The cruelty of “Green Hell” does not give any novice players any breathing room. The early game experience can be summarized by “eat, sleep, wait for death, repeat”. After countless death cycles, players will begin to learn to hunt, collect, build, and live longer. “Green Hell” has been optimized and improved over the past few years, and many mechanisms have been adjusted to the right, leaving only the last element: the plot

“I am in the Amazon jungle. One day, I spent a whole day barely creating a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and gave birth to a bonfire. This is not a proud achievement, but it is not a proud achievement, but it was enough to make me smug until I realized that I was already thirsty. I ventured into the night and almost died of thirst when I found the spring, so I didn’t care if the spring was clean. This is the first one I made. Wrong. There are parasites in the water, I started to have a stomachache, and the rations are therefore not enough to eat. Finally I died in hunger in my dreams, not even seeing the sunrise of the next day.”

The current game provides a preface. The player follows the delegation to the Amazon rainforest and wants to find the local mysterious tribe. The preamble will teach players basic concepts such as food, water, and health in a safe camp. Then, after a month in the game (one hour in reality), a cry for help suddenly came to an end, and the preamble tutorial ended here

Players who have played “Ark: Survival Evolution”, “Exiles Conan” and other similar works should be able to get started with “Green Hell” very quickly. The main difference is the real scene setting of this game. The protagonist of this work is not a hero in the fantasy world. He can’t kill a monster with a punch. The protagonist is just an ordinary person. If he is not treated in time, he will get a pus infection. If the food is not heated, it will be easily poisoned. It is a little ill and can be fatal

“After a few days of survival in the game, I finally saw the signs of the first civilization: an abandoned camp. You can imagine how happy I was at the time because I found potato chips in this camp. , canned food, painkillers, and even a hand The new spear. That feeling is like the first prize in the lottery. The most important thing is the water purifier. With the water purifier, you can Purify the river, don’t worry about getting sick. So I took the pot to the middle of the river to get the water. But just when I returned, I suddenly felt something stabbed in my leg. It was a piranha! What’s worse, I just used up. The bandage, the result has not waited for me to find the material to do the bandage, the wound is infected, so this adventure suddenly ended.”

A lack of sleep can lead to a sharp drop in energy. Hunger and dehydration can seriously consume health. Being bitten by water or uncomfortable sleeping can lead to mental breakdown. There are many survival indicators that players need to monitor, and any ignorance can lead to serious consequences

Although there are many wild animals in the game, there are plenty of sources of protein, but the sources of herbs and carbohydrates that can be used are very scarce. Moreover, the day and night cycle in the game is very short, but the character’s metabolic rate is very high, the player basically does not dare to be in a daze, and must constantly try to live

But all these struggles are the most realistic survival in the wild. As with many similar games, managing life and energy is no longer a major burden for players. The first two pre-emptive version updates reinforce survival and scene interaction, respectively, and the latest updates focus on combat elements

Except a few carnivores, the biggest threat to players is the local Aboriginal people, and the battle against the enemy can be very difficult. Aboriginal people are well equipped and can find the player’s position through extraordinary perception. As a countermeasure, players need to make armor and use traps to counter their threats

“What’s the thing next to my house? I have never seen such a big animal, the white lines don’t look like natural patterns. It’s an indigenous! I was almost killed when I met the indigenous people last time, but This time I have a certain chance of winning. I sneaked behind him, stabbing a spear and making a hole in him. But he was as stubborn as a bull. He didn’t expect these shot to kill him. He Just taking a few steps, then I shot the arrow all the time. I put a hand axe and threw it at him, but he easily escaped, and the second arrow ended my life.”

For some players, the survival game must be played as a happy farm in the end, creating a peaceful home with huge buildings and walls. Judging from the Steam comment area of “Green Hell”, players are currently satisfied with the building system, and the highest voice is the network cooperation mode. The production team plans to follow up on the networking cooperation in the form of free DLC.The

Game now offers a unique challenge system that is often simple: build a bonfire to build a hut, hunt a certain number of animals, collect radio parts from a tribal camp, and more. But simple content doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. These challenges are often limited to completion within three days. Therefore, players must not only consider the same living conditions, but also use additional resources to complete the challenge while ensuring survival.The

Challenge mode may indicate the design direction of the future story mode. The presence of the radio may mean that the player at the end of the game has a chance to call for rescue. Moreover, the difficulty of arranging the challenges of different elements into the story mode can also give full play to the various gameplay mechanisms. But even without the plot mode, Green Hell is enough to be fun

“Green Hell”’s life and health mechanism is very realistic, simulating the various problems that the real world needs to survive in the wild, making the game’s survival challenge a compelling difficulty. The simulation of the system mechanism is also accompanied by the simulation of the environment setting. This Amazon rainforest is not only as large as it is, but also has various vegetation creatures. The only thing the player can’t experience is the hot temperature and humidity. But even without this atmosphere, “Green Hell” has fully prepared for the players to survive the surprise and despair

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