t matter?”

The plot is routine, but the production is good, no matter bgm and seiyuu is very good, the ending is even more impressive!

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