With the Chinese scientist He Jiankui’s publication of the “genetic editing” baby that he successfully cultivated and born, it has sensationalized the entire academic world. Although many experts have questioned the authenticity of his message and questioned the ethics of his behavior, if it is true, perhaps human beings are an important step in the world of entering the future. Such a future may have been predicted in Japanese animation works.

Yes, as early as 2002, a cartoon of the Sunshine Society, “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED”, predicted the future of the human world after a large area of genetic modification, and in this fictional stage, waiting It is not a happy world that is envisioned, but a terrible war.

The background of “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED” is a war that has been caused by the contradiction between the so-called new human beings, the “adjusters” of human beings, and the “natural people” who have not yet undergone genetic modification. In the course of the war, people became more and more extreme, and in some battles they showed inhumane means to make the battle more bloody. Human selfishly transforms its own next generation into an “adjuster” who is far superior to ordinary people, but does not become a “natural person” who is an adjuster but feels the fear of the adjuster, the talent of the adjuster and some innate The advantage of this feeling is embarrassing, and this negative emotion eventually becomes resentment, and this resentment is vented through the rebellion of the drama, Raoul Kruze, on the revenge of all mankind.

The story of “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED” is fictitious, but the inferiority complex of “natural person” who has no genetic adjustment in the future world is unexpectedly very real and sensitive, such as the friend of Kira’s friend. According to this, even if the attack is as high as the assault, there is no way to operate smoothly, because in the setting, up to the complex OS, only when the adjuster is fast enough to respond, can drive smoothly; Feeling powerless, I can only cry without tears.

And the superiority of the adjuster began with himself, and also made a lot of descriptions. When Kira had a dispute with Sey, he grabbed the other hand with one hand and issued a “serious fight, how could you be The victor’s declaration of my opponent shows the arrogance of the genetic adjuster.

And in exposing the roots of the war, in addition to the largest anti-Krusze, there is also a more prominent war leader who is the leader of the blue cosmos Azrael, this is a shape Into the crazy gang of extreme racism, the childhood experience determines his determination to retaliate against the adjusters. When he was a child, he was discriminated against by the arrogant, and when he grew up, he relied on economical means to control power, and then launched a war against the adjusters. The attitude toward the adjusters was also extreme hatred.

However, “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED” is a story. It is not just a description of the problem. It does not have its own thoughts, but in deep thinking, it also leads to more problems, such as the inability of Seyy to drive up to the powerlessness. Kira comforted him with “there are things that only you can do.” So there is a new topic in the sequel to “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED-D”. If genetic adjustment covers the entire human society, is there no contradiction between human beings? When a person is born, he decides the level of his or her ability. When he is born, he decides what is right for him. Does the human world no longer need new changes? This series of unknowns, the animation itself is solved by means of rejection. The team of the protagonists of Kira and his team gave the answer after destroying the top leader of Zaft, Gilbert Dilandal, even if it is With an uneasy future, people will grow up in exploration.

Yes, the theme of “Gundam” series between “exploration and growth” has never stopped, even if it faces various painful scars. In the past, the “Gundam” series talked about the war caused by the contradiction between the natural evolution of new humans and old humans, and even if the protagonist Amro evolved into a new human being, the contradiction between new humans and new human beings could not Resolve, even if they can rely on the idea to get each other’s ideas, they can’t fully accept the other’s will. The contradiction between human and human beings will appear regardless of the adjustment of the genes, and how to explore harmony in a long time. The law of mutual understanding is an eternal topic that humans have never given up.

Although the world of animation and stories are fictional, the thinking about the future is real. As long as people don’t give up thinking, the author believes that a harmonious solution to the contradiction between people will one day appear, so people There is no need to worry about the terrible consequences of genetic modification technology, but to enjoy the contribution of new technologies to the benefit of mankind.

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