“hades: Hell Battle” graphic Raiders, level process boss play detailed explanation (including “hands-on guide” “weapons \ skills \ attributes \ interface detailed” “customs clearance process” “Boss play detailed explanation”). Hades: The Battle of Hell is a roguelike action adventure game in the dungeon adventure class. The game has hand-painted art styles and fast-paced actionplay. The background is set in the underground world, players must continue to advance through the battle, and then defeat the god of the underworld, Hades. The game has multiple checkpoint rooms that offer dungeon-style adventure challenges and explore with ancient Greek mythology


Attack: Left mouse button.

Sprint: Space.

Throw the cast: Right mouse button.

Special: Q.

Open the manuscript: C.

Reward Information: Tab.

Move up: W.

Move to the left: A.

Move down: S.

Move to the right: D.

Interaction: E.



Character attributes plus interface:

From top to bottom.

1: Each level increases the damage behind 10%

2: The life of each reply when passing through a room

3: Each level provides a throwing throw cap

4: Increase the number of dodge times per level

5: Increases sprint attack damage by 20% for each level

6: Each level increases the health of the return after the critical damage of 20 points

7: Increase the initial gold coin 15 for each level.

8: Each level allows you to recover 20% damage in counterattacks

9: Each level increases the bonus of 1%

The yellow syrup obtained by the game can be used to send to NPC, and the NPC can get the jewelry equipment when the degree of intimacy reaches a certain level. Each accessory has different effects. You can view the currently unlocked in the room where the weapon is selected. Accessories

Weapons Introduction:

There are currently 4 kinds of steerable weapons in the game. The big sword is the initial weapon, and the other three needs to be unlocked with the key


Ordinary attacks are three combos, and the third can cause a knockback effect. Repelling effects can cause additional damage if you hit an enemy on the wall

The dodge attack is a spur attack, but there is no knockback effect.The

Q key skill is range damage, and the big sword is summoned from the sky to cause damage to enemies in the range, but the rear swing is hard


Ordinary attacks of bows and arrows require power, and power can increase range and damage

Applying a bow and arrow at the moment of full power can achieve the best attack effect, and lines will appear around the screen

Bows are highly demanding, but very 6 weapons, with the right skills will be very powerful

Q skills will launch a Novo attack on the fan-shaped range of the mouse direction, the attack is lower, but the face cast can also cause tons of damage


Shield is the weapon that is most vulnerable to blast damage, but it is a bit sloppy against BOSS

Shield’s normal attack is to swing the shield, causing the knockback effect. The same is true for dodge attacks, but the damage will become higher

With the sea god’s repelling effect, you can almost all the mobs

The power-up attack is a collision attack that can cause damage to enemies within the spur range, without knocking back

Q skills can throw the shield out, and encounter obstacles that will cause damage and eject

Long gun:

Ordinary attacks are three-strike attacks, and the attack range is far, but the horizontal attack is narrow

The pistol has a relatively high operating space and is suitable for maintaining distance and output

A power attack can cause damage in a range of tons, and the range is large

Q skills will throw the rifle out, press Q again to recover, can cause two injuries

Entering the game will start directly in the maze, you can be familiar with the operation, and will return to the base after death

The base can be increased in intimacy with NPC and requires an orange potion

Increase the character attribute point and investigate the black mirror in the previous room where the weapon was selected

Replace the weapon and unlock it with a key

Every room has a reward. You can see the rewards you will get before you enter the room. In front of the room in the branch road, you need to consider what is needed to clear

Tartarus diagram main mobs:

骷髅 heap, 骷髅头:

骷髅 会 will summon a lot of gimmicks, the main attack is a collision, if it is a bow and arrow, it is very difficult to clean, unless the current ability is very strong. First attack the stack

Remote Master:

Mainly uses long-range attacks. In some cases, normal attacks can bounce the ranger’s long-range attacks, and most of them can directly eliminate remote attacks. The mage is weak and easy to clean up

Poor mob:

The attack method is the mace in your hand. It is far away. Don’t despise his attack, especially in the hegemonic state

Poor idiot:

This mob is one of the most difficult blame in this picture. The ordinary attack is a collision. If there is no hegemony, it is okay. If there is a hegemony, you must be careful to deal with it


Give priority to this strange, crystal will launch laser remotely, causing continuous damage, very annoying

BOSS Battle: Bomberman.

The first small BOSS is two bombers with a hegemony. The attack method will change depending on the state of the weapons we hold. There are two main types

One is a hand-held thunder, holding a hand thunder to the ground, at this time away from the BOSS

The other is the ordinary thunder, the distance is farther than the hand, and the accuracy is higher

In the early stage, I encountered these two BOSS. I don’t want to change blood and have no brain output. I have to fight back to fight. It will be much easier after I knock off the hegemony. If there is a weapon with a repelling effect, it will be easier

BOSS Battle: Megaera.

Tartarus’s final BOSS is very difficult. If the previous skills are not formed, it will be very difficult

BOSS’s skills are more complicated, but the only time that can be output is the post-shake time after the BOSS attacks. Grab this flaw for output

The small soldiers are selectively cleaned up, the soldiers are especially numerous, and they will be brushed indefinitely

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